
Submission to ETS Review Panel 2012 (#3)


I have read the consultation document regarding updates to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. It was all about HOW this onerous scheme (estimated to cost the average NZ household $1500/year for starters) could be implemented, but nothing about WHETHER it should be implemented. Apparently, that’s a subject that’s not open to discussion, since Nick Smith directed the Panel last year as follows:


"The review panel should NOT focus on:


Submission to ETS Review Panel 2012 (#2)

Please add my name to those requesting that the ETS/carbon tax scheme end as soon as possible.


Recent more responsible research has cast doubt on the whole basis for the scheme.


We are experiencing the end of an ice age, and the human component is so miniscule that it will

 never be measurable. 







George Van V




Submission to ETS Review Panel 2012 (#1)

We are concerned about the unwarranted cost increases to NZ small businesses todate which, may have been largely absorbed since having the 'forced' introduction of ETS taxes on both petrol and power consumed within our economy...
1. General:
All the services our company offers to the NZ market place have been affected both directly and indirectly... For example:

Lonely German with common sense

The optimistic message of Fritz Vahrenholt, climate dissenter and CEO of RWE Innogy
2 May 2012
European Energy Review
"The sun is giving us time to come up with smarter solutions for the Energiewende"
By Marcel Crok
Fritz Vahrenholt, head of the renewable energy arm of RWE and a former hero of the German environmental movement, has been derided in Germany as a lobbyist for the fossil fuel sector after he published a book highly critical of the global warming consensus. But Vahrenholt's message is far from simplistic. He supports the idea of an "Energy Transformation", but argues that the current German approach is too costly and even counterproductive. Germany's renewable energy policies are undermining the country's biodiversity and destroying its forests, he says in an interview with EER. He is convinced that the contribution of CO2 to global warming is being exaggerated and that there is more time to come to genuinely sustainable solutions. "We run the risk of destroying the foundations of our prosperity."

Nigel Lawson Responds To David Attenborough

Radio Times

Sir David Attenborough is one of this country’s finest journalists, and a great expert on animal life. Unfortunately, however, when it comes to global warming he seems to prefer sensation to objectivity.

Had he wished to be objective, he would have pointed out that, while satellite observations do indeed confirm that the extent of arctic sea ice has been declining over the past 30 years, the same satellite observations show that, overall, Antarctic sea ice has been expanding over the same period.

Science hijacked at school level

Michael Asten
The Australian
8 May 2012
THIS year will be remembered as the one where debate on the implications of climate change science became respectable. In this newspaper on December 31 last year we had the views of professors of geology Mike Sandiford on cherry-picking of data with reply on January 4 by Ian Plimer. In February we had internationally published articles by 16 eminent sceptical scientists, with reply by 39 equally eminent scientists from the mainstream anthropogenic global warming school of thinking.

Queensland turns the tide of environmental lunacy

By James Delingpole

The Telegraph.Com (UK)

28 Mar 2012

Just a fortnight, now, before I fly to God's Own Country to promote (my latest book on environmentalism) Killing The Earth To Save It (Connor Court) and tell the Aussies some home truths about the great global warming swindle. But do you know what? I think, to judge by the Queensland election results, one or two of them might have twigged already. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that those Queenslanders have just won the climate war equivalent of El Alamein. (H/T Bob Carter, Stefan Bjorklund, Sonya Porter, Mark Hatherly)
"Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein we never had a defeat," Churchill wrote after the war. It wasn't strictly true then and it isn't strictly true now: of course, there will be further setbacks. But the Queensland election result undoubtedly marks a turning point in the global struggle between climate realism and green alarmism, for it's the first one directly and unequivocally attributable to public scepticism towards environmental nonsense.
No administration was "greener" than the one run by departing Queensland premier Anna Bligh. She believed in environmentalism with such a passion she entrusted her beloved husband – Greg Withers: head of Queensland's Office For Climate Change – with the task of turning Queensland into the solar powered, low-carbon, eco-paradise it very nearly is today.

Is growth making a comeback?

By Ross Elliott

"The Pulse" blog (Queensland) Tue 1 May 2012

The latest local government elections in Queensland, along with the by election for former Premier Anna Bligh’s state seat of South Brisbane, may point to a fundamental shift in popular mood back in favour of growth and development. After many years of anti-growth policy paranoia, it’s a refreshing wind if it lasts.
Was the electoral storm that swept ‘Can Do’ Campbell Newman and the conservative LNP to power only a few weeks ago something more than a direct reaction to a failed state Labor government? Subsequent local government election results state-wide may point to a more fundamental shift in community attitude.  Why? Because one month after a resounding rejection of the state government, voters once again lined up to sink the knife into incumbent mayoral candidates who have presided over needless bureaucracy, excessive red tape and anti-growth policies disguised in political or media spin. Those who expected a bounce back to Labor from voters recognising the very large mandate of the new LNP state government were proven badly wrong. Even Labor’s stronghold state seat of South Brisbane, narrowly held by the former Premier at the last election, barely got over the line to Labor this time in a by election.

Climate change and Villach – what is the connection?

Among the many climate science meetings I have attended, the most significant, at least in term of climate change is concerned, is my involvement in the UN sponsored International Conference held in the beautiful town Villach, in Austria in October 1985.

One hundred experts from 30 countries attended the meeting (in contrast to ten to twenty thousand who now attend such meetings), and I was privileged to be the only New Zealander invited. We were all there as experts - and not representing our respective organisations - in various fields of science, endeavouring to do the best we could in looking at the complexities of climate science.

Among the principal findings of this conference was that "while other factors, such as aerosol concentration, changes in solar energy input, and changes in vegetation, may also influence climate, the greenhouse gases are likely to be the most important cause of climate change over the next century”.

Post normal science?

Dear all,
I can't understand why Mike Hulme has got away with saying the kind of stuff that has been attributed to him below, if it is true.
Mike Hulme is founding director of the Tyndall Centre, and Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia (UEA), prepared climate scenarios and reports for the UK Government (including the UKCIP98 and UKCIP02 scenarios, and reviewer for UKCP09), the European Commission, UNEP, UNDP, WWF-International and the IPCC, and was co-ordinating Lead Author for the chapter on ‘Climate scenario development’ for the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, as well as a contributing author for several other chapters.
"Post normal" science is an explicitly stated objective.....even by scientists in publicly funded positions with considerable power to influence government policy?
I know "post normal" philosophy has infested all sorts of academic disciplines such as history, sociology, criminology, and anthropology, but science......? Will mathematics be next?
Read on........
Phil H
Lower Hutt, NZ
What has become of science? We thought that science was about the pursuit of truth. Then we became perplexed at how quickly scientists have prostituted themselves in the service of political agendas. We have seen the unedifying spectacle of scientists refusing to share their data, fiddling their results, and resorting to ad hominem attacks on those who have exposed their work to be fraudulent. We have seen the Royal Society becoming a shamelessly crude advocacy society. We have seen President Obama choosing notorious climate alarmists and liars to be his personal advisors. We have seen the peer review process and journal editors colluding to prevent publication of results that do not serve the politically-correct agenda, and scientists refusing to consider results that demolish their pet theories. What is going on here?
What is going on is that science is no longer what we thought it was. It is now a tool in the hands of socialists, and the smart money is flowing into the pockets of ‘scientists’ who will serve their agenda. Follow the money. Whilst traditional physics and chemistry departments are closing in British universities, and there is a shortage of science teachers, there is an abundance of cash being poured into departments that will serve socialist ends, and no shortage of acolytes desirous to use this as a route to power.


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