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To National MP's from Chris B 25 May 2010

Dear National Members of Parliament
As a member of the National party I have been very concerned for some time about the implementation of the Emissions Trading Scheme.

Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming 

James Delingpole 19 May 2010

Well of course I would write a headline like that having just spent the last three days in Chicago at the Heartland Institute’s 4th International Conference on Climate Change. This is the event the cackling, cloak-wearing, befanged AGW-denying community attends every year to glorify in their own evil. And naturally, in the wake of Climategate, a mood of uproarious triumphalism has prevailed as distinguished skeptical scientists, economists, and policymakers from around the world – Pat Michaels, Richard Lindzen, Ian Plimer, Bob Carter, Fred Singer.. you name them, they’re here – have gathered to dance on the smouldering ashes of the mythical beast ManBearPig.

Except we shouldn’t use that word “sceptic” any more. Richard Lindzen – Godfather of Climate Realism – told us so in one of the keynote addresses.


Why Start Only To Stop?

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Wednesday, May 26 2010.

ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today welcomed the Government’s announcement that it is prepared to reverse the ETS if there is a lack of international progress on climate change measures.

"However, given that Australia has recently dumped their plans for an ETS, and that the rest of the world is in no rush to either extend, or implement, an Emissions Trading Scheme, ACT asks why we are proceeding with one in the first place," Mr Boscawen said.

"This is particularly important as the Government has announced that it intends to allocate $1.6 billion worth of emissions credits for the period Jan 1 2008 – Dec 31 2012.  A large proportion of these will be allocated to those who planted forests in the 1990s without any expectation of emissions credits or subsidies from their fellow taxpayers. 

Confirmation Of Windfall Profits Due To ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Wednesday, May 26 2010.

The announcement yesterday by Mercury Energy – a 100 percent owned subsidiary of Mighty River Power – that it will increase power prices by 3.3 percent from July 1 is confirmation of the windfall profits that the Government will make from the ETS, ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

"The reality is that Mighty River Power is virtually a 100 percent renewable generator and incurs little additional emissions costs from its hydro and geothermal plants," Mr Boscawen said.

Who's Right?

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release Wednesday, May 26 2010.

ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today demanded to know who New Zealanders are supposed to believe when it comes to the cost of the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme: Prime Minister John Key or Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee.

"On Monday, Mr Key told TVNZ ‘Breakfast' viewers that the ETS will cost households $3 per week.  Yet, in today's ‘Dominion Post' Mr Brownlee claims it will cost households $365 annually, or $7 per week.  So who's right?" Mr Boscawen said.

Rural Women NZ Emissions Trading Scheme media release

Media Release

For immediate release


Rural Women New Zealand members have today called on the Government to delay implementation of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).


At its national conference being held in Oamaru, delegates voted to urge the Government to more clearly assess the effects on New Zealand agriculture and rural communities before proceeding with the ETS.


“We are concerned that the imposition of this new tax will do little to control emissions, and that the revenue gathered will take much needed income away from the productive sector,” says Liz Evans, Rural Women New Zealand’s vice president.  “This will adversely impact on pastoral farming and rural communities with no proven advantage.”

Alan Nicholl: Gluckman with my observations


Government prepares pro-ETS campaign

Rob Hosking | Tuesday May 25, 2010 - 11:49am

Expect a counterblast from the government on the emissions trading scheme as July 1 draws nearer.

The government is under fire from within its own support base for its commitment to the scheme, which kicks off at the start of July.

The scheme is expected to increase fuel and electricity costs – the latter by as much as 5%.

Federated Farmers has been highly critical of the scheme, as has National’s support partner, Act.

ETS Price fears stir up grassroots Nats  by Tracy Watkins 26 May 2010

National's grassroots supporters are joining a chorus of opposition as price rises caused by the Emissions Trading Scheme begin to kick in.

Prime Minister John Key confirmed there was an ETS protest vote at a party conference last weekend. "There certainly was a remit and they certainly did vote against wanting the ETS, they did vote to delay it."

Agriculture Minister David Carter has sought to stem caucus concerns by emailing MPs to assure them that claims by ACT about the ETS were just "misinformation".

ACT leader Rodney Hide said yesterday that the ETS, which begins on July 1, would eat up any gains from tax cuts for 550,000 households earning between $45,000 and $85,000 a year.


The ETS’ cost ‘Unmerry-Go-Round’ from the PM down

Federated Farmers Media Release

Federated Farmers is challenging the Government to put up its costs on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for independent scrutiny.  In the space of four days, the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister of Climate Change, have all advanced different costs. 
“Federated Farmers figures are fully defendable and is why we’re putting our figures out there for scrutiny,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.
“On the morning of the Budget, the Hon Nick Smith’s office dismissed out of hand, Federated Farmers projected societal cost of the ETS at $527 million.  Instead, an unnamed official put up $350 million as a cast iron sum but couldn’t substantiate it when asked by a reporter.


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