climaterealists's blog

Govt may ditch emissions trading scheme 

by Audrey Young 29 April 2010

Pressure mounts for a rethink after Australia puts scheme off till 2013

The Government said yesterday it would probably ditch the rest of the emissions trading scheme as scheduled beyond 2013 if its major trading partners did not have schemes as well.

The scheme, already passed into law, is supposed to be a comprehensive "all sectors, all gases" scheme with a phased-in entry for different sectors.

But the confirmation by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Tuesday that he would shelve his proposed scheme until at least 2013 has forced the New Zealand Government to hedge its commitment to a full scheme.


To John Key from David D 28 April 2010

Prime Minister,
> I am at a loss why you are so paranoid on leading the world with this
> insidious tax on the people that have elected you in this LITTLE country.
> This tax  will be a millstone around the necks of this and every
> generation that follows and there by a gross infringement of our private
> property rights and freedom .
> The National Party is putting its honesty sincerity and integrity on the
> line with this approach to the economy and its membership.


Suspend the ETS until 2013, just like the Aussies

Federated Farmers Media Release  27 April 2010

Federated Farmers is urging the National-led Government to match the Australian Government’s decision to defer its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) until at least 2013.
"Our ETS is based on alignment with our trading partners and frankly, that’s not a happening thing," says Lachlan McKenzie, Federated Farmers spokesperson.
“Unlike Australia for the foreseeable future, on 1 July every New Zealander, from a new born infant right up to their great grand parents, will be caught by an ETS dragnet.  It’ll impact every good or service we buy, from electricity through to seeing a dentist.
“I don’t think many people are aware that the ETS will hit them hard in the pocket. 

Please listen to us Mr Key

Richard Treadgold- Climate Conversation Group

April 26 2010

It is significant that there are so many voices raised against the ETS.

New Zealand Climate Science Coalition on You Tube

"The madness of the Government’s new carbon tax is that New Zealanders will be the only people in the world paying it.  It will drive up the costs of living and undermine the competitiveness of New Zealand business for negligible environmental gain.” Nick Smith - Friday, 25 November 2005

On the 1st July, 2010, New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is to be implemented.
The ETS is effectively a new tax that will affect most sectors of the New Zealand economy, raising prices for all New Zealanders.
It can be estimated it will eventually cost the average New Zealand household about $2500 - $3000 in higher prices (worsened by any increase in the rate of GST). In addition, Sheep and Beef farmers will become liable (at $25/tonne CO2) to $5,200, while Dairy farmers will pay over $10,000 each – with 75% of these levies commencing in July 2010. And then there is the jump in prices of EVERYTHING, followed by higher interest rates!
For what?
For no measurable changes to CO2 levels and climate!
There are no positives, only negatives for the people of New Zealand.
We join the business and farming communities in calling on the Government to defer the implementation of the ETS given:
- that it has just become known that Australia is deferring the implementation of its ETS scheme until 2013,
- that no other country has put in place any similar scheme,
- that its implementation will severely disadvantage NZ against its trading partners,
- that it will cause unnecessary hardship for a very large number of New Zealanders.

Germany abandons world climate treaty

Spiegel Online International

Merkel Abandons Aim of Binding Climate Agreement

By Dirk Kurbjuweit, Christian Schwägerl and Gerald Traufetter


Frustrated by the climate change conference in December, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is quietly moving away from her goal of a binding agreement on limiting climate change to 2 degrees Celsius. She has also sent out signals at the EU level that she no longer supports the idea of Europe going it alone.

"I have three children," German Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen said during a speech in Berlin last week, as he ventured to explain why climate policy still remains important after December's failed summit in Copenhagen. He said that a maximum rise in temperature of 2 degrees Celsius "is the highest amount that we can still tolerate, because beyond that life will no longer be possible as we know it."


Neil Henderson to Gisborne Herald re Barry Coates of Oxfam


I attended the meeting addressed by Mr. Barry Coates of Oxfam on 23 April. I consider that many points made by him were incorrect. I will comment on two of these.
He claimed the IPCC reports are robust peer reviewed documents. A report has just been released by “Citizens Audit Project” that has checked every paper quoted in the forty-four chapters of the IPCC’s fourth report. One chapter has only 15% of its papers peer reviewed. Twelve of these chapters have less than fifty percent of their papers peer reviewed. Another eighteen chapters have less than 75 percent of the papers peer reviewed.

ETS go-ahead risks business anger

NZHerald  by Fran O'Sullivan 28 April 2010

John Key's refusal to postpone the implementation of the next phase of the emissions trading scheme (ETS) is setting the scene for a 'winter of discontent' with New Zealand business.

In just two days the perception of the Key Government as a climate change laggard has morphed into an unwitting climate change leader as our major trading partners, like Australia and the United States, prepare to defer their own schemes leaving this country out in front of the pack instead of the "fast follower" the PM promised.

Kevin Rudd and Barack Obama are facing domestic political considerations.

Australia goes to the polls this year and Rudd doesn't want Tony Abbott to make headway with the Liberal-National Coalition's 'great big new tax' scare campaign.


Australia's ETS Delay Plays Into John Key's Hands

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand

To John Key, Nick Smith, Chris Tremain from Maureen and Dennis C 27 April 2010

Good morning
Given the announcement that the Australian Government will defer the ETS for three years, (even though the reason is because of an upcoming Election and things are hotting up),can we expect a similar announcement by the New Zealand Government or do we intend to continue 'leading the world' and putting added financial pressure on the citizens of New Zealand and rather than 'catching up with Australia' continuing to fall behind.
Maureen and Dennis
Reply from Chris Tremain:
Tuesday April 27, 2010
Maureen and Dennis,
We will be continuing with the ETS scheme.
Just a few points:
It is half the cost of Labours scheme for consumers which had already been legislated.
It is 25% of the cost of Labours scheme for farmers which had already been legislated.
Farmers don't come into the scheme unttil 2015



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