climaterealists's blog

Breaking news.....

The climate is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places 
the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce 
Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, 
seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and 
hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report 

The Evidence Against Human Causation in Global Warming


Chris Towsey, MSc(Syd) BSc (Hons) Dip Ed FAusIMM


The following data does not fit the assumption that human activities result in global


To John Key from Alan N 3 March 2010

Mr Key,

Recent events must have you questioning why you rushed the Emissions Trading Scheme (Extra Tax Scam) through parliament. This bill was bulldozed through in direct contradiction to your own assertions of what you would do. In particular aligning with Australia to maintain parity between our two nations, this is now shot to pieces. The continuing discreditation of the UN’s supposedly scientific conclusions must also be giving you concern, especially with Phil Jones’ recent admission on BBC radio that all warming in the 20th century was natural in origin and for the last 15 years no warming has taken place. In fact cooling has happened for the last 9 years. There are scientific predictions based on sunspot activity that cooling will continue for up to 20 years. These conclusions I would suggest carry far more weight than the nefarious conclusions of the UN’s IPCC which are based on falsified and manipulated computer models which bear on correlation to what is actually happening.



New Dawn in Climatology

Zamboni Baloney


Zamboni makes the ice-resurfacing carts that are a familiar sight at any hockey game, and also at any number of Winter Olympics — Turin, Salt Lake, Nagano, and way back into the past. But the company has been frosted out at Vancouver. Instead, the ice resurfacing is being done by what are called "electric Zambonis." "Zamboni" is a bit like "Hoover" and "Aspirin" — it's become a generic term — and it turns out the "electric Zambonis" are not Zambonis at all, but are manufactured by a company called Resurfice that landed the contract because the Vancouver organizers were determined that 2010 should be the "Green Olympics."


UN says will create science panel to review IPCC

Nusa Dua, Indonesia, Feb 26 Reuters -

Broader reforms to be announced next week

An independent board of scientists will be appointed to review the world's top climate science panel, which has been accused of sloppy work, a UN climate spokesman said on Friday.


The Scientists Involved in Deliberately Deceiving the World on Climate


by Dr Tim Ball 30 November 2009

Liberal is an anagram of braille. Appropriate because they appear unable to see or read about the climate science scandals.—Tim Ball

The Public and Mainstream Media Still Don’t Grasp the Implications.

Tentacles of Climategate will reach far as information is divulged. People will rush to get on or off the bandwagon depending on their involvement. As a first hand observer, I must outline the history, identify the people involved and provide context. 


Now IPCC hurricane data is questioned

The Register- Environment

by Andrew Orlowski 15th February 2010

More trouble looms for the IPCC. The body may need to revise statements made in its Fourth Assessment Report on hurricanes and global warming. A statistical analysis of the raw data shows that the claims that global hurricane activity has increased cannot be supported.

Les Hatton once fixed weather models at the Met Office. Having studied Maths at Cambridge, he completed his PhD as meteorologist: his PhD was the study of tornadoes and waterspouts. He's a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, currently teaches at the University of Kingston, and is well known in the software engineering community - his studies include critical systems analysis. Hatton has released what he describes as an 'A-level' statistical analysis, which tests six IPCC statements against raw data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) Administration. He's published all the raw data and invites criticism, but warns he is neither "a warmist nor a denialist", but a scientist.


De Boer Quits UN Post in ‘Sad Day’ for Carbon Market (Update2)

Climate Realists don't think so!!!

This is an indication of reality hitting the carbon market!

Bloomberg Business week

by Alex Morales 18 February 2010

Feb. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Yvo de Boer is quitting his post as the United Nations’s climate chief, casting doubt on the effort to establish a worldwide market aimed at reducing the emissions blamed for global warming.


Climate hysteria won't last test of time

NZ Herald 18 February 2010

Garth George

Reports of inaccuracies with global warming data will one day be a source of mirth for us

I am indebted to a reader for sending me a copy of an article which appeared in this newspaper and which I hadn't read.



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