
Letters to Politicians and others

To All Politicians from Donald O 24 November 2009

Dear Members,
the science on anthropogenic global warming is just plain wrong and you are acting very irresponsibly to rush us into any legislation. 
May I respectfully ask, beg even, to just park the whole crock up and take a watching brief for a year. 
The earth is actually cooling and has been for 10 years, so their is no problem or urgency. 

To John Key from Resource Users Association NZ INC 21 November 2009


Dear Mr Key,
With absolutely no compromise we reject the need for ETS levies because …
  • There is no global warming. Actually, Earth has been cooling for 20 years. So say many eminent scientists including Lord Monckton (scientific adviser to the Thatcher Government), Dr David Bellamy and Australia’s Professor Bob Carter.

To John Key from Sally M 22 November 2009

Dear Prime Minister

The people voted National in because they were fed up with the tactics of the Clark government continually ramrodding legislation through the house. People are becoming more than a little disturbed that you the leader of New Zealand, John Key, quickly learned what appears to be the same tactics of the previous Prime Minister.


To Nick Smith from Maureen C 19 November 2009

Good afternoon
Can you please confirm that in answer to a question today in Question Time you indicated that an agreement with the Maori party is expected within a week.
If this is correct, can you also confirm that the Bill will NOT be introduced into the House under urgency until the terms of the agreement is available to the public and Members of the House.

to David Miliband MP (London) from Nigel J-H 16 July 2009


Rt Hon David Miliband MP
Secretary of State.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),
Nobel House
17 Smith Square
16 July 2009
Dear Secretary of State,
My friend, who is in farming at the moment, recently received a cheque for £3,000 from the Rural Payments Agency for not rearing pigs.. I would now like to join the "not rearing pigs" business.
In your opinion, what is the best kind of farm not to rear pigs on, and which is the best breed of pigs not to rear? I want to be sure I approach this endeavour in keeping with all government policies, as dictated by the EU under the Common Agricultural Policy.

To Nick Smith from Dr Gerrit van der Lingen 16 October 2009

Dear Nick
> I am very disappointed about your actions in your global warming
> portfolio. You heard my two lectures on this subject at the Summer
> Sounds Symposia of 2003 and 2006. Because there is no scientific
> evidence whatsoever that human greenhouse gas emissions are causing
> catastrophic global warming, thousands of scientists consider this the
> biggest scam in human history. My wife Marianne and I last talked to
> you at the pre-dinner drinks at the Annual Conference of Architectural
> Designers last year. We discussed global warming and you said that you
> agreed with me. Your actions prove the opposite.


To John Key, Nick Smith, David Carter from Marlborough Fed Farmers 17 November 2009

Vote No at Copenhagen

 Marlborough Federated Farmers  requests that the Government does not commit NZ to any agreement at all on climate change at Copenhagen.
There are good reasons for taking the time that is required to ascertain the necessity and validity of these proposals, not least of which being  the requirement to get the support of the NZ electorate.


To Nick Smith from Maureen C 17 November 2009

Dear Dr Smith
We have today watched with interest Question Time and the whole ETS debate is of concern.  This morning the Prime Minister told Mike Hosking that no-one knows what it will cost because no-one knows the price of carbon.

To John Key and Nick Smith from Simon B 4 November 2009

This is my reply to your letter dated 07/10/09 and the included Article by the NZ Chief Science Advisor. I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply but Prof Gluckmann’s article took quite a while to digest.           I am totally shocked and horrified that you are satisfied that the most reliable information is that provided by the IPCC. But then I realize that much of the advice being given to you comes from parties with a conflict of interest. It must be accepted that there are vast amounts of money at stake in the Global Warming arena, Carbon Credits and the ETS legislation.


To John Key from Resource Users Association NZ INC 7 November 2009

Dear Sir,

The UNITED NATIONS Copenhagen “Treaty” –
There is a rapidly growing ground swell of public resentment because of your Government’s policy to force New Zealand into a subservient position under the totalitarian authority of the United Nations (UN).
Your Government does not have a people mandate to impose ‘government with enforcement’ under the heel of a foreign dictatorship via a possible UN “Treaty”.


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