Government prepares pro-ETS campaign

Rob Hosking | Tuesday May 25, 2010 - 11:49am

Expect a counterblast from the government on the emissions trading scheme as July 1 draws nearer.

The government is under fire from within its own support base for its commitment to the scheme, which kicks off at the start of July.

The scheme is expected to increase fuel and electricity costs – the latter by as much as 5%.

Federated Farmers has been highly critical of the scheme, as has National’s support partner, Act.

This morning Prime Minister John Key, in an informal media scrum in Parliament’s press gallery, put much of the problem down to “misinformation.”

Asked if he was concerned about growing evidence National's own supporters are increasingly concerned about the scheme, Mr Key said he was not.

“My main concern is when people have been misinformed.”

He also denied that any of his cabinet ministers are getting “cold feet.”

A remit in a workshop at the National Party’s recent central North Island conference apparently voted unanimously against the ETS, but Mr Key said that remit was passed before either he or Climate Change Nick Smith had spoken on the issue.

When he had explained the issue, “Nick got a tremendous reception,” Mr Key said.

Dr Smith recently dropped a heavy hint at a Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce briefing that the government would be stepping up a public information campaign as July 1 draws near.

“New Zealand is an open trading nation, and we have got to play our part” in fighting climate change, Mr Key said this morning. 

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