To John Key from Garry N 8 May 2010


The PM, The  Rt. Honourable John, Key,
Parliament Buildings
Dear Sir,
My family have been farming in New Zealand for over 100 years.
My son will not farm. It is not worth the risks and now not sustainable.
The Emissions Trading Scheme is yet another deterrent which is ill-conceived in the current economic and political environment.
I implore you to at the least, postpone the current  proposal.
You risk the National Party’s seat in power, if you do not reconsider, when the general public learn of the unnecessary and unjustified costs to households and the Nation.
Yours, less faithful,
Garry P.F.N

PS. I was not easy for us to sleep at night at Lake Brunner as a train loaded with coal went by every hour. The hypocrisy is appalling.

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