climaterealists's blog

Carbon Pollution - Health Warnings Needed Soon?

by Viv Forbes

4 May 2011

We're told we need a carbon tax to combat dangerous carbon pollution.

The public therefore surely needs health warnings on products contaminated by this dangerous "pollutant"?

The bubbles from beer, champagne and soda water are carbon dioxide which contains 27% carbon. If carbon pollution is as bad as we are told, maybe there should be a law banning consumption of such polluting drinks in enclosed areas or public places?

Cane sugar contains a dangerously high 40% carbon, barbeque steak contains 53% carbon and fats and oils contain over 70% carbon. These products should display health warnings:

"This product contains carbon, a declared dangerous pollutant. Use of this product will cause floods and droughts, frosts and heatwaves. Exercise caution when using."

Dr David Evans' address in Perth,

An interesting article which addresses a few of the issues that most have problems with.  About time someone pointed out that the believers in global warming in the media, have some responsibility to explain it a bit more.

Dr David Evans’ address in Perth, 23 March 2011.


Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

The debate about global warming has reached ridiculous proportions and is full of micro thin half-truths and misunderstandings.

I am a scientist who was on the carbon gravy train, I understand the evidence, I was once an alarmist, but I am now a sceptic.

Watching this issue unfold has been amusing but, lately, worrying.

This issue is tearing society apart, making fools and liars out of our politicians.

Let’s set a few things straight.


The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess which was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s. But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now cheat and lie outrageously to maintain the fiction about carbon dioxide being a dangerous pollutant.


Let’s be perfectly clear. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and other things being equal, the more carbon dioxide in the air, the warmer the planet. Every bit of carbon dioxide that we emit warms the planet. But the issue is not whether carbon dioxide warms the planet, but how much.

Most scientists, on both sides, also agree on how much a given increase in the level of carbon dioxide raises the planet’s temperature, if just the extra carbon dioxide is considered. These calculations come from laboratory experiments; the basic physics have been well known for a century.

Water vapour caused one-third of global warming in 1990s, study reveals 

Experts say their research does not undermine the scientific consensus on man-made climate change, but call for 'closer examination' of the way computer models consider water vapour  by David Adam  29 January 2011


Scientists have underestimated the role that water vapour plays in determining global temperature changes, according to a new study that could fuel further attacks on the science of climate change.

The research, led by one of the world's top climate scientists, suggests that almost one-third of the global warming recorded during the 1990s was due to an increase in water vapour in the high atmosphere, not human emissions of greenhouse gases. A subsequent decline in water vapour after 2000 could explain a recent slowdown in global temperature rise, the scientists add.

The experts say their research does not undermine the scientific consensus that emissions of greenhouse gases from human activity drive global warming, but they call for "closer examination" of the way climate computer models consider water vapour.


Wilson Tuckey on Eco-unreason

Wilson Tuckey represented the West Australian seat of O’Connor for the Liberal Party in the House of Representatives from 1980 to 2010.
Here he lays it on the line about the unreason surrounding "ecological" protection and bureaucratic obstructionism, that worsens disaster impacts and their cost in human lives. Someone needed to say all this, and someone needed to have the guts to publish it. Well done, Quadrant Magazine.
- Phil H

Towards a Sane Policy on Natural Disasters

By Wilson Tuckey

The Australian continent is not Camelot. Extreme variations in climatic events are part of its very existence. They are not a product of recent times. They have been recorded since European occupation and in indigenous folklore. Events like cyclones and flooding usually give enough notice of their arrival to allow communities and government leaders to take preventive action to reduce the consequent damage.
Yet those governments and communities continue to ignore the lessons of history. In fact, they frequently defy them, as we have seen in Victoria and Queensland and Western Australia in recent months. This article attempts to show why, with the exception of the Lockyer Valley flood, every recent Australian “disaster” was predictable and preventable at well below the financial cost of the subsequent restructuring.

Livestock emissions continue to track downwards

Pastural farming Climate Research- by Robin Grieve 

27 April 2011 

Livestock emissions continue to track downwards, according to the just released New Zealand’s greenhouse gas inventory update for 2009.  I loathe giving these CO2equivalents any credibility as a unit by using them but that is how methane and nitrous oxide are reported in the NZ Inventory.

Methane produced from livestock when quantified in CO2equivalents was 32810.5Gg (Gg =1000 tonnes) down from 32866.9Gg in 2008.This has been attributed to less nitrogen fertiliser being used and a drop in agricultural output.

Climate models go cold

Financial Post: by David Evans

8 April 2011 

The debate about global warming has reached ridiculous proportions and is full of micro-thin half-truths and misunderstandings. I am a scientist who was on the carbon gravy train, understands the evidence, was once an alarmist, but am now a sceptic. Watching this issue unfold has been amusing but, lately, worrying. This issue is tearing society apart, making fools out of our politicians.
Let's set a few things straight. The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s. But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.

What's Next - A Tax on Water?

Carbon Sense Coalition- 26 April 2011

The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed there is more justification for a tax on the emissions of steam from a kettle on the stove than a tax on the emissions of carbon dioxide from the gas stove beneath the kettle.


The Chairman of "Carbon Sense", Mr Viv Forbes, said that neither steam nor carbon dioxide is a harmful pollutant, both are essential to life, both are emitted by burning hydrocarbon fuels and both have some effects on weather and climate.


"We expect the government media claque and research mercenaries to parrot the prevailing political propaganda, but surely it's time for the independent media to start promoting accurate language and real science in the global warming debate.


It's time to "speak truth to power".

Climate non-issue in a cold,spring election

Financial Post:  by Terence Corcoran  21 April 2011

Science a shambles, politicians mostly dodge global warming scare

Health care, coalitions, corporate taxes. Where’s the looming climate disaster, the threat of the centuries, the end of life as we know it, the meltdown of all meltdowns? It is nowhere in this Canadian election, a non-issue — and for good reason.

That good reason is not the fact that the election is taking place during a cold spring — although if it were a hot spring it’s almost certain somebody would be waving the climate flag and calling for action.

Climate issues and carbon controls are non-issues because the science is a shambles and voters do not see global warming as an imminent threat to their welfare or even the welfare of next generations. They want jobs, they want good government, they want health care policy that will make them healthy rather than schemes that get politicians re-elected.

As for climate change, it is hard to get worked up when faced with a steady drip, drip of scientific evidence that undermines the claims of the official UN climate machine. Rising sea levels? Not happening. Millions of refugees fleeing afflicted areas? Not happening. Rising temperatures? Hard to nail down and incite alarm over when local conditions seem cooler rather than hotter.

The list of such reversals and backtracks is getting longer, as are the noses of assorted climate modellers and scientists who have been spreading climate alarm for decades.


The Climate Refugee Hoax      13 April 2011

Junk Science: Five years ago, the U.N. predicted that by 2010 some 50 million people would be fleeing climate change, rising seas, mega-hurricanes and so on. Instead, no islands have sunk and their populations are booming.

It's been said that when you make a prediction and provide a date, never give a number, and if you give a number, never provide a date. That way you can always claim to be right, even when you are wrong, and that it just hasn't happened yet.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) made that mistake in 2005 when it produced a map showing areas to be impacted by the effects of climate change. These areas would produce 50 million "climate refugees" driven out by rising sea levels, increased frequency and ferocity of hurricanes, disruptions in food production, etc.

As related by blogger Gavin Atkins, who unearthed the forgotten prophecy of doom, some of these areas have conducted censuses and if they are facing any problems at all, it's caused by their rapid and sustained population growth. If anybody is leaving any of the danger zones, it's because they are getting too crowded.


Voters not happy to pay price for carbon tax

* Christopher Pearson
* From: The Australian

8 April 2011 

TUESDAY's Newspoll gave Labor its lowest two-party preferred vote since
April 2003, when Kim Beazley declared himself a leadership contender when
Simon Crean was in the doldrums.
That result was in sharp contrast to the Newspoll a fortnight earlier, which
had given Labor a two-party lead of two points for the first time in months,
and the Newspoll a month before which had shown Labor at record lows on a
number of measures.
This raised in some observers' minds the question of whether one or more of
those results had been an outlier or rogue poll, beyond the usual margin of
sampling error. Could it be that the early spring in Tony Abbott's step and
also, perhaps, the glint of vindication in Julia Gillard's eye might both
have been unwarranted?


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