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What Alarming Sea Level Rise? Observational Data Reveals No Change, Scientist Says

Fox 19 May 2010

by Gene J. Koprowski

CHICAGO -- Global warming advocates say rising sea levels will soon drown Venice. But a top scientist says they're full of hot air -- and he says he’s got the data to prove it.

In a new scientific paper, Nils-Axel Morner, former emeritus head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden, says that observational records from around the world -- locations like the Maldives, Bangladesh, India, Tuvalu and Vanuatu -- show the sea level isn't rising at all.

Morner's research, revealed Monday at the fourth International Conference on Climate Change, demonstrates that there is no “alarming sea level rise” across the globe, and it says a U.N. report warning of coastal cities being deluged by rising waters from melting polar ice caps “is utterly wrong.”


National’s ETS Forestry Excuses Not Acceptable

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Wednesday, May 19 2010.


The Minister for Climate Change Issues Dr Nick Smith is running out of excuses for continuing with the Government’s ETS programme says ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen.

"Dr Smith is defending the decision to proceed with the ETS on 1 July on the grounds that suspending it now would break commitments to foresters.  The rationale for continuing with the ETS gets thinner by the day," Mr Boscawen said.

"Dr Smith appears to not understand the points ACT Leader Rodney Hide made in his open letter to the Prime Minister on 29 April 2010:

• If the ETS is suspended, forest owners would be perfectly free to sell carbon credits to willing buyers, for example, parties subject to the EU ETS.

• Suspension for a short period - say to when Australia takes post-2012 action, if it does - would not be material for foresters as most operate on a 30-years plus rotation.

• The major taking of property rights occurred with pre-1990 forests.

• None of the planting in the 1990s, and little before 2005 was done with an expectation of subsidies.

• Planting in recent years has fallen away.  Much of it has been encouraged by afforestation grants, not the ETS.

• Foresters – especially integrated wood processors – will benefit from lower input costs for electricity and fuel if the ETS is suspended.

ETS will cost Kiwis $527 million + in its first year

19 April 2010

Federated Farmers has calculated the Emissions Trading Scheme will directly cost New Zealand businesses and families $527 million in its first year.  Indirect cost impacts will likely add tens of millions more.
“Government seems to be ignoring warning signs every bit as real as the warnings of icebergs, Captain Smith received during the Titanic’s ill-fated maiden voyage,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President speaking from Adelaide.
“Federated Farmers estimates the ETS, in its first year, will directly add $527 million to the cost of fuel and electricity.  That adds over half a billion dollars more for doing business here than across the Tasman.  It makes a mockery of the ETS’ supposed harmonisation with Australia.
“That $527 million figure doesn’t count the cascade effect these fuel and electricity increases will have on the billions worth of goods and services all Kiwis, not just farmers, consume. 

Computer Models, Climate Forecasts & other Dice Games

19 May 2010

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for an investigation into the IPCC/CSIRO computer models relied on for the scare forecasts of drought, floods and rising sea levels.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, challenged the IPCC claims that their computer forecasts have a 90% probability of being correct.
“The World Bank computers did not forecast the Global Financial Crisis.
“The British Met computers failed to forecast Europe’s frigid winter.
“Computers were unable to forecast the spread of swine flu or volcanic ash clouds.
“Since the introduction of its new computer program Queensland Health has been unable to pay their own employees properly.
“And the Australian Weather Bureau cannot forecast next month’s weather.

To John Key from David D 18 May 2010

Prime Minister,
Please think again you are doing an injustice against the people that voted for you and this little country.
You are setting man against man.
With regards
David D

National Party Members Reject ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Tuesday, May 18 2010.

Reports that delegates at National’s Central North Island Conference this weekend unanimously passed a remit calling on the Government to scrap the ETS confirm that the party’s own supporters want the ETS to be delayed, if not scrapped, ACT Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

"The unanimous vote shows that National Party members have realised what the Government is yet to realise, that it is environmentally pointless and economically reckless to proceed with the ETS," Mr Boscawen said.

"I too call on Prime Minister John Key and Dr Nick Smith to delay, if not scrap, the ETS.  In the mean time, any National Party members who are fed up with being ignored by the hierarchy of their own party on this issue are welcome to join ACT," Mr Boscawen said.

New Zealand's emissions trading scheme - world famous in New Zealand

18 May 2010


New Zealand's emissions trading scheme - world famous in New Zealand


Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers, speaking to the Australian Farm Institute's Agriculture and Greenhouse Emissions Conference.


It's my warm pleasure to be here in the beautiful city of Adelaide. I know Australians consider New Zealand the shaky isles while we, in turn, look to Australia, Queensland especially, as potentially the West Island of New Zealand.


So I wish to sincerely thank Mick Keogh and the Institute's staff, for the opportunity to be on the big island.  Only last month we collectively celebrated on ANZAC Day, the strong bond that exists between our two nations.  Yet when it comes to emissions trading we are striking out on divergent paths.


Its ironic Federated Farmers has had more media coverage in Australia on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme than back across the Tasman.  Here, you have a media that has shown a detachment and a willingness to revisit past positions; in New Zealand we get clichés.   Let me illustrate.

National’s ETS Justifications Ridiculous

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Tuesday, May 18 2010.

Conservation Minister Kate Wilkinson is just the latest in a long line of National MPs to use incorrect and misleading statements in a desperate attempt to justify the impending implementation of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), ACT Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

"Despite running out of arguments to convince the public that there is a point to the ETS, National still insists on imposing it on our economy," Mr Boscawen said.

To John Key from Jack B 6 May 2010

The Prime Minister
The Hon John Key
Parliament Buildings
Dear Sir,
The ETS Scheme
May I begin by quoting from “His Way” by Barry Gustafson:
“During his last term in office Muldoon found himself arguing not only with bankers, financiers, farmers, businessmen, trade unionists, the media, the Labour Opposition, and free marketeers and liberals in his own party but also with many of the Government’s official advisers.”
Obviously I am not an insider but given the extremely controversial nature of this scheme and the fact that both you and Minister Smith have turned 180 degrees on your historical positions not to lead the world, but to follow our trading partners, I believe the internal pressure on you must be immense – as it should be.

To John Key from Simon B 17 May 2010

With all due respect, Sir, I was disgusted by your comments made on Radio Live (JT and WJ) last Thursday.
In reply to a question regarding the introduction of the ETS you stated that you believed in "Climate Change". Was this a deliberate attempt to deceive? You surely know that to the general public that Phrase conveys the concept of 'any change in climate'. And in that sense your repy is meanless ......every body knows that Climate changes ... always does, always has and always will!
But there is a less well-known meaning to the phrase which was set out in the IPCC 1982 Framework Convention on Climate Change. It defines 'Climate Change' as "a change of climate WHICH IS ATTRIBUTED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO HUMAN ACTIVITY THAT ALTERS THE COMPOSITION OF THE GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE ........."


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