David Kear- Global Warming alias Climate Change- the non-existent threat to us all



[the NON-EXISTENT, incredibly expensive,


including to our GRANDCHILDREN]

by David Kear, 34 West End, Ohope, Whakatane, NZ

(former Director-General, NZ DSIR;

United Nations consultant; & South Pacific geoscientist)


“Climate Change” has become an important international topic - one might

almost say religion. It began life as “Global Warming”.

So very many people, including politicians and “news people”, appear to have

been overwhelmed by it, and have led others to believe, and follow the doctrine.

It has sponsored a good deal of international co-operation, which can only

have been good.

However, the cost of “Combating Carbon” has been extremely high, and the

debt and economic consequences are being passed on to present citizens, and, worse

still, to future generations, including all our grandchildren.

This booklet attempts to raise, in citizens’ minds, questions regarding the

enormous sums of money and effort being wasted on this topic.

Is it soundly based?

Will it “do good” or “do bad” for ordinary citizens?

Do those promoting it deserve our attention?

This booklet suggests that Global-Warming-alias-Climate-Change, as

proposed by “Global Warmers” makes no sense. You, as the reader, must judge that

for yourself - not to help the writer of this booklet, but to help you and your family.

Do you think after reading all this that the proponents are absolutely reliable?

Should you add your voice to those against it, or at least talk to your

councillors and members of parliament and see how they feel?

Click here to read booklet.

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