
White lies in winter?

From Ken Ring’s latest newsletter:

Climatism or global warming alarmism is the most prominent recent example of science being co-opted to serve a political agenda, writes Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the fall 2013 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. Lindzen claims that ambiguous statements by scientists are translated into alarmist statements by media and advocacy groups, influencing politicians to feed more money to the acquiescent scientists.

In normal science, models are judged by how well they agree with nature, Lindzen explains. In the climate “debate,” however, the models are given a claim to validity independent of agreement with real observations. In other words, the models have nothing to do with reality, and cause alarmism which becomes a religion damaging to science and costly to society.

As if to perfectly exemplify Lindzen's claim, in NZ media there has been an excited claim by ex-NIWA boss Dr Jim Salinger that we have had a warmest-ever winter. But what farmers call winter is quite different to the call from Metservice and NIWA. In continuing desperation to find even the smallest global warming evidence, their outlooks focus on mild spells and downplay icy events. Farmers tend to bask in but distrust occasional mild spells in winter and instead keep a lookout for deep polar blasts from the south and southwest because that threatens financial ruin.

What months constitute winter has always been provincial. “Winter months” will never be universal in NZ due to our deep variation in latitudes and terrains. Farmers work to operational timetables and not months. No region in NZ speaks for all, and with no standardisation climatologists can and do say as they please.

We paid for it. We have a right to see it.

Publicly-funded scientists who keep their work secret should be censured and cut off from future funding

by Ron Arnold

Who owns taxpayer-funded science? From the way many scientists behave, it’s not the taxpayers.

Many scientific studies funded by federal agencies – through grants, contracts or cooperative agreements – hide the guts of the science. What the scientists keep secret is the raw data they obtain and the methods they use to interpret it, as if those were personal possessions. It’s an especially outrageous attitude when their work is used to justify the horrendous, burdensome regulations.

Independent scientist Rob Roy Ramey recounted an extreme example: “A researcher tracked endangered desert bighorn sheep with government GPS radio collars to record precise animal locations for wildlife rangers. He then reset the access codes so only he could download the data remotely, and refused to surrender the codes. California Fish and Game had to track down and net-gun the bighorns from a helicopter, to manually download the data, costing a fortune and endangering both animals and people.”

Agency “science” frequently isn’t about data collection at all. Instead, it’s a “literature search,” with researchers in a library selecting papers and reports written by others, merely summarizing results and giving opinions of the actual scientists. These agency researchers never even see the underlying data, much less collect it in the field. The agency then holds up those second-hand opinions as if they had rigorously tested them against the data. Using this unscrupulous tactic, they can cherry-pick the literature to make any case they want, for any regulation they want to impose.

Global Warming Slowdown Data Sought in UN Climate Report

By Alex Morales - Aug 29, 2013 - Bloomberg

U.S. and European Union envoys are seeking more clarity from the United Nations on a slowdown in global warming that climate skeptics have cited as a reason not to “panic” about environmental changes, leaked documents show.

They’re requesting that more details on the so-called “hiatus” be included in a key document set to be debated at a UN conference next month that will summarize the latest scientific conclusions on climate change.

Including more information on the hiatus will help officials counter arguments that the slowing pace of global warming in recent years is a sign that the long-term trend may be discounted, according to Bob Ward, policy director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics.

“In the public debate, there are people who are using the slowdown to say global warming is less of a problem than thought,” Ward said in an interview yesterday. “It has to be fully explained in the summary.”


Parasitic Power Producers

Viv Forbes, Australia

The green energy twins, wind and solar, are parasitic power producers. They cannot produce continuous predictable electricity without sucking backup from their hosts - real power plants using coal, gas, nuclear, hydro or geothermal energy..

They start their freeloading life by attaching themselves to an electricity network built and paid for by their hosts. They seldom contribute to the capital or maintenance cost of the transmission network, and they force consumers to subsidise the feed-in price received for their unreliable output. 

From day one, the green energy parasites force their hosts to support them with electricity during the frequent periods when they produce no power. At times, in cold still weather, wind farms drain power from the network to keep the turbines from freezing.. 

All green energy plants in a region tend to produce either peak power or zero power at the same times... This surging creates serious network instability and forces fluctuating output in backup facilities.


Protecting the Environment

By Vincent Gray

Living organisms are dependent on a whole series of chemical reactions whose rate is dependent on temperature. To maintain life, the whole organism must be surrounded by an environment which keeps the temperature of the organism within the limits necessary for its continuity. The environment must also make possible the provision of the necessary inputs such as food and shelter and the disposal of outputs.

The environment required to support life can be divided in a series of levels, reminiscent of the “Circles” of Dante’s “Inferno”. Humans have developed a whole series of these levels to make it possible to survive the very varied external conditions which it is able to endure 

• THE FIRST LEVEL may be termed the INTIMATE. It consists of mainly insulated layers of CLOTHING whose details are adjustable to circumstances..


Italian Senate Hears Reality: World Federation of Scientists Report "Global Warming Is Not A Threat"

Watts Up With That ^ | 28 August 2013 | Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

ERICE, SICILY – It’s official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency.

The President of the Italian Senate, Judge Pietro Grasso, who was the judge in Sicily’s first maxiprocesso, a class-action prosecution of dozens of Mafiosi who were sent to prison for a total of 2600 years, gave the magistral lecture at the opening plenary session of the seminars, which ended this week.

Both Judge Grasso and the President of the Federation, Professor Antonino Zichichi, said that care should be taken to examine carefully the basis for concern about CO2 emissions as well as the relevance and cost-effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures.


Newsletter number 9 2013

Newsletter number 9 2013

Table of Contents
New Zealand’s changing climate and oceans
Reports from Generation Zero meetings
How little we know about the weather
From GWPF: Europe pulls the plug on its green future
The latest newsletter from Carbon Sense
Links from Sonya
From the ‘Good Grief’ Department
The competing world Views of Environmentalism and Christianity
If carbon dioxide is so bad for the planet, why do greenhouse growers buy CO 2 generators to double plant growth?
Sea Levels
‘Do the Math’ on Climate Change
Christchurch Protest reports, extra links
30 months to save the world
Weather forecasting


Making an impact in Parliament?

This was round two(2) of two (Graham suffered KO in each) last week.  Graham turned white and sat down.


3. Climate Change—Minister of Finance’s Statements

[Sitting date: 08 August 2013. Volume:692;Page:4. Text is subject to correction.]

3. Dr KENNEDY GRAHAM (Green) to the Minister for Climate Change Issues: Does he stand by the answer given by the Minister of Finance to the question “Does he accept that human-induced climate change is real?” that “It may well be …”?

Hon TIM GROSER (Minister for Climate Change Issues) : Yes, and now that I have had time to check the context, I can inform the member and the House that the context of this reply was when he was asked by Russel Norman whether the drought was attributable to climate change. As anyone who knows anything about the science knows, it is absurd to say that a particular event is related to climate change; climate change is the frequency of extreme events. To either deny that it could be the consequence of climate change or say that it was would not be a scientifically plausible response, so the Deputy Prime Minister gave the only respectable scientific response: it may well be.

Dr Kennedy Graham : Is he proud—[Interruption ]

Mr SPEAKER : Order! Dr Kennedy Graham can start the question again.

NZ Govt's Climate Report- Ken's reaction

2nd  August 2013
To view report:
New Zealand’s changing climate and oceans: The impact of human activity and implications for the future. Ah well no hint of presumption and bias there then?

Sir Peter Gluckman’s report to government out today summarises the ‘science” for the public. Mostly it is a reiteration of the dogma and rhetoric we are familiar with, but a few phrases caused me some mirth….

Many decisions will be required at both national and local levels, and within both the public and private sectors. These decisions will need to be made in the face of inevitable and unresolvable degrees of scientific uncertainty.

In the foreword, and a foretaste of the maybe, might, coulda, shoulda, don’t blame me, everyone else said it, tone.

Here’s another cracker as the first paragraph of the exec summary:

An assessment of current scientific reports on the global climate show a very high level of consistency with previous work and with the continuing scientific consensus. There is unequivocal evidence that the Earth’s climate is changing, and there is strong scientific agreement that this is predominantly as a result of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

Oh good! Well now we know we were right, because we checked with what we said before. And it hasn’t changed. Today seems to be a day of aggregating what many have said and seeing that as proof. Consensus is the modern scientific benchmark, but how will we know if it is only a popular delusion?

Unreliability of Windfarms- Old Sparky

OLD SPARKY  Private Eye  26/07/13 No.1345

THE report from energy regulator Ofgem that sparked headlines on
potential power cuts contains much new analysis highlighting the
uselessness of wind generation in contributing to security of
electricity supply, aka the problem of windfarm "intermittency". But
the problem is being studiously ignored by the Department of Energy
and Climate Change (DECC).

As coal power stations shut down, windfarms are notionally replacing
them. If, say, only one windfarm were serving the grid, its inherent
unreliability could easily be compensated for. But if there were only
windfarms, and no reliable sources of electricity available at all,
security of supply would be hugely at risk. Thus the more windfarms
there are, the less they contribute to security.

For every one megawatt of reliable capacity (eg a coal-fired power
station) that gets closed, Ofgem calculates Britain would need six to
eight megawatts of windfarm capacity to achieve the original level of
reliability - and the multiple is rising all the time. Windfarms are
not of course being built at eight times the rate coal plants are
closing - hence the ever-increasing likelihood of blackouts.


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