climaterealists's blog

Do you fancy re-election? 98% of NZers do not want the ETS.

"Last week's G8 and G20 meetings in Toronto and its environs confirmed that the world's leaders accept the demise of global-warming alarmism.

One year ago, the G8 talked tough about cutting global temperatures by two degrees. In Toronto, they neutered that tough talk, replacing it with a nebulous commitment to do their best on climate change.

Not trying to outdo each other, the global-warming commitments of the G20, which now carries more clout than the G8, went from nebulous to

Climate Depot Editorial

Laugh Riot: 190-year climate 'tipping point' issued -- Despite fact that UN began 10-Year 'Climate Tipping Point' in 1989!  

Climate Depot Factsheet on Inconvenient History of Global Warming 'Tipping Points' -- Hours, Days, Months, Years, Millennium -- Earth 'Serially Doomed'

Tuesday, June 29, 2010  By Marc Morano  –  Climate Depot


Once again, the world is being warned of a climate “tipping point.” The latest bout of stern warnings comes from a survey of 14 climate "experts."
Get ready, we only have 190 years! Scientists 'expect climate tipping point' by 2200 - UK Independent - June 28, 2010 - Excerpt: "13 of the 14 experts said that the probability of reaching a tipping point (by 2200) was greater than 50 per cent, and 10 said that the chances were 75 per cent or more."
Such silliness. It's difficult to keep up whether it is hours, days, months or 1000 years. Here are few recent examples of others predicting climate "tipping points" of various durations.

NZCPR- Muriel Newman

Newsletter from Friday 18 June 2010

You are receiving this message because you are one of the thousands of people who signed the New Zealand Centre for Political Research petition requesting that the Prime Minister suspend National’s emissions trading scheme (ETS). You can read the letter that we sent him here>>>.
If the Prime Minister goes ahead with the next stage of the ETS on July 1st, when the transport, energy and industrial sectors are all scheduled to enter the scheme, the 5 percent increase in the price of power and 4 cents a litre rise in petrol and diesel prices will impact on the whole economy. This will force New Zealanders to pay more for food, heating, and all other goods and services. In addition, interest rates and the kiwi dollar will be driven up making it much more difficult for householders and exporters alike. To add insult to injury, National’s October 1st GST increase will be applied to ETS-inflated prices!

The Dairy Exporter Climate Change Great Farming Guide : Not worth the Paper it is Written On

Jock Allison  July 2010

The recent “Climate Change Great Farming Guide” included with the June issue of the Dairy Exporter is disappointing for a number of reasons.

Firstly the foreword by Dr Rick Pridmore states “It sets out the agreed science, which was discussed at Copenhagen in December 2009, and also discusses what the science indicates for New Zealand so you (the farmer) can consider the potential implications for your region and your farming operation”. With regard to climate change there is no such thing as “agreed science”.
There is considerable scientific debate as to the magnitude of the warming, and clearly urban heat island (UHI, or intensive population centre effects) effects from records within increasingly urban areas skew the data. Numerous peer-reviewed papers show observed longer term warming is 30 to 50% from UHI and land use change effects unrelated to actual temperature see ...

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic   by Gerald Warner   8 July 2010

Move along now, please… Nothing to see here…” was the predictable burden of Sir Muir Russell’s investigation into Climategate. Are we surprised? Any other conclusion would have made world headlines as a first for the climate change establishment. This is the third Climategate whitewash job and it would be tempting to see it as just as futile as its predecessors. That, however, would be to underrate its value to the sceptic cause, which is considerable.

This is because Russell’s “Not Guilty” verdict has been seized upon as an excuse to reinstate Phil Jones at the University of East Anglia CRU, this time as Director of Research. That is very good news. It spells out to the world that the climate clique looks after its own; that there is no more a culture of accountability and job forfeiture for controversial conduct in AGW circles than there is in parliamentary ones; that it is business as usual for Phil and his merry men. Or, to put it more bluntly, the brand remains toxic.


NZ Lose As Aussie Confirms No ETS Before 2012

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand

Press Release: Thursday, July 8 2010

Why Was Cap-and-Trade Ever Promoted?

By Alan Caruba  |  July 7, 2010


Cap-and-Trade is a Nation-Killer
There are many reasons why the Cap-and-Trade Act will harm the future of the nation, but among the worst is that it is entirely based on a lie. The very worst, however, is that it is a nation killer.
Cap-and-Trade is intended to set up a trade scheme in “carbon credits” that is estimated to be worth a trillion dollars if enacted. The rationale is the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), to avoid global warming.
There is no global warming and no need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The vast bulk of CO2 is natural. The Earth, via ocean warming and solar radiation, produces 97% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is 386 parts per million. The atmosphere is essentially and overwhelmingly water vapor. CO2 plays no role in climate change.

Nick Smith grilled over ETS

by Tony Orman  30 June 2010

New Zealand's coal exports to China were labelled 'hypocritical' by audience members at a public meeting on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)in Blenheim last night.
Climate Change Minister Nick Smith addressed the meeting - part of the Government's road show on the scheme - and was adamant that the scheme was New Zealand's best option.
"The sooner we start an ETS, the easier the transition will be," Mr Smith said. "Also it will protect our clean, green image and market access."
Afforestation would be encouraged and grow while New Zealand would honour its Kyoto commitment, he said. New Zealand could not promote itself as clean and green when its carbon emissions had gone up 25 per cent since 1990.
However, in question time, farmers, foresters and others questioned the integrity of the Kyoto Protocol and the theory of global warming. One speaker termed New Zealand coal exports for China to burn in thousands of coal fired stations as as "blatant hypocrisy".
"Yes New Zealand does export coal to China but Kyoto penalises the country that burns it but not the country that exports," replied Mr Smith.


A selection of James Delingpole

How come we now have to go to the Chinese for the truth about global warming?

Another day, another climate fraud whitewash – this time from a Dutch government inquiry, conducted by something called the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. (Hat tip: Sheumais)

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has found no errors that would undermine the main conclusions in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on possible future regional impacts of climate change. However, in some instances the foundations for the summary statements should have been made more transparent. The PBL believes that the IPCC should invest more in quality control in order to prevent mistakes and shortcomings, to the extent possible.

Let's just pause for a moment to consider what's at stake here. According to the IPCC's projections – not even predictions, mark you, just projections based on deeply unreliable, garbage-in-garbage-out computer models – the world is on course for a period of catastrophic, unprecedented, man-made global warming which can only be prevented by drastically cutting carbon emissions and destroying the global economy. This will cost us all at least $45 trillion and prolong the recession indefinitely. And an official Dutch investigation now finds that this is all fair and proper and right, even though none of these "projections" is remotely grounded in empirical observation, though the link between the trace gas CO2 and catastrophic global warming remains no more than theoretical, and though the Climategate emails revealed that those scientists most close to the heart of the IPCC process are at best unreliable and incompetent, at worst corrupt, fraudulent and more interested in political activism than in honest science.

ETS, more harm than good for NZ export trade

 Pastural Farming Climate Research-  newsletter by Robin Grieve

John Armstrong, NZ Herald political commentator, takes on the role of National Party spokesperson by justifying the Government’s implementation of the ETS

It firmly believes something had to be done to safeguard the country’s export trade - or New Zealand would otherwise face mounting consumer resistance to goods transported from afar.

Farmers - amazingly - have seemed to be blinkered to this danger to their livelihoods. They have poured scorn on what Smith calls a “soft” ETS when they should actually have been supporting it. They won’t get a better deal.

The bottom line is that whatever farmers think about the veracity of climate change is irrelevant. It is what the consumers of New Zealand’s export products believe that matters. They have choices. They call the shots. Yet, yesterday, Federated Farmers was calling for next year’s review of the scheme to be brought forward.

It seems the penny is taking an awfully long time to drop in that neck of the woods.

Points to note here.

John is saying that the facts of climate change are irrelevant and he is right to a point. I have long predicted that climate change will ultimately have nothing to do with it. The arguments for global warming may be weak and getting weaker but the argument for managing consumer resistance is strong. Meat and dairy products have to compete with other food products. Global warming is a weapon the producers of other food products use against it. As long as there is the remotest possibility that global warming could be happening and that agriculture is contributing to it, managing consumer resistance will be a strong argument.  John is saying the best way to manage that is for farmers to pay something to protect themselves from the perceptions painted by the global warmists, because even if global warming may not be real, perceptions are always real.


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