
Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions – 100% Possible or 100% Pointless?

A new youth-led organisation,  'Generation Zero', has formed in New Zealand to pursue a carbon zero Aotearoa.

In Hamilton on 29th July they held one of several presentations in a road show traversing the entire country asking the question: What’s the hold up?

This article is my observations of that meeting.


There was an excellent turnout of approximately 100-120 of all ages, not just generation zero.

The presentation was introduced by local councillor Daphne Bell from the Sustainability Working Group who lauded the young people for their initiative and passion, and urged all to vote for Sustainable Waikato candidates in the forthcoming local elections. Acknowledged were attending Hamilton Councillor Martin Gallagher, and Waikato Regional Councillor Paula Southgate.

A video montage was shown featuring the President of the World Bank, David Attenborough, President Obama, Gordon Campbell (Premier of British Columbia) movie personalities and Anne Salmond trotting out the usual climate change alarmist meme.

And, we were told, this view is shared by 97% of scientists (without mention to Cook et al, or other dubious origins of the figure) who say we need to keep temperatures to 2o to avoid ‘catastrophe’.

Keeping below 20 translates to a 20-40% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 and an 80-95% cut by 2050. So this is the genesis of the idea of 100% reduction being  the goal, packaged as 100% Possible (campaign slogan) and the rest of the presentation focused on what the current sources of carbon dioxide emissions are and how they might be eliminated in order for New Zealand to be on the “right side of history”.

The current government’s various actions or inactions were listed to illustrate their backsliding on climate change action. Principal amongst these was the disastrous Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) crash in prices to $0.15 per tonne.

Newsletter number 8 2013

Newsletter number 8  2013

Generation Zero
Agenda 21
John Maunder's Future Climate
Wind Farms
BBC interview of Ed Davey
Ten Years “Accelerated Global Warming”?
Politicized Science leads to Impoverishment
Carbon Sense
Links from Sonya:
Oil Discovery

Report from Christchurch Protest 22-24 July 2013


On 10.00AM Monday 22 of July at the High Court in Durham St Christchurch there was scheduled a hearing instigated by approximately 40 property owners of the Christchurch red zone whose property is either repairable or completely undamaged.


Geof's email of intention:

These people are being compelled to leave and as a group, they have found enough cash to test the legality of the red zone order in the courts.

Newsletter number 7 2013

Newsletter number 7  2013

President Obama’s Climate Concerns
From Trevor Louden’s blog
Tony Elliott’s view
David Kear- Global Warming alias Climate Change- the non-existent, 
terribly expensive threat to us all
Organised Crime
Bird Chopping 
Climate Change and Economics:
It’s not Carbon Dioxide after all
Pastural Farming Climate Research
Religion and Global warming: 
Life without Fossil Fuels
Spanish downturn a disaster for green energy

Christchurch and Agenda 21

As time goes by I have less and less doubt that we are seeing Agenda 21 in action in Christchurch - increasingly led by the government rather than by the City Council, although they still seem to think they can plan everything to the nth degree.
Agenda 21 is in our legislation (see, local councils through ECLEI and in our schools (See below).
I have had a website refered to me which describes Agenda 21as it is being implemented in the US.  Great reading! Here is the address
They put out a number of publications of which needs to be read carefully with current policies in NZ borne in mind.  It is a reasonably detailed and heavy read but nevertheless the similarities to NZ are quite shocking!  For instance compare P.10 on Education with this exemplar which I found at  (Yes it is from the government's NZQA website!).

Helical Universe- explanation and review


The Real Reason Behind Climate Change and Global Warming/The problem with our Physics
Einstein once wrote that one of the most important unsolved problems in physics centered around Earth's magnetic field. I sincerely believe I have came up with a theory that not only solves all contradictions in physics but also Earth's magnetic field.
My name is Jamal S. Shrair, I am a physicist and researcher currently living  in Budapest, Hungary. I have been working for the last decade on physics  theory, which gives an explanation for what I believe to be the real reason  behind global climate-change as well as global weather and geological  phenomena. I have compiled my research and hypotheses in a book, which I  published on the 19 of April 2013 on Amazon.
The book provides a good theory for why earth reverses its magnetic field,  what is the source of heat at the earth’s core and a rational explanation for the observable
climate-change and geological phenomena which we are  experiencing.

An Inconvenient Truth

From R.W. Tracinski’s Daily Debate 14/6/13

Global warming skeptics such as myself have been pointing to the fact that the temperature record shows no additional global warming since the late 1990s, in contradiction to the predictions made by the alarmists.

It is—how shall I put it?—an inconvenient truth.

The New York Times has finally gotten around to reporting on this phenomenon.

"As unlikely as this may sound, we have lucked out in recent years when it comes to global warming.

"The rise in the surface temperature of earth has been markedly slower over the last 15 years than in the 20 years before that. And that lull in warming has occurred even as greenhouse gases have accumulated in the atmosphere at a record pace."

Lord Monckton Foundation Global Warming Prediction Index and Graph-June 2013

The Lord Monckton Foundation A G A P H S E I S

The Global Warming Prediction Index:

a new monthly reality check on models’ forecasts

Is the world warming faster than predicted? Just as predicted? Or at all? Or is it cooling? For the first time ever, the LMF monthly prediction index and graph compare the latest official IPCC projections of global warming with real-world temperature change measured by satellites.


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