
Letter to the Timaru Herald from Malcolm R 15 June 2010

The Editor,
  At last .  The proof I have been looking for over all those months has been found . Gluckman has been lying to government , and our politicians have been sucked into the vast conspiracy which has already produced many fortune hunters who  have made  billions of dollars.  Did our prime minister know  ?  Was Nick Smith trading carbon credits . This scandalous affair will become more apparent over the next few weeks as the media begin to realise the enormity of their silence .
Ben  Santer , a climate researcher and lead I.P.C.C. author of chapter  8  of the 1995 I.P.C.C.  working group  1  report , admitted on Jesse  Ventura's Conspiracy Theory national TV  show that he  had  deleted sections of the I.P.C.C.  chapter which stated that humans  were not responsible  for  climate  change .Accusing  Santer of altering opinions in the I.P.C.C.  report that disagreed with the man-made  thesis behind climate change ,  Lord  Monckton told the program , "

Letter to Dominion Post from Graham G

 I have voted National for over 50 years, not for the benefit I could get out of voting that way, but because their policies were the best for small business at the time, and small business is the backbone of this country. Labour was always unuion orintated which appealed to the people who were have always considered what is in it for me, not the country. This ETS scheme is worse than the best of Nordmiers black budget. On October I would have been about 0.83c. per week better off now I will be $5/10.00 a week worse off. under this senario how can National policy be better for the country.

Graham G

Time to make a stand

Muriel Newman- NZCPR 14 June 2010

The madness of the Government’s new carbon tax is that New Zealanders will be the only people in the world paying it. It will drive up the costs of living and undermine the competitiveness of New Zealand business for negligible environmental gain. A further concern is its impact on inflation, interest rates and the exchange rate. It will add to the costs of fuel and power and these flow right through the economy to basics like food. This puts pressure on inflation, which in turn drives up interest rates and the kiwi dollar. The Government’s carbon tax is a classic example of the way the Government is making things tougher for the productive exporting sector. The worst aspect of the carbon tax is that it will not make one iota of difference to New Zealand’s emissions. Nick Smith 2005

It is hard to believe that the Member of Parliament who led the successful campaign against the Labour Government’s carbon tax in 2005, is the same MP who is going to impose National’s carbon tax on the country next month.[1] Sure, National’s carbon tax has a fancy new name – it is now called an emissions trading scheme (ETS) – but the arguments against it are still the same. While National’s carbon tax/ETS will have no affect at all on the climate, the estimated 5 percent rise in the cost of power and 4 cents a litre increase in the cost of petrol and diesel will force up the price of food, heating, and all other goods and services in the economy. This will put upward pressure on inflation, drive up interest rates, and push up the kiwi dollar, making things a lot tougher for the export sector.




To Nick Smith from Paul T

Hello Nick,

I have read on your web site the following : --

"The Nelson and Marlborough economies are struggling. The last thing we
need is another $25 million being sucked out with this new tax. If you
would like to assist the ‘axecarbontax’ petition and campaign, contact
my office. We need to bury this lemon."

However when I click on the link to axecarbontax I do not find anything
there. I really want to help to axe all and any carbon taxes because not
only can we not afford them but they have been proven to be fraudulently
based on pseudo-science, merely to create a panic and allow taxes and a
world-wide bureaucracy to be set up to control the world. I think that
it is unconscionable for the present Government to proceed with this
scam while the rest of the world laughs up their sleeve at our stupidity.


Mike Butler: National feeling ETS heat

Breaking Views: 11 June 2010

Nick Smith and National Party MPs are publishing incorrect and misleading statements to neutralize the ACT campaign against the Emissions Trading Scheme, John Boscawen told a meeting in Hastings on Thursday night. “But this is a last-ditch attempt to justify the unreasonable excesses of the ETS regime”, he said. He urged everyone who opposes the ETS to email Prime Minister John Key and at least the top six members of Cabinet. He did note, however, that anyone who does so would receive a standard email in return containing eight misleading statements.

Climate Change Minister Nick Smith alone is driving the ETS, Boscawen said, with the Prime Minister’s support.

The ETS will be extended across most productive sectors of the economy from July 1 this year, making them instantly more costly for everyone, he said.


To Nick Smith and Bill English from Ken S 9 June 2010

Honorable Bill English & Honorable Nick Smith
Sirs, It is a joke for this government which has turned it back on, and shunned, New Zealand's best climate scientists - to now proclaim a new science department as the salvation for our economy. Science must be allowed to operate freely, unfettered by the popular opinions and fads of the day, something that this government has shown it clearly does not understand !
It appears certain to many of us that the position of Science Advisor to the Prime Minister has been created by this government to validate a predetermined policy on emissions trading. Science has been thrown out the window and been replaced with window dressing. It is time to dismiss the Science Advisor, now that he has placed himself in a position where you can blame him for what you now know - is an increasingly unpopular and scientifically unjustified policy !
Former National Supporter
Ken S

To Nick Smith from Jim M 9 June 2010

I cannot believe your effrontery!! How can you stand up on TV, as you did on Sunday last, and tell the people of New Zealand untruths the way you did.
Quote "if we do not proceed with our ETS we will fall behind the rest of the World!" unquote.
We are the only country in the World with an ETS!!!
I have just returned from a 6 week visit to Germany where I looked very closely at what they are doing and spoke with INTELLIGENT local people, engineers, scientists etc, about the question of man made global warming. To a man they rubbished the idea. They were all fully aware that the whole thing is a scam engineered by politicians.
You are claiming that there are 29 European countries with ETS' That is also completely untue. What are you trying to do?????
Have no illusions Nick, when the people of NZ finally wake up to tha scam you are trying to pull over their eyes is in fact scam, you will be gone before lunch never to return unless you join the Green (watermelon) Party where you clearly belong.
Back off  before it is too late!!
Jim M

Legal verdict: Manmade global warming science doesn't withstand scrutiny

By Lawrence Solomon  June 6, 2010 – 10:47 pm

A cross examination of global warming science conducted by the University of Pennsylvania's Institute for Law and Economics has concluded that virtually every claim advanced by global warming proponents fail to stand up to scrutiny.

The cross-examination, carried out by Jason Scott Johnston, Professor and Director of the Program on Law, Environment and Economy at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, found that "on virtually every major issue in climate change science, the [reports of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] and other summarizing work by leading climate establishment scientists have adopted various rhetorical strategies that seem to systematically conceal or minimize what appear to be fundamental scientific uncertainties or even disagreements."


International aviation fuel 100% purely exempt from ETS

Federated Farmers Media Release  8 June 2010

As the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) from 1 July, looks set to strip at least $1.527 billion from taxpayers, those Kiwis emigrating from New Zealand will be spared the ETS’ cost on the fuel their plane consumes.

“International aviation fuel into and from New Zealand is totally exempt from New Zealand’s ETS and that goes right back to the Kyoto Protocol itself,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.
“Given international avgas is 100% purely exempt from the ETS, it’s farcical to suggest ‘reputation risk’ and a ‘trade backlash’ if we don’t embrace an all-encompassing ETS. 

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Gluckman

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
Prime Minister’s Chief Science Adviser

Dear Sir Peter

In your address at NIWA on 22 April, you worried that controversies in the field of climate change may be changing the way the public perceives science and scientists.

You were critical of those in the profession who “do not get beyond their biases, or are careless or fraudulent”, and identified the solution as greater transparency – “the scientific enterprise is built on publication, repetition, peer review and the inherent scepticism and questioning of scientists.”

Few could disagree. It is the absence of these normal building-blocks of science that has tended to bring climate science into disrepute.


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