climaterealists's blog

UN climate panel ordered to make changes

The Sydney Morning Herald

31 August 2010

An international review panel has called on the UN global climate change body to carry out fundamental reforms after embarrassing errors in a landmark report dented its credibility.

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was caught in an international storm after it admitted its landmark 2007 report exaggerated the speed at which Himalayas glaciers were melting.

The review panel said the IPCC has been "successful overall" but called for leadership changes, stricter guidelines on source material and a check on conflicts of interest.


The five-month probe ordered by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the IPCC should have a stronger scientific basis for making its predictions and recommended an overhaul of the position of IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri.


Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

Christopher Booker  28 Mar 2010

If one thing more than any other is used to justify proposals that the world must spend tens of trillions of dollars on combating global warming, it is the belief that we face a disastrous rise in sea levels. The Antarctic and Greenland ice caps will melt, we are told, warming oceans will expand, and the result will be catastrophe.

Although the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) only predicts a sea level rise of 59cm (17 inches) by 2100, Al Gore in his Oscar-winning film An Inconvenient Truth went much further, talking of 20 feet, and showing computer graphics of cities such as Shanghai and San Francisco half under water. We all know the graphic showing central London in similar plight. As for tiny island nations such as the Maldives and Tuvalu, as Prince Charles likes to tell us and the Archbishop of Canterbury was again parroting last week, they are due to vanish.


Who is Dairy NZ working for really?

Robin Grieve,  Pastural Farming Climate Research

25 August 2010

Landcare Research scientist joins Dairy NZ scientist in being unable to clarify their confused and contradictory positions.

Scientists from both organisations maintain that methane from a steady source does not result in an increase in the atmospheric concentration of methane.

David Whitehead of Landcare Research likened it to a bath tub filled with water (or methane). When the inflow matches the outflow the water level remains the same.  The only way the level in the bath can increase is if you increase the inflow without increasing the outflow. So methane in the atmosphere can only increase if you increase animal production.

Science Media Centre

Letter to the Editor.
  What year is it? 2010. No it must be 1984 and H.G.Wells must be laughing in his grave since NZ has recently established The Ministry of MisInformation!! How many people realise that in these times of economic hardship (while cutting funds to home help, infant education and education classes etc.) the Government has established "The Science Media Centre" to handle all media enquiries in matters concerning Science at a cost running into millions. This centre is to be the first call for all radio, television and written articles concerning Science so that the 'correct  information' is given out to the public.
It would be good news except that the 'correct information' is the 'party line' as set by the Government. 

UK media highlight IPCC’s lack of solid science in climate reports

2 September 2010         

Terry Dunleavy, Hon Secretary, NZ Climate Science Coalition

The report of the Inter-Academy Council (IAC) raises serious questions as to whether the IPCC model of ‘doing science’ has a worthwhile future. And it has almost certainly curtailed the future of the Panel’s chairman, Mr Rajendra Pachauri, according to the chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, Hon Barry Brill.
“Amidst growing doubts that government organisations can be relied upon to put the public interest ahead of their own political agendas, the IAC demands more transparency and fewer conflicts of interest” said Mr Brill.
“It is no surprise that, in New Zealand, the Government-funded Science Media Centre has rushed out a press release diverting attention from the profound criticisms in the report,” said Mr Brill.

New paper makes a hockey sticky wicket of Mann et al 98/99/08

 From 'Watts up with that'- an excellent site.

Sticky Wicket – phrase, meaning: “A difficult situation”.


To John Key from Ken M 4 July 2010

Dear Mr Key,
                       I am a farmer on the East Cape and am growing increasingly concerned about your stance over the Emissions Trading Scheme. Every farmer I talk to at the weekly sale is vehemently against it and are talking of never supporting National again and voting Act as the only practical way of showing there disapproval. This may not concern you at the moment but after 9 years of continuing frustration with Clarkes socialist government the voting public does in fact have a functioning memory and they are not in the mood to tolerate governments who think they know best.
    Nick Smith must think we are stupid if he thinks we would plant pine trees on our farms so that we could claim carbon  credits which would have to be largely repaid on the harvest of the forest.In other words he is expecting us rely on dubious returns from forestry to survive and keep paying our mortgage and increasing farm costs.

To Jonathan Coleman from Alan N and back again- 17 August 2010


Unfortunately National decided to push ahead with its ill conceived adoption of an ETS regime.

If it is still in place by the next election my vote, both party and individual, will be going to ACT. I will also do my best to encourage as many voters away from National as possible.

I had hopes that National would have proved to be a party of thinkers capable of making the types of decisions that would see New Zealand move forward economically.

Sadly they have done nothing since taking office to confirm my hopes. One tax reduction taken away by

ACC levies
GST increases

Hopefully John Key can be persuaded that he does not need to sell us down the drain over the Foreshore and Seabed to gain Maori Party support. I very much fear I am about to be disappointed yet again.

Roll on election year.


NIWA and the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

Bryan Leyland
22 August 2010

The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition has asked the High Court to rule on the validity of NIWA's "Seven Station" New Zealand Temperature Record (NZTR) that features prominently on its website and is used in information it passes on to schools and is also used to support the emission trading scheme, resource consent applications for wind farms and many other key aspects of policies designed to “fight climate change”. If this action succeeds, NIWA will be obliged to withdraw the Seven Station series and all the advice that they had given based on it. They will also be required to produce a new NZTR, which is both transparent and independently peer reviewed.


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