Climategate: George Monbiot despairs of the AGW cause – 'There goes my life's work'

Gerald Warner  9 March 2010

Sad news: George Monbiot, the high priest of the AGW cult, is feeling frustrated and depressed. He is oppressed by the realisation that, as the politicians phrase it, he is not getting his message across. And this blog, at least in a small way, bears some part of the responsibility. From his pontifical throne in the Vatican of global warming – The Guardian – he has issued an anathema. Quoting from a recent anti-AGW scam posting by me, he observes: “The attack on climate scientists is now widening to an all-out war on science.”

Don’t get carried away, George. It is only an all-out war on bogus science, such as the global warming superstition you champion. The good guys can carry on inventing antibiotics and curing diseases with our whole-hearted support. It is the con men who have taken Al Gore’s shilling that we distrust and despise. Monbiot even has some insight into this. Of the perception of scientists as sinister schemers he concedes: “Sometimes this isn’t far from the truth.”

He cites those scientists who have weaponised anthrax, or isolated terminator genes for biotech companies to prevent farmers from saving seed, or written misleading endorsements of drugs for pharmaceutical companies. He even denounces the practices of scientific journals “whose monopolistic practices make the supermarkets look like angels”. I wonder if he has had a word with Phil Jones about that.

Despite these flashes of insight, George of course remains committed to the warmist creed. He even deplores “the hatred and derision the passionate and persuasive Al Gore attracts”. Steady on, George. Passionate? Well, yes, with what he has at stake in the way of investment in carbon companies, that is understandable. Persuasive? Not when his home movie An Inconvenient Truth turns out to be riddled with transparent untruths; not when his house is guzzling so much energy it is the only human habitation visible from space; not when he is trying to charge punters £1,200 a shot to be photographed with him at Copenhagen.

The central thesis of George’s Grand Remonstrance, however, is that the battle to persuade the world of the reality of global warming is lost. “No level of evidence can shake the growing belief that climate science is a giant conspiracy codded up by boffins and governments to tax and control us.” By George, he’s got it! Reality has dawned. The penny has dropped. The world knows AGW is a crock and nothing is going to change that reality. And the problem all along, George, was the very “evidence” to which you refer. The wider distrust of scientists was provoked by the thousands of white-coated whores who trousered the IPCC’s cash, chased the grants and plaudits, and clamped their gobs firmly around the UN and EU teats.

“There goes my life’s work,” concludes Monbiot, who appears to be undergoing some dark night of the soul. Aw, George, don’t be like that. Every prophet knows his moments of despair. You cannot be right all of the time. Lord Kelvin, former president of the Royal Society – today a bulwark of your cause – told us heavier-than-air flying machines were an impossibility and radio had no future. Many of us continue to believe you have a promising future as a national treasure, like one of those eccentric end-of-the-world sandwich-board men giving pleasure to the public. In time, as the affectionately renowned Moonbat, you could become the Michael Foot of global warming. Bear up, lad.

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