Christchurch and Agenda 21

As time goes by I have less and less doubt that we are seeing Agenda 21 in action in Christchurch - increasingly led by the government rather than by the City Council, although they still seem to think they can plan everything to the nth degree.
Agenda 21 is in our legislation (see, local councils through ECLEI and in our schools (See below).
I have had a website refered to me which describes Agenda 21as it is being implemented in the US.  Great reading! Here is the address
They put out a number of publications of which needs to be read carefully with current policies in NZ borne in mind.  It is a reasonably detailed and heavy read but nevertheless the similarities to NZ are quite shocking!  For instance compare P.10 on Education with this exemplar which I found at  (Yes it is from the government's NZQA website!).
Compare P.8 with the relationship between Fletchers, CERA and the government which is going on in order to "facilitate" the Christchurch "rebuild", and dont forget to look at p18 which makes you think of our governments actions in the compulsary acquiring of private land here, (Using the earthquakes as a pretext).  (voluntary purchase??? my __s)
For those of you who are in Auckland  I advise you to research your new "Unitary Plan" and see if you can recognise Agenda 21 in that. I have heard that is the case but it takes locals to recognise what is really going on - but everyone needs open eyes! Yes the Auckland City Council IS a member of ICLEI!  so I will not be in the least surprised if Agenda 21 is oozing everywhere in your new plan. It would be interesting to quiz Len Brown about what he knows about Agenda 21 etc. Some of the commenters here seem to be on to it though:
Agenda 21 in my eyes eclipses AGW.  Global Warming or Climate Change has just served to soften us up or act as a smoke screen.  The real life changing threats are with Agenda 21.  Please everyone take the time to read the links here.   Agenda 21 is a huge thing and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is attacking us from all sides whilst our attention is diverted elsewhere.
Here is another US website that is getting into Agenda 21 things as well 
I apologise that some of these links are from a Word Press website, but they have been saved there in case the original link disappears (which is not unusual).
Extra reading. The Christchurch Central Recovery Plan  Check P41 and read the paragraph on Sustainability.  For the record  - there has been no provision for sea level rises as far as I am aware:)
Click here for a recent article showing further inroads Agenda 21 is making into Chrischurch policy.
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