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13 years of Climategate emails show manipulation of science by a powerful cabal at the heart of the global warming campaign

  • This is the longest and most important article I’ve yet written for this blog and I make no apology for its 4600 words — more also than in any newspaper article. As a journalist, I believe the Climategate emails have exposed one of the most significant news stories of the decade. As the mainstream news media has so far barely gone beyond giving those who wrote them and their supporters time and space to deny their undeniable contents, I present here an extensive journalistic account of what they actually say in the context of the dates and events in which they were written, with full links to all the emails.

Having now read all the Climategate emails, I can conclusively say they demonstrate a level of scientific chicanery of the most appalling kind that deserves the widest possible public exposure.

The emails reveal that the entire global warming debate and the IPCC process is controlled by a small cabal of climate specialists in England and North America. This cabal, who call themselves “the Team,” bully and smear any critics. They control the “peer review” process for research in the field and use their power to prevent contrary research being published.


UN's IPCC says sorry for glacier error

The UN's top climate change body has issued an unprecedented apology over its flawed prediction that Himalayan glaciers were likely to disappear by 2035.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said yesterday the prediction in its landmark 2007 report was "poorly substantiated" and resulted from a lapse in standards. "In drafting the paragraph in question, the clear and well-established standards of evidence, required by the IPCC procedures, were not applied properly," the panel said.

"The chair, vice-chair and co-chairs of the IPCC regret the poor application of IPCC procedures in this instance."

The stunning admission is certain to embolden critics of the panel, which is already under fire over a separate scandal last year involving stolen emails that mentioned suppressing data to freeze out climate change sceptics.


'Miskolczi Constant' Proves IPCC WRONG?

From New Zealand Conservative

Thursday January 14, 2010

Found this very interesting article today about an Hungarian scientist called Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi who wrote a paper back in 2004 and again in 2007 about a 'constant' he worked out with regard to CO2 in the atmosphere. According to his formula, the CO2 can NEVER get to the level the IPCC talks about. What's more, no scientist has been able to refute his research after peer review. It's probably best if I lay down some quotes which will explain a little, but it's best if you read the article in it's entirety to fully grasp it.


The Totalities of Copenhagen

From the Wall Street Journal December 9 2010

'I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Is it not obvious that the vision of apocalypse as it was revealed to Saint John of Patmos was, in fact, global warming?

Here's a partial rundown of some of the ills seriously attributed to climate change: prostitution in the Philippines (along with greater rates of HIV infection); higher suicide rates in Italy; the 1993 "Black Hawk Down" battle in Somalia; an increase in strokes and heart disease in China; wars in the Middle East; a larger pool of potential recruits to terrorism; harm to indigenous peoples and "biocultural diversity."


Peter Foster: IPCC meltdown


To John Key and Nick Smith from Donald O 15 January 2010


I have met you both, Mr Smith at Elmwood School over the foreshore debate some years ago where I said the foreshore belonged to all of us and Mr Key at a dinner at Russely Golf Course where I presented you with a BBC video to show global warming was a scam.  It still is and that fact is becoming more apparent everyday.  The earth has stopped warming and is cooling because the sunspot activity has reduced and we look like being at the start of a 30 year mini ice age.  The sea levels are near static and the rate of cataclysmic weather events has reduced.  CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with climate change, cooling or warming; it is all caused by the sun; beyond our control. 

To Nick Smith from Jim M 13 July 2009

For God's sake wake up!
I see you continue to push the Climate Change barrow which means you are determined to see all New Zealanders taxed to hell and having to pay through the nose for everything on the basis of very very shonky evidence from liars like Al Gore, Ban ki Moon et al.

Warming trend or cooling trend?

The Kiwi Party
Press Release
14 January, 2010

“The headlines recently proclaimed the first decade of the 21st century to be the hottest ever,” said Kiwi Party Leader, Larry Baldock. "This is all supposedly consistent with global warming of course. As it turned out this headline was actually referring to NZ temperatures only and NIWA had to admit it was only hotter by a very small margin.

“What really matters in the global warming debate,” said Mr Baldock, “are the Global Average Temperatures (GAT). In England, around the time of the Copenhagen climate change summit, I saw a headline in the newspapers proclaiming, ‘2010 predicted to be the hottest ever.’ A rather rash prediction given that weather forecasters are never too good on their predictions, particularly in the UK where they were talking about a mild winter just prior to being hit by the coldest temperatures in 30 years!”

Neil Henderson- reservations about Global Research Alliance

I have severe reservations about the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Emissions that came out of Copenhagen. I believe it is a poisoned chalice. It is headed in totally the wrong direction.

The suggestion that something needs to be done about our livestock emissions is suggesting there is something wrong with them now. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our animals are as near to clean and green as it is possible to get. To change their emissions is to make them less green.

Those pushing the need to reduce livestock emissions are damaging our clean green image. It is remarkable how many urban people know human produced global warming is a myth, but in the next breath say we need to do something about those dirty cows and their methane. The Global Alliance as proposed is only going to reinforce this misunderstanding.


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