
Nick Smith grilled over ETS

by Tony Orman  30 June 2010

New Zealand's coal exports to China were labelled 'hypocritical' by audience members at a public meeting on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)in Blenheim last night.
Climate Change Minister Nick Smith addressed the meeting - part of the Government's road show on the scheme - and was adamant that the scheme was New Zealand's best option.
"The sooner we start an ETS, the easier the transition will be," Mr Smith said. "Also it will protect our clean, green image and market access."
Afforestation would be encouraged and grow while New Zealand would honour its Kyoto commitment, he said. New Zealand could not promote itself as clean and green when its carbon emissions had gone up 25 per cent since 1990.
However, in question time, farmers, foresters and others questioned the integrity of the Kyoto Protocol and the theory of global warming. One speaker termed New Zealand coal exports for China to burn in thousands of coal fired stations as as "blatant hypocrisy".
"Yes New Zealand does export coal to China but Kyoto penalises the country that burns it but not the country that exports," replied Mr Smith.


A selection of James Delingpole

How come we now have to go to the Chinese for the truth about global warming?

Another day, another climate fraud whitewash – this time from a Dutch government inquiry, conducted by something called the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. (Hat tip: Sheumais)

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has found no errors that would undermine the main conclusions in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on possible future regional impacts of climate change. However, in some instances the foundations for the summary statements should have been made more transparent. The PBL believes that the IPCC should invest more in quality control in order to prevent mistakes and shortcomings, to the extent possible.

Let's just pause for a moment to consider what's at stake here. According to the IPCC's projections – not even predictions, mark you, just projections based on deeply unreliable, garbage-in-garbage-out computer models – the world is on course for a period of catastrophic, unprecedented, man-made global warming which can only be prevented by drastically cutting carbon emissions and destroying the global economy. This will cost us all at least $45 trillion and prolong the recession indefinitely. And an official Dutch investigation now finds that this is all fair and proper and right, even though none of these "projections" is remotely grounded in empirical observation, though the link between the trace gas CO2 and catastrophic global warming remains no more than theoretical, and though the Climategate emails revealed that those scientists most close to the heart of the IPCC process are at best unreliable and incompetent, at worst corrupt, fraudulent and more interested in political activism than in honest science.

ETS, more harm than good for NZ export trade

 Pastural Farming Climate Research-  newsletter by Robin Grieve

John Armstrong, NZ Herald political commentator, takes on the role of National Party spokesperson by justifying the Government’s implementation of the ETS

It firmly believes something had to be done to safeguard the country’s export trade - or New Zealand would otherwise face mounting consumer resistance to goods transported from afar.

Farmers - amazingly - have seemed to be blinkered to this danger to their livelihoods. They have poured scorn on what Smith calls a “soft” ETS when they should actually have been supporting it. They won’t get a better deal.

The bottom line is that whatever farmers think about the veracity of climate change is irrelevant. It is what the consumers of New Zealand’s export products believe that matters. They have choices. They call the shots. Yet, yesterday, Federated Farmers was calling for next year’s review of the scheme to be brought forward.

It seems the penny is taking an awfully long time to drop in that neck of the woods.

Points to note here.

John is saying that the facts of climate change are irrelevant and he is right to a point. I have long predicted that climate change will ultimately have nothing to do with it. The arguments for global warming may be weak and getting weaker but the argument for managing consumer resistance is strong. Meat and dairy products have to compete with other food products. Global warming is a weapon the producers of other food products use against it. As long as there is the remotest possibility that global warming could be happening and that agriculture is contributing to it, managing consumer resistance will be a strong argument.  John is saying the best way to manage that is for farmers to pay something to protect themselves from the perceptions painted by the global warmists, because even if global warming may not be real, perceptions are always real.

Group of 50k Scientists disavow Global Warming


Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate

"Considerable presence" of skeptics

The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."

To Nick Smith from Peter G 1 July 2010


Nick Smith,



Thoughts from a new Climate Realists' Network member


Here are some of my thoughts on climate change. 
  1. The climate fascists are I believe purposely confusing anthropogenic climate change, natural/cyclic climate change, and local pollution. One doesn’t exist, one can’t be changed by humans, and the third can’t be legislated away by anyone from here. It’s a direct and predictable result of schools no longer being required to teach basic science.
  2. Local pollution is bad, locally, and needs to be addressed, locally. The main culprits are China and India, which is where the pressure should be applied. However, climate fascists from here will be ignored if they try and organize protests in India, and arrested if they try to organize protests in China. You’re just not going to get governments in overpopulated countries to feel bad when their industrial policies cause them to croak off an extra couple-hundred-thousand of their most wretched citizens every year. In their way of thinking, they lost more of their people through starvation and disease before they industrialized.

To Simon Power from Clyde R 1 July 2010

Dear Simon
Annual power bills  $3800
Annual fuel bills   $6200
I promise you that neither I nor my family will ever vote for you or your party again.

To Chris Tremain from Collin B

Hi Chris,
this time I am not going to get into science or add Links but swing to a view point that might make more of an impression.

No Politician will ever convince me that Man Made CO2 is causing global temp changes so I have decided the way to approach this is to get the word out - and so far it does not bode well for National.

National's current actions are alienating voters.

Recently at one of John Boscawens meetings I purchased a couple of Bumper Stickers - pro CO2 - and then joined the:


Nick Smith Tells Voters to Go Elsewhere on ETS

- special report by Tony Orman

Nick Smith has told Marlborough people to not vote National in next year's election, if they are opposed to the National-led government's Emissions Trading Scheme.

        After an address he was answering questions from the gathering of 150 when he made the statement three or four times. It probably did not dawn on the Climate Change Minister that Colin King, the National MP for Kaikoura,  which takes in Marlborough was there chairing the meeting.
        The meeting was one of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) road show meetings.

Radical Thoughts?

- an alternative viewpoint by JH, presented in a series of email exchanges.
I recently attended a meeting in Winton with John Boscawen MP. It occurred to me during his delivery on ETS that the time has come for lateral thinking, literally 'outside the square'.
The square we're trapped in lacks substance. It's an illusion and we are held by our own uncritical acceptance of that illusion. Every day of every week I'm reminded that if we "keep doing what we've always done, we'll always get what we've always got". Isn't it time now to stop doing what we've always done?


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