To Nick Smith from Peter G 1 July 2010


Nick Smith,



I am writing to you as a result of the misbegotten advent of the ETS today. Over previous years I have been instrumental in reducing my carbon footprint. Changes I have made to this end have been an upgrade to my earlier log burner with a new updated model. I have installed ceiling and under floor insulation.  Installed a solar hot water system.  Replaced  all incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps. Outside I have been instrumental in planting more trees, both deciduous and native. By these means I believe I have made a worthwhile contribution to the dubious claims being made by the climate change lobby about the need to conserve energy and all the rest of the much repeated mantra we hear so much about.


My question to you is very simple. Where are my carbon credits and how do I go about claiming them?


Peter G

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