From Alan Nicholl

For 40 years I have been a voter and observer of the political scene in this country. I remember past political manoeuvring and promises made, bills passed supposedly to enhance our nations future, but failing miserably, reforms to health, education etc, by one party being turned over by the other party, wasting billions of dollars and causing widespread disruption and chaos.

There was a hope MMP would bring some stability to government here, how misguided we were. Politics and politicians haven’t changed. Today’s politician can not remember what they said last week let alone 18mths -2years ago, what they opposed then they now embrace, what was idiotic and stupid is now desirable. They make vague promises and speak words like; equality with Australia, the need to increase productivity and make this nation into the Pacific jewel, yet all the while their actions show they are working to bring this nation to its knees. The North American Indians had a phrase for this “Paleface speak with forked tongue”

More and more manufacturing companies are going offshore because of the restrictive and increased costs being imposed by politicians. I do not blame them for seeking easier places to operate. National has promised a reduction in operating costs yet their current actions belie their words, they are instigating cost increases through the ETS that will eventually destroy this nation. No other nation we compete with has an ETS or will likely have one.

Our ability to compete in the world's markets is being destroyed by our own politicians. What for? The kudos for being the first nation to self implode trying to fix a climatic problem that doesn’t exist, a supposed problem that we only have the UN’s word for, even one of their pet scientists has admitted humans have not caused any warming to date, it is all due to natural causes. With all of the scientific conclusions that repudiate the UN’s conclusions now coming out, how can our politicians justify continuing with this utter stupidity.

There is another saying “look to the past to know your future” in the climate debate this is particularly apt. Simply looking at our historical past it is patently obvious the earth's current climate is smack in the middle realms of climate variability and we have nothing to fear, except for politicians stupidity. Lets face it the climate is fluid and has been for as long as it has existed. Nothing our politicians do will make one bit of difference to the earths climate, they will however make a hell of a difference to our ability to function as a nation.

Over the years I have come to the conclusion that our nation has flourished in spite of what politicians have done and not because of what they have done, most of which has hindered instead of helped. Incumbent politicians seem to have to make changes for the sake of change and not because something is failing the people. They seem to prefer things that fail to things that succeed. Current legislation is full of such things, the design of which results in long drawn out processes that do nothing but hinder progress on all endeavours.

The current progress accomplished by our nation shows the resilience and fortitude of the people to achieve in spite of political hurdles placed to hinder progress. I can only hope that this resilience remains but I fear that the ETS will be “the straw that breaks the camel’s back.“

Initially the cost will be spoken of as minor, although you will not think so, but as time goes on and the price of carbon escalates the ETS costs imposed on business’s and all citizens will become exorbitant and unbearable. Business’s will fail, jobs will disappear and living costs will be unaffordable

. The nation will be bust. Climatically what will it achieve? NOTHING.

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