
The Cloud Mystery – Galactic influence on Earth’s multi-million-year climate cycles

Red Ice Creations

by Bruce Tanner    28 June 2010

2007 Documentary Presents Proof that Global Climate is Driven by Galactic Radiation and Solar Magnetic Activity.

In 2006, a scientific team led by Henrik Svensmark, director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI), a part of the Danish National Space Center, managed to publish, after more than a year of having it rejected, a peer-reviewed paper culminating their research proving that cosmic rays and solar activity govern Earth’s climate.

This paper, describing an extremely sophisticated experiment that took eight years to complete, meticulously detailed the energetic and chemical pathways through which cosmic rays create charged particulates, which are the primary cause of low-altitude cloud formation in the atmosphere.

The significance of the chain of discoveries which was capped by the evidence presented from this experiment has extremely far-reaching implications for decision making on issues of climate. The discoveries of Svensmark’s team have been, and are being, resisted and covered up by scientific institutions and in the corporate media.


Spreading The Word

Spreading The Word

Speech by Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers, to the 54th annual conference of the New Zealand Groundspread Fertilisers Association, 28 June 2010 in Invercargill

I am delighted to be with you here today in Southland and my home town of Invercargill.

I’d like to acknowledge your President, Peter Callander, executive members and distinguished guests.

Agriculture has been a force behind Southland’s economic renaissance.

With a certain log of wood in hand and a booming economy, you get the feeling Southland could almost become the Farmers Republic of Southland.

The FR.S for short.

From Nick Smith to Wayne M June 2010

To read Nick Smith's letter outlining the reasons for the National Party's current stance on the ETS, click here.


Climate Change- a belief system

Following up some clues and doing a bit of research on one Mike Hulme, I have uncovered the reality of what we are actually up against in this 'Climate Change' 'dispute'. It is actually a truly Machiavellian attempt at changing the entire way we view ourselves, but forced on us by a new elite who have in mind only the grasping of power, by whatever means are needed to do so. This explains why arguments about the science have proved so ineffective in slowing the power-thrust of this movement, why they pursue their policies with such disregard to any scientists who disagree with their social agendas and why, despite the revelations of corruption with the Climategate disclosures the whole juggernaut seems to keep on without the slightest slowdown.

Have a read of this article and see if it does not change how you see this entire process!

To John Key from Bruce B 25 June 2010

If you put the ETS into law I will not vote for you or your party."

Bruce B


Farmers protest at Fieldays

Waikato Times  Chris Gardner  17 June 2010

The prime minister, climate change issues minister and agriculture minister were nowhere to be seen when two dozen members of Waikato Federated Farmers took to the National Agricultural Fieldays stage to protest the Emissions Trading Scheme yesterday.

John Key, Nick Smith and David Carter attended the event's opening ceremony, where they glimpsed farmers dressed in high-visibility vests with the words Extra Tax Stinks written on them, but were nowhere in sight two hours later at the start of the formal protest, allowed at a scheduled time by the organisers.

Protesters held placards with slogans including "National's BURP tax buggers up rural profits. Dump the ETS".


To Chris Auchinvole from Mary M 24 June 2010

Dear Chris,
                I watched the ETS questions on TV this afternon. Nick Smith comes up with the same old out-dated replies.It would appear that he does not have time to keep up with the rapid pace of the scientific discoveries that are being reported almost daily in regard to the whole range of climate change issues.
Today there is a report of new research in NZ that finds that some soils can possibly sequester more carbon than forests!
As for keeping up with the other 29 countries with an ETS, they are all in Europe and except for Germany are in dire financial straits.
The EU ETS has been in since 2004 and only targets industrial and manufacturing sectors.
Maybe we don't have enough manufacturing left in NZ as so much has already gone offshore.
Even that rogue George Soros, predicts that 'Europe faces recession and years of stagnation.' (The Press 17 June 2010)

To all National MPs from Mary M 23 June 2010

Dear ......,
                    I am deeply concerned that your Government is still prepared to implement the Emissions Trading Scheme on 1 July.
I have been following the Climate Change/ AGW debate very closely since September 2009.
 I have read a wide range of views on the internet, attended Climate Change talks given by scientists from Canterbury University and a talk by one of our Youth delegates on her return from Copenhagen. I have read both James Lovelock and Ian Wishart.  I have heard that both John Key and Nick Smith are not brave enough to read Ian Wishart's 'Air Con' - there is a 2010 edition out now.  Jim Anderton nearly had a coronary when I mentioned Ian Wishart's name!
I have found no evidence to convince me that Carbon dioxide is the 'enemy' of planet earth. In fact reducing it could be detrimental to food production.
As for man limiting global warming to 2 degrees - ludicrous!

To John Key from Philip H 25 June 2010

Dear PM,

I have made my views on Climate Change and your ETS known to you and your colleagues several times before.

I am deeply saddened by your administration; I had really expected change for the better when you succeeded that ghastly regime that preceded you.

I am sickened by the perversely successful efforts of "experts" and elites, over and over again, to dictate the future of humanity, appealing to their own authority in ways akin to that of theocracies in the dark ages. Any reasonably intelligent person doing a modicum of research into the current cause celebre, can tell that these people are charlatans; and furthermore, that the honest pursuit of science has had to be suppressed by the politicians and bureaucrats.


To John Key and others from Alan N 25 June 2010

I am disappointed that the National Government still appears to be going ahead with its ill thought out ETS.

Nick Smith has continually argued that ACT is using misleading information to stir up opposition to the ETS. If anyone can be accused of misleading the public it is Nick Smith who may yet go down in history as being the one single individual that cost National the next election.

I challenge you to prove these following figures false or misleading:

Ranking Country            Has ETS



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