climaterealists's blog

Heat Turned Up On Global Warming

Muriel Newman's site is well worth a visit.

The New Zealand Centre for Political Research is an independent public policy Think Tank that promotes freedom, liberty and limited government through research, publications and open public debate. It was established by former MP Dr Muriel Newman in 2005. The NZCPR neither seeks nor accepts government funding, relying instead on voluntary contributions from supporters who share the view that sound market-orientated public policies are vital to building a successful and prosperous society.

Free weekly newsletters are available- a sample of which is below:

23 August 2010

When a new supermarket in Mt Roskill recently advertised for new staff over 2,700 people applied for the 150 positions. This desperate situation is being replicated up and down the country. It is symptomatic of an economy in trouble.

To Nick Smith from Kevyn M 9 March 2010

 Dear Dr Smith,
Since my letter of 25 Jan much has been revealed in respect of the false claims, shoddy science corruption of data, and outright deceptions contained in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
Professor Phil Jones, the lead UK scientist for IPCC has resigned and admitted:
“There has been no global warming since 1995.”
            “Warming periods have happened before - but NOT due to man-made changes.”
Let me list a very brief summary of just a few of the failings of the IPCC report.

To John Key from John S 13 June 2010- and response from Nick Smith

To read the letter from John S to Prime Minister John Key click here.

To read Nick Smith's response click here.


ETS puts NZ in a very lonely place

After the June 22 anti-ETS protest at Parliament, the North King Country Farmer of July 13th 2010 ran an article about the Climate Realists Network.

Click here to view


Lawrence Solomon: Wikipedia’s climate doctor

How Wikipedia’s green doctor rewrote 5,428 climate articles

By Lawrence Solomon


 he Climategate Emails describe how a small band of climatologists cooked the books to make the last century seem dangerously warm.

The emails also describe how the band plotted to rewrite history as well as science, particularly by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period, a 400 year period that began around 1000 AD.

The Climategate Emails reveal something else, too: the enlistment of the most widely read source of information in the world — Wikipedia — in the wholesale rewriting of this history.

The Medieval Warm Period, which followed the meanness and cold of the Dark Ages, was a great time in human history — it allowed humans around the world to bask in a glorious warmth that vastly improved agriculture, increased life spans and otherwise bettered the human condition.


Science Media Centre

Letter to the Editor.
    What year is it? 2010. No it must be 1984 and H.G.Wells must be laughing in his grave since NZ has recently established The Ministry of MisInformation!!

Carbon Profit Grows on Trees as Kiwi Farmers Ditch Sheep

By Stuart Biggs - Aug 19, 2010

New Zealand’s sheep farmers are flocking to a government carbon trading program that pays more to plant trees than sell wool and mutton.

The system, begun in 2008 and the only one of its kind outside Europe, awards farmers credits that are sold to offset greenhouse gas emissions. The project may earn them about NZ$600 a hectare ($172 per acre) a year on land unprofitable for grazing animals, said David Evison, a senior lecturer at the University of Canterbury’s New Zealand School of Forestry.

Forests planted for carbon credits may increase to 30,000 hectares a year compared with 3,500 hectares in 2009, the government estimates. The system is a welcome alternative for sheep farmers who’ve struggled for decades from a combination of slumping wool prices, drought and competition for land from the dairy and lumber industries, says Neil Walker, a forester in the Taranaki region of New Zealand’s North Island.

Niwa's data accuracy challenged

The Press 15 August 2010

The country's state-owned weather and atmospheric research body is being taken to court in a challenge over the accuracy of its data used to calculate global warming.

The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition said it had lodged papers with the High Court asking the court to invalidate the official temperatures record of the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa).

The lobby of climate sceptics and ACT Party have long criticised Niwa over its temperature data, which Niwa says is mainstream science and not controversial, and the raw data publicly available.

UK Businesses Face Wave Of Green Taxes

The Global Warming Policy Foundation- CCNet 12 August 2010

Companies that fail to register their energy use by next month will be hit with fines that could reach £45,000 under the little-known rules. Those that do participate in the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) initiative by declaring their energy use will face charges for every ton of greenhouse gas they produce. These payments are expected to average £38,000 a year for medium-sized firms, and could reach £100,000 for larger organisations. --James Kirkup, Harry Wallop and Louise Gray, The Daily Telegraph, 11 August 2010


The trouble is that climate policies and green taxes once considered trendy, have turned into major liabilities for many governments – so much so that climate schemes in Europe, the US and Australia have been dumped in response to a public backlash. Surveys suggest that more than 70 percent of British voters are not willing to pay higher taxes to fund climate change initiatives. Consequently, green taxes will inevitably raise the level of public anger and scepticism. --Benny Peiser, Troy Media, 12 August 2010

To Nick Smith from Helena T 11 August 2010

Dear Sir,

 We understand that ruminants emit methane,which causes global warming 
and so must pay , but what about all the  CO2 sequestering grass we 
pastoral farmers grow to feed our stock? Why don't we get Carbon credits 
paid or compensated for like foresters?



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