Thoughts from a new Climate Realists' Network member


Here are some of my thoughts on climate change. 
  1. The climate fascists are I believe purposely confusing anthropogenic climate change, natural/cyclic climate change, and local pollution. One doesn’t exist, one can’t be changed by humans, and the third can’t be legislated away by anyone from here. It’s a direct and predictable result of schools no longer being required to teach basic science.
  2. Local pollution is bad, locally, and needs to be addressed, locally. The main culprits are China and India, which is where the pressure should be applied. However, climate fascists from here will be ignored if they try and organize protests in India, and arrested if they try to organize protests in China. You’re just not going to get governments in overpopulated countries to feel bad when their industrial policies cause them to croak off an extra couple-hundred-thousand of their most wretched citizens every year. In their way of thinking, they lost more of their people through starvation and disease before they industrialized.
  3. There probably is global warming, and it’s a good thing. More parts of the Earth will become fertile or more correctly, will become more fertile again.
  4. What’s all this whining about CO2 levels? In Year Five botany I was taught CO2 was a good thing; it helps plants grow. But in any case the additional CO2 emissions nowadays are way too small to make a difference. When people ask me about my carbon footprint I tell them I’m doing everything I can to increase it, but that doing so is largely symbolic because there’s nothing us 6.5 billion people can do to make a difference.
  5. If the Greens are against CO2, that means they don’t want the earth to grow more verdant. Shouldn’t they then be called the Browns? When I write about them I call them “the Browns (fka the Greens).” When I speak about them, I refer to them as the Browns until the person I’m talking to asks me which group I’m talking about.
  6. There was a time when Galileo had poked holes into every argument the Church had about the Earth being the center of the universe. He asked the priests to “just look through my telescope and see for yourselves.” They declined, saying they’d already made up their minds and taken a public position saying he was wrong, and that they’d lose credibility with the masses if they changed their views. I believe that’s where the climate fascists are now. All of the major studies from which they drew the data for their arguments have been discredited, and they know they’re in trouble. However, a wounded animal can be very dangerous, and us good guys need to keep that in mind.
  7. I believe the Browns (fka the Greens) are also at this point. I mean, look at their most recent legislative “success,” the anti-smacking law. What’s that got to do with saving the environment?
  8. The same goes for the argument against nuclear-generated electricity. If the climate fascists really believed their own arguments about carbon-based emissions and wanted to reduce them, they’d lobby strongly for nuclear power. No smokestacks equals no emissions, right? But they can’t take that position because it conflicts with earlier positions they’ve taken, and they don’t dare change those positions lest their entire house of cards come tumbling down.
  9. Since each and every one of the studies supporting anthropogenic climate change have been discredited, can’t the climate fascists’ beliefs now be considered a religion, not a science? If that’s the case, aren’t there laws about people using government money to force their religion down other people’s throats? Somebody needs to take that case to court.
  10. And the big one: By what arrogance do these clowns tell us that the temperatures we’re having now are the “right” ones? Why can’t oranges grow in Scotland again? Why can Greenland be green again, with permanent settlements along its southern coast again? Why can’t grapes grow in Newfoundland again? The Vikings called it Vinland because they found grapes growing there. The grapes grew in sufficient quantities, and the weather was warm enough, for them to ferment grape juice into wine. They happened to be there during the Medieval Climate Optimum, and abandoned it during the Little Ice Age when the climate made it too difficult to support a colony. The same thing happened in Greenland. Permanent settlements became summer fishing camps until it was just too difficult to live there at any time of the year.


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