Letter to the Timaru Herald from Malcolm R 15 June 2010

The Editor,
  At last .  The proof I have been looking for over all those months has been found . Gluckman has been lying to government , and our politicians have been sucked into the vast conspiracy which has already produced many fortune hunters who  have made  billions of dollars.  Did our prime minister know  ?  Was Nick Smith trading carbon credits . This scandalous affair will become more apparent over the next few weeks as the media begin to realise the enormity of their silence .
Ben  Santer , a climate researcher and lead I.P.C.C. author of chapter  8  of the 1995 I.P.C.C.  working group  1  report , admitted on Jesse  Ventura's Conspiracy Theory national TV  show that he  had  deleted sections of the I.P.C.C.  chapter which stated that humans  were not responsible  for  climate  change .Accusing  Santer of altering opinions in the I.P.C.C.  report that disagreed with the man-made  thesis behind climate change ,  Lord  Monckton told the program , "
In comes  Santer and rewrites it for them , after the scientists have sent in their finalized  draft ; that finalized draft said in five different places , " There is no discernable  human  effect on global  temperatures " .  Santer went through all of those and crossed them out, and therefore substituted a  new conclusion which was the official conclusion sent to world governments . All a disgusting  scam .
Billions of our taxpayer dollars have now been swallowed up in that bottomless pit and no-one will be accountable .  Watch this space as this evil conspiracy cotinues to  unfold .
Malcolm  R
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