To John Key from Jack B 6 May 2010

The Prime Minister
The Hon John Key
Parliament Buildings
Dear Sir,
The ETS Scheme
May I begin by quoting from “His Way” by Barry Gustafson:
“During his last term in office Muldoon found himself arguing not only with bankers, financiers, farmers, businessmen, trade unionists, the media, the Labour Opposition, and free marketeers and liberals in his own party but also with many of the Government’s official advisers.”
Obviously I am not an insider but given the extremely controversial nature of this scheme and the fact that both you and Minister Smith have turned 180 degrees on your historical positions not to lead the world, but to follow our trading partners, I believe the internal pressure on you must be immense – as it should be.
The proponents of man made global warming are in complete disarray, and those that have pursued it with vigour because of the financial gain that attached to backing its nonsense are now disintegrating so fast it’s spectacular.
The evidence against man made global warming is overwhelming and I know that NZ’s top physicist takes that position. You also know that the earth has been in a period of cooling for the last 10 years or more.
Therefore it is impossible that the thinking people within Cabinet and Caucus have not challenged you on it because it is so controversial and is very much against New Zealand’s best interests in so many areas. In my opinion your minister is a Zealot not to mention a Luddite of the much discredited Gore philosophy. This is a dangerous combination to be present in a man charged with representing New Zealand’s position.
I had so much hope for the new Government after the election but in many areas you have deserted the very core of National voters. I myself formally resigned from the National Party late last year and advised my MP Allan Peachey why. The National Party Chairman Mr Peter Goodfellow was also advised by the local organiser with my approval.
The only party consistently to take a common sense approach and hold New Zealand’s interests truly at heart is undoubtedly Act. In my humble opinion, hanging your hat on your most comforting polls will be your undoing and pursing this ETS nonsense will be the start of it.
I have never witnessed a man so intent on ignoring advice and common sense. There must be a hidden agenda.
Please give me just one reason to rejoin National, and make it this big one. Discard the ETS scheme until the position of our major trading partners is clear. I bet they will all exit and it will never happen. I also believe some new Govt will overturn any legislation you set up on July 1st. What a waste and what an embarrassment.
Yours faithfully,
Jack B
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