climaterealists's blog

To Nick Smith from Maureen C 3 February 2010

Good morning
We listened to your interview with Mike Hosking yesterday morning in relation to the serious errors in the IPCC so called evidence and was interested in your comment that you would not tolerate such flawed advice from your advisers. 

ETS supporters betray Australia

The Carbon Sense Coalition claimed today that those who vote for the Wong Ration-N-Tax Scheme are betraying every backbone industry in Australia, for no climate benefits whatsoever.

Letter to Waikato Times 25 January 2010

 I could not agree more with JA Griffiths (WT 25/01). From the studies I have undertaken, it appears to me that it is the environmental movement who have been selective in the facts which they have used to convince the world that we are responsible for a phenomenon which has been continuing in cycles for billions of years. The recent failure of the Copenhagen summit and the resulting waste of time and money should be regarded as a wake-up call which will hopefully buy the world some time.

Scientists in stolen e-mail scandal hid climate data

Ben Webster and Jonathan Leake

January 28 2010

The university at the centre of the climate change row over stolen e-mails broke the law by refusing to hand over its raw data for public scrutiny.

The University of East Anglia breached the Freedom of Information Act by refusing to comply with requests for data concerning claims by its scientists that man-made emissions were causing global warming.

The Information Commissioner’s Office decided that UEA failed in its duties under the Act but said that it could not prosecute those involved because the complaint was made too late, The Times has learnt. The ICO is now seeking to change the law to allow prosecutions if a complaint is made more than six months after a breach.


U.N.'s Global Warming Report Under Fresh Attack for Rainforest Claims

By Gene J. Koprowski

 - 28 January 2010

A United Nations report on climate change that has been lambasted for its faulty research is under new attack for yet another instance of what its critics say is sloppy science -- adding to a growing scandal that has undermined the credibility of scientists and policymakers who back the U.N.'s  findings about global warming.
In the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), issued in 2007 by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientists wrote that 40 percent of the Amazon rainforest in South America was endangered by global warming.

But that assertion was discredited this week when it emerged that the findings were based on numbers from a study by the World Wildlife Federation that had nothing to do with the issue of global warming -- and that was written by a freelance journalist and green activist.

Climate flaws dent the scientific cause -Dominion Post Editorial

2 February 2010

OPINION: In recent years those who have had the temerity to question the evidence for human-made global warming have been labelled as naysayers, Luddites and members of the Flat Earth Society. Now it is the ethics and integrity of climate scientists that is being called into question.

First it was the publication of hacked emails suggesting that leading climate change scientists conspired to keep data out of the hands of global warming sceptics and to play down the importance of information that did not fit their theories.


The Hottest Hoax in the World

OPEN magazine 30 January 2010

It was presented as fact. The UN's Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change, led by India's very own RK Pachauri, even announced a consensus on it. The world was heating up and humans were to blame. A pack of lies, it turns out.

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrarywise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see? —Alice in Wonderland
The climate change fraud that is now unravelling is unprecedented in its deceit, unmatched in scope—and for the liberal elite, akin to 9 on the Richter scale. Never have so few fooled so many for so long, ever.

Water vapour is a major cause of global warming and cooling find scientists 29 January 2010

By Louise Gray

Water vapour is a major cause of global warming and cooling, according to a new study that will spark further debate over the science of climate change.

The research by scientists at the American weather service found water vapour high in the atmosphere is far more influential on world temperatures than previously thought.

During the 1990s one third of the increase in global temperatures was due to an increase in water vapour. In the same way a drop in water vapour after 2000 could explain the recent slowdown in global warming.

The researchers insist their findings do not mean that global warming is not caused by man made greenhouse gases. But the effect of natural water vapour high up in the air may also be having an effect.

The research comes amid fears global warming has been exaggerated. The United Nations’ climate science panel the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) admitted last week that it made a mistake by claiming that the Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035.



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