
RIO+20- Dr Vincent Gray

For 20 years we have been subjected to the tyranny of the "Earth Summit" conference in Rio de Janeiro which took place from 3-13 June 1992. Since then we have been subjected to a World dictatorship where we have been forced to conserve , skimp and save, stop building power stations, invest in uneconomic windmills, save whales rather than people and endure a whle rasp of unnecessary,  expensive  restrictions of our lives. Ordinary weather has been replaced by "climate change where everything is blamed on our main energy sources coal and oil, and we have even restricted hydro dams and nuclear power. All in a mad rush to achieve the impossible goal of "sustainability".  We have all been cringing at the further restrictions on our lives implied by the latest bonanza, the 20th Anniversary Conference in Rio de Janeiro which has now ended. We can now breathe a sigh of relief, not that it is all over, but that it is on its way down, to be hopefully replaced. eventually by the common sense which used to keep us going.
I have devoted over 20 years trying to undo the harm of the last "Summit" and I cannot match the comment on the latest one which has now been published by my friend and colleague in global protest, Lord Christopher Monckton, so here is his report.,

Matt Ridley: Technology leads people to live more lightly on the land

Part of the preamble to Agenda 21, the action plan that came out of the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, reads: "We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being."
In the 20 years since, something embarrassing has happened: a sharp decrease in poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy and a marked reduction in these global disparities. The conference that begins next week in Rio de Janeiro, on the 20th anniversary of the first Earth Summit, will nonetheless remain resolutely pessimistic about the planet's ecosystems and their capacity to support human beings indefinitely if economic growth continues. The reasoning has changed over time, however.

Tim Ball: Radical Environmentalism Damages Economies and Lives

Going green has failed everywhere. It’s a major factor in European economic collapse as energy costs soar. Stronger economies of the United States and Canada absorbed impacts better but damage is extensive and has been papered over by government spending. Much of the economic decline is due to the activities of environmentalists. They’ve used taxpayer money for a propaganda war that has destroyed the livelihoods and lives of those taxpayers. Citizens are being bullied, defined as the use of “superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants.” The bullied are unable to fight back. Letter’s to the editor about a front page item, even if published, are obscure in the letters section.


Are engineered humans the solution to climate change?

From NZCPR 8/4/12

No, this is not a joke. Just ethical suggestions from Oxford University, UK.

First, an extract from Atlas Shrugged.
“Sweep aside those parasites of subsidized classrooms, who live on the profits of the mind of others and proclaim that man needs no morality, no values, no code of behavior. They, who pose as scientists and claim that man is only an animal, do not grant him inclusion in the law of existence they have granted to the lowest of insects. They recognize that every living species has a way of survival demanded by its nature, they do not claim that a fish can live out of water or that a dog can live without its sense of smell—but man, they claim, the most complex of beings, man can survive in any way whatever, man has no identity, no nature, and there’s no practical reason why he cannot live with his means of survival destroyed, with his mind throttled and placed at the disposal of any orders they might care to issue.”


Paragraph 37, Galt's Speech by Ayn Rand.

So far, conventional solutions to global warming — new government policies and changes in individual behavior — haven't delivered. And more radical options, such as pumping sulfur into the atmosphere to counteract warming, pose a great deal of risk.

There may be another route to avoid the potentially disastrous effects of climate change : We can deliberately alter ourselves, three researchers suggest.

Human engineering, as they call it, poses less danger than altering our planet through geoengineering, and it could augment changes to personal behavior or policies to mitigate climate change, they write in an article to be published in the journal Ethics, Policy and the Environment.

"We are serious philosophers, but we might not be entirely serious that people should be doing this," said Anders Sandberg, one of the authors and an ethicist at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. "What we are arguing is we should be taking a look at this, at the very least.


PART 1 of 2

by Tom DeWeese
May 21, 2012

The battle over Agenda 21 is raging across the nation. City and County Councils have become war zones as citizens question the origins of development plans and planners deny any international connections to the UN’s Agenda 21. What is the truth? Since I helped start this war, I believe it is up to me to help with the answers.

The standard points made by those who deny any Agenda 21 connection is that:

Local planning is a local idea.
Agenda 21 is a non-binding resolution not a treaty, carries no legal authority from which any nation is bound to act. It has no teeth.
The UN has no enforcement capability.
There are no “Blue-Helmeted” UN troops at City Hall.
Planners are simply honest professionals trying to do their job, and all these protests are wasting their valuable time.
The main concern of Agenda 21 is that man is fouling the environment and using up resources for future generations and we just need a sensible plan to preserve and protect the earth. What is so bad about that?
There is no hidden agenda.
“I’ve read Agenda 21 and I can find no threatening language that says it is a global plot. What are you so afraid of?”
And of course, the most often heard response – “Agenda 21, what’s that?”
And after they have proudly stated these well thought out points, they arrogantly throw down the gauntlet and challenge us to “answer these facts.”
Well, first I have a few questions of my own that I would love to have answered.


Agenda 21

Muriel Newman's excellent website contains a wealth of articles on a large range of issues. This one was too good not to reproduce here- but visit her site for a good browse around some thought-provoking reading.

Agenda 21 and climate change are inextricably linked- hence the reproduction of this article on our site:

There is a strange irony about New Zealanders. While some are extremely vocal in opposing foreign ownership of land or assets, many turn a blind eye when a foreign group like the United Nations effectively takes over aspects of our governance and institutional arrangements.

A case in point is Agenda 21, a United Nations political agenda that is designed to control resources and people. It has been embedded in New Zealand’s institutional framework for over 20 years, manifesting itself through such buzz words as ‘sustainable development’, ‘biodiversity’, ‘smart growth’, ‘waste minimisation’, and ‘population control’. Former Minister of the Environment Dr Nick Smith acknowledged its influence in March in a speech entitled Rio+20: The Future We Want: “In the twenty years since the Rio Earth Summit, ground-breaking concepts contained in the Rio principles and Agenda 21 have been mainstreamed into our daily lives”.


Federated Farmers media release- July2012

It woud be refreshing to hear the Feds coming out against the ETS altogether but at least they are pointing out the obvious- why cripple your food producers in a hungry world?

Now they need to get out the message that:

-'carbon' (they really mean CO2) is not a pollutant,

-does not need to be reduced,

Monckton at Rio 2012


To the Gaia-worshipers in Rio, all is symbolic of the new religion

From Christopher Monckton of Brenchley in Rio de Janeiro

Symbolism! Dontcha just love it? Even the three-letter abbreviations for the world’s airports convey a resonant message for the goofy Gaia-worshipers here in Rio de Janeiro for the conference on “sustainable development” (whatever that may mean). Flights still follow the old colonial patterns, so it is easier to fly to Rio (GIG from Madrid (MAD) than from London. Entertainingly, the bag-tag on my suitcase bore the legend MAD GIG –a deftly synoptic description of the leftfest on Brazil’s once-fashionable coast.

The intended triumph of the new religion over the old was symbolized by a light-emitting diode system costing hundreds of thousands of dollars that has turned the normal floodlighting of the towering statue of Christ the Redeemer an unpleasant, lurid green, so that He looks like a giant jelly-bean. Fortunately, Divine intervention (or perhaps the Gore effect) has smothered the volcanic pinnacle on which the statue stands in unseasonably dense cloud and pouring rain, rendering this crude but costly sacrilege altogether invisible. Chalk up ten points to the old religion. God is not mocked.

The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change hysteria

Two months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change.

The implications were extraordinary.

Lovelock is a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist whose Gaia theory — that the Earth operates as a single, living organism — has had a profound impact on the development of global warming theory.

Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement at age 92, was a much-honoured working scientist and academic.

His inventions have been used by NASA, among many other scientific organizations.

Lovelock’s invention of the electron capture detector in 1957 first enabled scientists to measure CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other pollutants in the atmosphere, leading, in many ways, to the birth of the modern environmental movement.

Having observed that global temperatures since the turn of the millennium have not gone up in the way computer-based climate models predicted, Lovelock acknowledged, “the problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago.”


Cherry picking the Pine Trees for "Climate Science"

National Review

May 24, 2012

Climategate Continues
Will a penalty be called for Keith Briffa’s excessively curved hockey stick?

By Andrew Montford & Harold Ambler
Climategate, the 2009 exposure of misconduct at the University of East Anglia, was a terrible blow to the reputation of climatology, and indeed to that of British and American science. Although that story hasn’t been in the news in recent months, new evidence of similar scientific wrongdoing continues to emerge, with a new scandal hitting the climate blogosphere just a few days ago.
And central to the newest story is one of the Climategate scientists: Keith Briffa, an expert in reconstructing historical temperature records from tree rings. More particularly, the recent scandal involves a tree-ring record Briffa prepared for a remote area of northern Russia called Yamal.
For many years, scientists have used tree-ring data to try to measure temperatures from the distant past, but the idea is problematic in and of itself. Why? Because tree-ring data reflect many variables besides temperature. Russian tree growth, like that of trees around the world, also reflects changes in humidity, precipitation, soil nutrients, competition for resources from other trees and plants, animal behavior, erosion, cloudiness, and on and on. But let’s pretend, if only for the sake of argument, that we can reliably determine the mean temperature 1,000 years ago or more using tree cores from a remote part of Russia. The central issue that emerges is: How do you choose the trees?


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