climaterealists's blog

'No intention' of capping emissions

By Lan Lan China Daily

25 February 2010

 But country 'still committed' to reducing carbon  intensity 
China has no intention of capping its greenhouse gas 
emissions even as authorities are committed to realizing the nation's 
target to reduce carbon intensity through new policies and measures, 
the country's top climate change negotiators said yesterday.

The negotiators also warned that rich and developing countries have 
little hope of overcoming key disagreements over how to fight global 


Solar Panels - another Silly Roof Scheme.

Viv Forbes- Carbon Sense Coalition

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for the immediate suspension of another of Mr Garrett’s silly roof schemes – the Roof Solar Panel Scheme.
“This scheme is driven by the Renewable Energy Target Scheme, Renewable Energy Certificates and obligations on power companies to buy the inconsistent dribbles of electricity produced by solar panels on domestic homes.”
The Chairman of Carbon Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that like the roof insulation scheme, the Roof Solar Panel Scheme was dangerous, ill planned and a massive waste of community funds.

How government corrupts science

3 March 2010

by Arthur Robinson, PhD

 Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist who has ever lived, or in

> Albert Einstein's words, the most "privileged" of all scientists
> because of the discoveries that Newton was permitted to make. Einstein
> describes Newton as "this brilliant genius, who determined the course
> of Western thought, research and practice to an extent that nobody
> before or since his time can touch."[1]
> Yet, near the end of his life, Newton said of himself:
>      I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

Climategate: Once Respected Nature Now Staffed By Moaning Ninnies

Pyjamas Media

March 12, 2010 by Christopher Monckton

The once-respected science journal Nature recently published a whining editorial to the effect that climate scientists are not criminals, really; that attacks on them by increasingly-skeptical news media are soooo unfair; and that the fundamental science showing that the planet is doomed unless the economies of the West are shut down at once is unchallengeable.


Climategate: George Monbiot despairs of the AGW cause – 'There goes my life's work'

Gerald Warner  9 March 2010

Sad news: George Monbiot, the high priest of the AGW cult, is feeling frustrated and depressed. He is oppressed by the realisation that, as the politicians phrase it, he is not getting his message across. And this blog, at least in a small way, bears some part of the responsibility. From his pontifical throne in the Vatican of global warming – The Guardian – he has issued an anathema. Quoting from a recent anti-AGW scam posting by me, he observes: “The attack on climate scientists is now widening to an all-out war on science.”

Don’t get carried away, George. It is only an all-out war on bogus science, such as the global warming superstition you champion. The good guys can carry on inventing antibiotics and curing diseases with our whole-hearted support. It is the con men who have taken Al Gore’s shilling that we distrust and despise. Monbiot even has some insight into this. Of the perception of scientists as sinister schemers he concedes: “Sometimes this isn’t far from the truth.”


Climategate: the IPCC's whitewash 'review' is the AGW camp's biggest mistake yet

by Gerald Warner 12 March 2010

It looks as if the tottering IPCC has just made its biggest mistake yet. Twenty-four hours after the announcement of an “independent” inquiry into certain aspects of its activities it is possible to make a considered assessment of its significance. By any reasoned analysis, it is not only a whitewash but one in which the paint is spread so thinly as to be transparent.

First, who appointed this review body? Those two iconic standard bearers of climate science objectivity, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and IPCC head (still!) Rajendra Pachauri. There is nothing like being judge in your own cause – it secures a less damaging verdict. Ban Ki-moon is the clown who, on a visit to the Arctic last September, despairingly proclaimed that “100 billion tons” of polar ice were melting each year, when the sea-ice around him had just extended itself by half a million square kilometres more than at the same time the previous year. Pachauri, among many other solecisms, is also the buffoon who denounced criticism of the IPCC’s absurd claims about melting Himalayan glaciers as “voodoo science”.


John Boscawen- our hero!

John Boscawen is one of the few sane voices in parliament on the issue of the ETS legislation- here is a selection of his press releases.

In Denial

The meltdown of the climate campaign.    BY Steven F. Hayward

March 15, 2010

 It is increasingly clear that the leak of the internal emails and documents of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in November has done for the climate change debate what the Pentagon Papers did for the Vietnam war debate 40 years ago—changed the narrative decisively. Additional revelations of unethical behavior, errors, and serial exaggeration in climate science are rolling out on an almost daily basis, and there is good reason to expect more.


How will David Cameron keep the lights on?

Neither of the main parties seems to have any
idea how we are to meet the looming shortfall in
power, warns Christopher Booker.

By Christopher Booker
Published: 6:11PM GMT 06 Mar 2010

As the election approaches, two issues should transcend all others.
One, obviously, is what the parties propose to do
about the £178 billion deficit in government
spending. But another, equally terrifying - as
this column has warned for years - is what is to



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