UK Businesses Face Wave Of Green Taxes

The Global Warming Policy Foundation- CCNet 12 August 2010

Companies that fail to register their energy use by next month will be hit with fines that could reach £45,000 under the little-known rules. Those that do participate in the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) initiative by declaring their energy use will face charges for every ton of greenhouse gas they produce. These payments are expected to average £38,000 a year for medium-sized firms, and could reach £100,000 for larger organisations. --James Kirkup, Harry Wallop and Louise Gray, The Daily Telegraph, 11 August 2010


The trouble is that climate policies and green taxes once considered trendy, have turned into major liabilities for many governments – so much so that climate schemes in Europe, the US and Australia have been dumped in response to a public backlash. Surveys suggest that more than 70 percent of British voters are not willing to pay higher taxes to fund climate change initiatives. Consequently, green taxes will inevitably raise the level of public anger and scepticism. --Benny Peiser, Troy Media, 12 August 2010

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