climaterealists's blog

Pachauri: money laundering?

From EUReferendum

To discuss issues related to the UK's position in Europe and the world.

Posted by Richard Monday, 11 Jan, 2010:

Part One

A British government department, DEFRA, has paid taxpayers' money to a British University which in turn paid it to the British subsidiary of an Indian research organisation, which in turn seems to have paid it to a New Zealand university scientist so that he could work for an international organisation based in Geneva – the IPCC.

Welcome to the bizarre world of climate change politics, where nothing is what it seems and governments indulge in behaviour which, in other circumstances, would look very much like money laundering. But, bizarre though it might appear, this is only half the story. The reality is even more convoluted - the word "bizarre" doesn't even begin to describe it.

The tale emerges from our trail of the millions salted away by climate change "hero" Rajendra Pachauri, and the role of TERI Europe, his outpost of Empire in London.


To Nick Smith from Jim M 7 July 2009


To Nick Smith from Jim M 23 November 2009

So Nick a hacker has finally done the World a service by exposing the lies and subterfuge that lie behind the IPCC, Greenpeace, Al Gore et al's BS on climate change.
Take heed and do not proceed with the foolishness of the ETS! You will consign New Zealand's economy and the National party to the Dustbin of history if you do not think again.

To John Key from Jim M 19 December 2009

For me it beggars belief that an intelligent, well educated man such as you can believe that mankind is causing the Worlds climate to change.

From the Met Office's mistakes to Gordon Brown's wind farms, the cost of 'green' policies is growing.

From UK Telegraph..............Warmists' folly is becoming clear

By Christopher Booker 
Published: 7:28PM GMT 09 Jan 2010
 Impeccable was the timing of that announcement that directors of the Met Office were last year given pay rises of up to 33 per cent, putting its £200,000-a-year chief executive into a higher pay bracket than the Prime Minister. As Britain shivered through Arctic cold and its heaviest snowfalls for decades, our global-warming-obsessed Government machine was caught out in all directions.

Coal Driven Power Stations and Carbon Dioxide.

This article appeared in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin on 22.12.09


The Editor
The Morning Bulletin.
I have sat by for a number of years frustrated at the rubbish being put forth about carbon dioxide emissions, thermal coal fired power stations and renewable energy and the ridiculous Emissions Trading Scheme.
Frustration at the lies told (particularly during the election) about global pollution. Using Power Station cooling towers for an example. The condensation coming from those cooling towers is as pure as that that comes out of any kettle.

No Rise of Airborne Fraction of Carbon Dioxide in Past 150 Years, New Research Finds

ScienceDaily (Dec. 31, 2009)

Most of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity does not remain in the atmosphere, but is instead absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. In fact, only about 45 percent of emitted carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere.


However, some studies have suggested that the ability of oceans and plants to absorb carbon dioxide recently may have begun to decline and that the airborne fraction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions is therefore beginning to increase.


A letter sent from: The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley

Climate change: proposed personal briefing

1 January 2010

The Honourable Mr. Kevin Rudd,

Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Australia.

Prime Minister,

Climate change: proposed personal briefing

Your speech on 6 November 2009 to the Lowy Institute, in which you publicly expressed some concern at my approach to the climate question, has prompted several leading Australian citizens to invite me come on tour to explain myself in a series of lectures in Australia later this month. I am writing to offer personal briefings on why “global warming” is a non-problem to you and other party leaders during my visit. For convenience, I am copying this letter to them, and to the Press.



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