climaterealists's blog

National at risk of being tipped into death spiral


By Chris Trotter- The Dominion Post
Dear National Party member,


I wonder how many people belonging to today's National Party remember Corso?

Older party members may vaguely recall Sir Robert Muldoon's savage critique of Corso back in the 1970s, but for younger members the name probably doesn't ring any bells at all.
That's a pity, because as I watch what is happening in today's National Party I am strongly reminded of the political tragedy which overtook and ultimately destroyed the once-mighty Corso brand.
Corso is, of course, an acronym. It began life in 1944 as the Council of Organisations for Relief Services Overseas. Its charitable mission was to gather much-needed clothing and footwear for the millions of people around the world that World War II had uprooted and impoverished.

Protest ETS Introduction

Kiwi Party Press Release

Sunday 16 May, 2010

Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock and party members will join today with members of the Climate Realists Network in protesting the planned introduction of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The protest will take place outside the National Party’s Central North Island conference in Hamilton during the time of the Keynote speeches by the Prime Minister, John Key, and Minister for Climate Change issues, Nick Smith. 

“The Kiwi Party reiterates its opposition to the ETS. I opposed the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol when I was in parliament,” said Mr Baldock, “and I have seen no evidence since then to convince me that the obligations imposed by Kyoto upon us all are in the interests of New Zealand or the global climate.
From its inception, the Kiwi Party has resisted pressure to swallow all the hype and spin surrounding the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

ETS Article by Pat Gregory

Waikato Times- article by Pat Gregory

Hold on to your hats folks – the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS )is going to hit and hit hard. If you think you’re struggling to pay your electricity bill now, just wait till this scheme has been introduced.  Many farmers are already against the wall and verging on bankruptcy - imagine what this is going to do to them! This tax is based on very questionable science at the best, and what has been termed as outright fraud at the worst!
Just what is the ETS going to mean to New Zealanders? Our Prime Minister and politicians must answer the question “Why, when major European countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain, and  France, have abandoned their ETS schemes, is New Zealand going ahead with ours?”   Since our ETS tax was passed into law, the Copenhagen climate talks have broken down and there is now no expectation that there will be a comprehensive worldwide climate agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol from 2013. 

Alan Nicholl series to Gisborne Herald Editor

Saturday 15 May 2010 7.57am

Dear sir,

I have just read your editorial of May 13 and applaud you on some of the points raised, however it appears that you do not fully understand the facts.

Statistics NZ advise that livestock numbers have fallen 8,000,000 stock units since 1990, this amounts to over 900,000 dairy cows,1.3 Million beef cows, 8 million ewes, to say that farmers must play their part, when numbers are already well below 1990 levels is ridiculous.

1990 is the level we are supposed to meet according to Kyoto. Pastoral Farmers have already met this level and more. This means that farming is not to blame for increased emissions but other sections of the economy are.


You also suggest we should do something until science proves humans are not causing warming. Who may I ask will decide when science has decided this, the UN IPCC or science in general? The only people our politicians are prepared to listen to, seems to be the UN. This causes a dilemma as the UN is pushing human caused warming as hard as it can and has no intention of backing down, even though many more scientists oppose the theory than actually support it.

A report from one of the original reviewers at the beginning stated that no scientist found any evidence of human caused warming yet the UN report when published stated there was, and quoted those scientist as their source. Who should we believe? I am aware of scientists who supported the theory initially, that are now against it, once they examined the facts themselves. If you want to investigate this I suggest you contact the science coalition or even Neil and Esther Henderson, I am sure they would happily point you in the right direction.

ETS Mistake Shows National’s Numbers Can’t Be Trusted

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Friday, May 14 2010.

Reports yesterday that the number of firms eligible for free emissions allocations under the ETS are estimated to increase from 65 to 800 shows that when the legislation to amend the scheme was passed last November, no-one truly understood the details of the scheme and the impact it would have on our economy," ACT Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said.

"The number of firms eligible for free emissions allocations under National’s ETS has increased by 1,200 percent.  While this is good as it will minimise the cost imposed on trade exposed businesses, it is still a fundamental miscalculation.  You don’t miss the mark by over 1000 percent unless you truly didn’t understand what you were passing," Mr Boscawen said.


Broadcasting Standards Authority rules farmers can be called polluters.

Pastural Farming Climate Research

The Broadcasting Standards Authority has not upheld a complaint laid by Robin Grieve about a TV One news item.    An item on One News, broadcast on TV One at 6pm on Wednesday 18 November 2009, discussed the Government’s new Emissions Trading Scheme. The news presenter introduced the item by saying:

Farmers may have to fork out an extra $3000 a year in pollution taxes by the year 2030. The Prime Minister says the Agricultural Sector must pay its share under the Emissions Trading Scheme.

Immediately after the introduction, the reporter stated that “Agriculture is our biggest polluter, but farmers say they’re being stung for more than their fair share.”

My complaint was that not only is it insulting and derogatory to use the term pollution and polluter, it is inaccurate.

Farmers may be NZ’s biggest producer of carbon dioxide equivalents, but these are not pollutants. They are not pollutants because they are not real; they do not exist in the atmosphere because they are only a unit of measure. For farmers to be polluters they have to be producing a pollutant or polluting something. The only real thing they produce is CO2 & CH4 & N2O. None of these are pollutants.

NIWA scientists’ misconduct ‘absolutely clear’

Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 2:20 pm Press Release: New Zealand Climate Science Coalition NIWA scientists’ misconduct ‘absolutely clear’

NIWA has denied allegations that its scientists misled Ministers regarding the warming trend shown in New Zealand’s official historical temperature record. The accusations of misleading were made by Hon Rodney Hide in an address to Federated Farmers last Thursday.

Barry Brill, chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, said today: “the evidence of misconduct by NIWA scientists is absolutely clear. It is exemplified by Dr David Wratt labelling the 1930 data from four selected stations as an ‘11-station Series’.

To John Key, Nick Smith, David Carter, Tim Groser and Anne Tolley from Neil H 12 May 2010

Dear Prime Minister

I wrote to you last week requesting a meeting with you while you were in Gisborne if your timetable allowed. I realised this was a highly unlikely outcome, so we had a ‘Plan B’ in reserve. 
Now that I have seen your schedule for your visit to Gisborne I am amazed how much you squashed in. It begs the question as to whether wisdom would dictate you concentrated on issues of greater urgency.
Plan B was the group holding placards that greeted you at the airport. This group was small and by invitation only. It was deliberately low profile as a warning to you that you are not getting the real message of the sentiment of your electors, the people who elected you to power and who consequently hold the key to whether you stay in power in November 2011.

To Nick Smith from Ian Wishart 11 May 2010

Nick, I’ve listened with increasing interest to your disingenuous 
attempts to disown your comments from 2005 when you said this:

 “The madness of the Government’s new carbon tax is that New Zealanders 
will be the only people in the world paying it. It will drive up the 
costs of living and undermine the competitiveness of New Zealand 
business for negligible environmental gain.

 “Labour Ministers may take pride in being toasted at International 


“Carbon Capture & Burial -all Carbon Cemeteries are already Full.”

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for an end to the colossal waste of community resources and energy on research and development for “Carbon Capture and Burial”.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that billions of dollars are being wasted on sacrifices to the global warming god - endless bureaucracy, politicised research, piddling wind and solar schemes, roof insulation disasters, ethanol subsidies, carbon credit forests, carbon trading frauds and huge compliance costs.
“But perhaps the biggest waste of all is the futile quest to capture carbon dioxide from power stations, separate it, compress it, pump it long distances and force it down specially drilled bore holes, hoping it will never escape.


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