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Jo Nova posts SPPI's response to NOAA's Hysteria

Green Car Policies are Defective and should be Recalled.

Carbon Sense 5 August 2010


This election is crucial. People are uninspired by either of the big parties,
but too many are thinking of voting Green.
Their destructive anti-human, anti-carbon, anti-farming, anti-fishing,
anti-forestry, anti-mining, anti-industry policy will produce a
for all Australians. Do not give them control.
Learn how to use the preferential voting system. Do not tick the party box – number every square, however you like but -
Please Spread this Message Far and Wide.


The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for an end to the massive subsidies to the green car industry and to rich buyers of green car toys.
The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that to waste taxpayer funds helping foreign car manufacturers to produce cars that consumers don’t want is bad policy.
“Worse still is a policy that encourages people to trash a roadworthy car and buy a trendy new one they do not need.”

Study claims conventional ag limits greenhouse gas

Yahoo Finance- David Mercer, 2 August 2010

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) -- Advances in conventional agriculture have dramatically slowed the flow of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, in part by allowing farmers to grow more food to meet world demand without plowing up vast tracts of land, a study by three Stanford University researchers has found.

The study, which has been embraced by many agricultural groups but criticized by some environmentalists, found that improvements in technology, plant varieties and other advances enabled farmers to grow more without a big increase in greenhouse gas releases. Much of the credit goes to eliminating the need to plow more land to plant additional crops.


Going forward, not backwards


29 July 2010


Speech by Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers, to the NZ Shareholders Association annual general meeting, Novotel Hotel Greenlane, Auckland.
It is my very warm pleasure to be here today to address the New Zealand Shareholders Association. 
I hope I’m returning the favour to your Chairman, Bruce Sheppard, who kindly spoke at my National Conference last month in the home of the Ranfurly Shield, Invercargill.  I wish him and your incoming Chairman all the very best.  The Association does a great job on behalf of all shareholders.
Since I don’t wish to be part of the ‘not growing trees for wood’ business or the ‘not farming sheep, sheep industry’, my presentation today will be in three parts. 
I’ll start by sharing with you the balance sheet of New Zealand farming.  Second, I wish to speak on the emissions trading scheme to dispel a few myths before focusing on some ideas, I feel, may help our struggling capital markets. 

Muddle in the middle

by Barry Brill

December 21, 2009

Scenarios are not science 

Pity the politician in 2010. Climate change policies pose an unknown, but potentially strong, temptation to cross party lines. A bit like abortion brought out single-issue voters a few decades ago. 

Some political leaders have a messianic urge to save the planet; others have an ideological aversion to intrusive state controls. A few (perhaps) have studied the science in depth, and all have glanced regularly at fickle opinion surveys. But most are stuck with the muddle in the middle, anxious to do whatever will deliver the best outcomes for the country and their constituents. 

A Carbon “Price” means a Carbon “Tax”.

Carbon Sense 29 July 2010


The Carbon Sense Coalition today called for an end to deceptive advertising regarding Global Warming Policies.
The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that those calling for a “Price on Carbon” should speak the truth and call it a “Tax on the Production of Carbon Dioxide”.
“Similarly the CPRS (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) had nothing to do with pollution but everything to do with imposing taxes and rationing on economic activity.”
Forbes explained:
“The new green mantra chants: “We need a price on carbon”.

Senate Democrats abandon comprehensive climate bill

By Perry Bacon Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Conceding they can't find enough votes for the measure, Senate Democrats on Thursday abandoned efforts to put together a comprehensive energy bill that would seek to limit greenhouse gas emissions, delivering a potentially fatal blow to a proposal Democrats have long touted and President Obama campaigned on.


The Rising Costs of Driving

AA Directions Magazine-  Story by Peter King

It's said the only certain things in life are death and taxes. Looking at the increasing motoring costs scheduled by Government this year, perhaps one more thing should be added - complexity. For although the increases in taxes might be predictable, the reasons for the increases are becoming more and more difficult to understand.

Globalists Race To Enforce Criminal Carbon Tax

Infowars- Paul Joseph Watson - 6 August 2010

$100 Billion A Year Levy Is About Bankrolling Global Government And Lining The Pockets Of Con Artist Oil Men Soros, Strong and Gore, Has Nothing To Do With Saving The Environment

Despite the failure of last year’s Copenhagen climate summit, the United Nations is pushing ahead for a global carbon tax that will bankroll the expansion of world government as globalists attempt to make Americans pay for the evisceration of their own sovereinty and future prosperity.


BREAKING: Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster (PJM Exclusive)

Pajamas Media- by Christopher Horner 18 May 2010

Pajamas Media has received a leaked internal assessment produced by Spain’s Zapatero administration. The assessment confirms the key charges previously made by non-governmental Spanish experts in a damning report exposing the catastrophic economic failure of Spain’s “green economy” initiatives.

On eight separate occasions, President Barack Obama has referred to the “green economy” policies enacted by Spain as being the model for what he envisioned for America.



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