Science Media Centre

Letter to the Editor.
  What year is it? 2010. No it must be 1984 and H.G.Wells must be laughing in his grave since NZ has recently established The Ministry of MisInformation!! How many people realise that in these times of economic hardship (while cutting funds to home help, infant education and education classes etc.) the Government has established "The Science Media Centre" to handle all media enquiries in matters concerning Science at a cost running into millions. This centre is to be the first call for all radio, television and written articles concerning Science so that the 'correct  information' is given out to the public.
It would be good news except that the 'correct information' is the 'party line' as set by the Government. 
Be aware 'Big Brother' is feeding to you only the information it wants you to hear! On TV7 last Wednesday the spokesman (Peter Griffin) for the Science Media Centre was introduced as an 'expert' in Science matters and proceeded to give a very unbalanced report on Climate Change.
He made snide remarks regarding the recent appeal to the High Court by the NZ Climate Science Coalition regarding manipulation of temperature data by NIWA.
What grounds does he have to adopt the moral 'high ground' in matters about which it was apparent he has little knowledge (he has no formal qualifications in science as stated on SMC's own web-page) but has only a qualification in Communication.
Then we find that the SMC relies on information supplied by the NZ Royal Society which has several employees of NIWA on its committee and all becomes clear. Politics is far more important than good Science and we don't want the public asking Doc Nick Smith awkward questions, do we?
Simon B
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