Submission to ETS Review Panel 2012 (#1)

We are concerned about the unwarranted cost increases to NZ small businesses todate which, may have been largely absorbed since having the 'forced' introduction of ETS taxes on both petrol and power consumed within our economy...
1. General:
All the services our company offers to the NZ market place have been affected both directly and indirectly... For example:
1. All our raw material supply cost have increased since the imposition of both the ETS taxes...
2. Our administration and production cost have increased due to power cost increases..
3. Our installation services have increased due to petrol cost increases..
4. Our wages and salaries have increased in real terms to reflect these cost to our contractors...
5. The price of our NZ designed, manufactured and installed range of automation systems have increased to recover these cost, although only effective since the 1st April 2012 ...
6. The next development for our company is also predictable:
a. A reduction in sales because the market cannot (or will not) accept the increased price for our systems in the current flat domestic economy...
b. And, should the NZ market not improve or, our company not be able to reduce cost in the design, manufacture and installation services we offer, another small business will fail!
7. And, the NZ economy is made up primarily of small business operations, such as ours...
Our perspective:
Yet, not one dollar of the revenues collected since the commencement of the NZ ETS can be shown to have reduced global temperatures or changed the global climate in any way...
However, a new NZ ETS accounting bureaucracy has been developed which together with financial and legal advocates employed to manipulate the 'carbon footprint revenues,' have ensured a new industry has been established to spend the monies generated from tax payers...
The results of the NZ ETS will (or have) been duplicated internationally as the economic benefits to the UN are realised from participating member nations, financed by all contributing productive taxpayers who have been conned into the belief that their 'donations' will reduce global climate extremes...
The international change in emphasis to "man made climate change" which has been promoted since the dire 'man made global warming' predictions of the last 20 years have been proven false, should have already woken up the populace internationally and domestically however, there is no doubt it will do so as the total cost to the nation becomes fully apparent!  
2. Second tranch of compensation:
The ETS should be dumped and NZ should lead the world in promoting "the science has not only not been settled" but should also confirm that the dire predictions of the last 20 years by the UN supported and paid self-promoting experts, have proven to be totally unfounded!
3. The current ETS process:
This current review just proves the point in regard to the wasted NZ resource used in promoting and developing the 'ETS industry' - Revenues that would be better placed in the hands of all contributors to the scheme and used in developing the productive infrastructure in our country! 
We trust a significant number of submissions will follow our line of thought and reasoning...
There is no scientifically proven 'global man made climate change' apparent in any raw climate data... Further, the science of "climate change" is still unsettled and no doubt will remain so, despite the technologies that are now employed in monitoring our global and solar environment...
Les J Hole
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