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Farmers vent anger over ETS Inclusion

Marlborough Express

by Blair Ensor 23 April 2010

Agriculture Minister David Carter yesterday received an earful from Marlborough farmers outraged at agriculture being included in the emissions trading scheme (ETS).

The farmers waited for Mr Carter to finish a speech about the scheme at Meadowbank Station in Taylor Pass before unleashing a barrage of questions and statements.

Seddon farmer Michael Davison said he had been an avid supporter of the National Party all his life, but he would never vote for it again because of agriculture's inclusion in the scheme.

"This is bureaucratic bulls.... It's enough for me to sign off from National forever."

He then walked out on the meeting.

A Federated Farmers past president, David Dillon, said farmers were already struggling financially and the ETS would inflict more pain.


Stop Misleading The Public, Dr Smith

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Friday, April 30 2010.
ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today demanded Climate Change Issues Minister Dr Nick Smith stop his misleading, contradictory and inconsistent justifications for the New Zealand ETS and be honest to New Zealanders about the financial burden he insists on imposing on the country.

It is impossible to have any confidence in Dr Smith as Minister - he's in denial about the futility of the ETS; scrambling to justify a scheme that, while making no difference to the world climate, will come at a huge cost to our economy," Mr Boscawen said.

"Minister Smith has regularly played politics and made misleading statements.  For example:  Nick Smith said the ETS isn't a tax because foresters receive credits.  Fact: for practical purposes the ETS is a tax on our economy, subsidies to foresters notwithstanding.

To John Key from Sally M 2 May 2010

Dear Mr Key,

The article in the Sunday Star Times by Finlay MacDonald is so true, but I dare say you will pass his observations off as a ‘spoof.
'Nanny' gets a fresh pair of bloomers and sensible shoes"
 "No, the old girl is alive and kicking – it's just that her petticoats are blue now, not red."

I have Attached an article printed in the local paper alerting the public to just exactly what ‘your’ Emissions Trading Tax Scheme means to the people. It is a travesty that you continue with ‘your’ ETS scheme. Why you as Prime Minister will not open your eyes and see the ramifications for all New Zealanders with your zest in continuing to have ‘your’ ETS scheme and the stupidity of having New Zealand as the only country in the OECD that includes agriculture.

At first 'your' ETS will only include energy (electricity, petrol and diesel) but by 2015 it will include ruminant animals. Sheep and Beef farmers will then start paying an estimated $5000 (not the $3000 you so glibly told farmers) increasing to an charge of $10,000 for an average farm annually. An average dairy farm is estimated to be double of these.


Time For Some Honesty On The ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Wednesday, May 5 2010.

ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today poured scorn upon Agriculture Minister David Carter’s claim at Mystery Creek that the Government needs to proceed with the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to avoid a potential trade backlash from Europe.

ETS: Time For A Stock Take

Self-Inflicted Wounds and Sloppy Science


Speech by Hon Rodney Hide, ACT Leader, to the  Waikato Federated Farmers AGM, at Hamilton Airport Conference Centre, Hamilton, Thursday May 6, 2010



“Taxing the Heart out of Australia.”- Carbon Sense

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that the Rudd Resource tax was just another in a long line of taxes helping to depopulate rural Australia.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that depopulation of the outback started with the fringe benefits tax and the removal of accelerated depreciation, both of which penalise companies who provide housing for employees.
“Every government since then has accelerated the drift to the coastal and capital cities.

To National Party HQ from Jon H 3 May 2010

National Party Supporters:
I emailed Anne Tolley some time back and told her that we would withdraw our 40 years of support for the National Party if the Emissioms Trading Scam was rammed through Parliament.
Anne did and we have.
Please remove our names from your list of supporters

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Gluckman

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
Prime Minister’s Chief Science Adviser

Dear Sir Peter

In your address at NIWA on 22 April, you worried that controversies in the field of climate change may be changing the way the public perceives science and scientists.

You were critical of those in the profession who “do not get beyond their biases, or are careless or fraudulent”, and identified the solution as greater transparency – “the scientific enterprise is built on publication, repetition, peer review and the inherent scepticism and questioning of scientists.”



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