climaterealists's blog

To John Key from Alan N 9 May 2010

John Key I am utterly flabbergasted that you are continuing with the ETS in the knowledge that the basis for this bill has been totally repudiated, the hypothesis of the UN that human produced CO2 is responsible for global warming has been shown to be totally false and was based on contrived and manipulated data, as born out by Phil Jones’s admission on BBC radio; that all warming experienced since the early 1800’s was of natural origin. How can you continue to justify the need to impose increased costs on the citizens of this nation when the supposed reason for doing so has never existed?


From Alan Nicholl

For 40 years I have been a voter and observer of the political scene in this country. I remember past political manoeuvring and promises made, bills passed supposedly to enhance our nations future, but failing miserably, reforms to health, education etc, by one party being turned over by the other party, wasting billions of dollars and causing widespread disruption and chaos.

There was a hope MMP would bring some stability to government here, how misguided we were. Politics and politicians haven’t changed. Today’s politician can not remember what they said last week let alone 18mths -2years ago, what they opposed then they now embrace, what was idiotic and stupid is now desirable. They make vague promises and speak words like; equality with Australia, the need to increase productivity and make this nation into the Pacific jewel, yet all the while their actions show they are working to bring this nation to its knees. The North American Indians had a phrase for this “Paleface speak with forked tongue”

To John Key from Garry N 8 May 2010



National Continues to Mislead New Zealanders

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release
Friday, May 7 2010.

ACT Climate Change spokesperson John Boscawen today voiced his concerns that some National Party MPs appear to be misleading the public over the costs of the ETS.

"In response to concerns by New Zealanders some National MPs are distributing a standard form email that contains a number of factual errors and misleading statements.  In particular, National MPs are saying that: ‘In the next 12 months the government will pay $1.1 billion to foresters, in the form of emissions credits for forests planted since 1990’," Mr Boscawen said.

ETS a con job' says ACT spokesman

Marlborough Express

by Blair Ensor  7 May 2010

The Government is "conning" the public as it forges ahead with an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), despite Australia delaying its own scheme until 2013, says ACT MP and climate change spokesman John Boscawen.

Speaking at the Marlborough Federated Farmers annual meeting at the Copthorne Hotel yesterday afternoon, Mr Boscawen said the Government had made a number of "misleading, contradictory, and inconsistent justifications for continuing full steam ahead".

"Do not be fooled by any amount of National Party spin."

To John Key from Louise P 4 May 2010


4 May 2010
Dear John Key,
My husband and I farm a 965ha sheep & beef, summer dry hill country in Hawkes Bay. It is part of  the original family farm my parents bought 40 years ago and worked hard to pass on to the next generation.  
I am one of four children, so non farming siblings have to be paid out. We have four children and like my parents would like our life’s work and family farm to pass on to the next generation. The way things are going we can’t see how any of them are going to be able to farm on their own accord unless they win lotto.
It is really tough out there, not just us sheep and beef farmers, but for the whole agricultural industry and the industries that support it.
With the economic downturn, the dollar and the droughts (which we have to deal with because that is the area we live in), everyone we know has had a guts full and the ETS will be the last straw and the end of family farming as we know it.

Its a Monster, illogical and unreasonable

Carbon Sense

Nick Smith’s ETS is out of control. What was supposed to be a response to global warming has taken on a purpose that surpasses and replaces the original environmental reasons for which it was born.
Nick Smith stated in Parliament a while ago that foresters now have a property right to the carbon credits created by the Government ETS legislation and a Government can not take away a property right.
These property rights and the liability they create for the Government was given as the reason the Government gives for persisting with the July 1 phase in to the ETS of transport and electricity, despite Australia abandoning its scheme. They need the money to pay the foresters.

To John Key from Neil H 8 March 2010

Subject: A matter of Integrity & Principles


Dear Minister

Your Government moderated the Labour Government's Emissions Trading Scheme
(ETS) because it believed we should be fast followers, not the world leader
on matters of climate change response. It claimed that it was redesigning
the New Zealand scheme to align with Australia's Carbon Pollution Reduction
Scheme. However official Treasury documents reveal our scheme is eight times
more costly than Australia's.

Australia has not managed to get their scheme in place and is not likely to
until after their next election, if at all.


Minister Carter Backs Global Warming and Kyoto But---

   by Tony Orman

        Minister of Agriculture David Carter told a 100 plus gathering of farmers and others at a meeting at Meadowbank Station near Blenheim, held a fortnight ago that he is a believer of global warming.
        However his admission brought cries of derision from the audience.
      "Do you believe in Kyoto? There's a substantial number of scientists who don't!" responded William Harrison.
    David Dillon told David Carter he should be ashamed to follow a fantasy of US global warming advocate Al Gore. Tony Willey accused the government of joining Kyoto based on "a mere suspicion" rather than proven fact.
"Why is New Zealand doing it?" he asked.
        Others made similar comments.

New Zealanders Call On Govt To Delay ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Tuesday, May 4 2010.

ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen was today pleased to announce the success of day one of his two-day ETS public meetings tour throughout the Waikato and Taranaki regions.

"I have been overwhelmed by the great public attendance at my public meetings yesterday in Morrinsville and Matamata, and again last night in Tamihere on the outskirts of Hamilton," Mr Boscawen said.


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