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Recent cooler temperatures were predictable

Press Release from the NZ Climate Science Coalition

10 March 2011

It is likely that 2011 will be the coolest year globally since 1956 or even earlier, according to the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. Global temperatures in February just past continued to fall in a manner consistent with the findings of a peer reviewed paper by John McLean, Professor Chris de Freitas and Professor Bob Carter that was published in 2009.

The paper showed that the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), a measure of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions, is a very good indicator of average global atmospheric temperatures seven months ahead, except when sporadic volcanoes caused short-term cooling.

The great “carbon pollution” lie

Andrew Bolt  8 March 2011

10 reasons why NZ should not have an ETS

In Australia, Paul Sheehan ( has listed 15 reasons to oppose a carbon tax. 10 of those are readily adapted to the NZ ETS: 

1. There is no mandate for a world-leading ETS. It was expressly singled out by Key during the last election as a no-go, which helped elect his government.

2. The ETS will have almost zero effect on global carbon dioxide emissions.

3. It is a tax on everything, as higher energy costs flow through the economy.

The UN 'disappears' 50 million Climate Refugees, then botches the cover-up

   Oh boy, government idiocy at its finest. Not only is the original claim bogus, the attempts to disappear it are hilariously inept. Apparently, they’ve never heard of Google Cache at the UN. Rather than simply saying “we were wrong,” they’ve now brought even more distrust onto the UN.

Back on April 11th, Gavin Atkins of Asian Correspondent asked this simple question: What happened to the climate refugees?

It is a valid question, and he backs it up with census numbers. Here’s the first part of his story.


UK : Global Warming Hysteria Is Over

No wonder Brian Fallow is beating the warmist drum - NZ is the last hope of his banker bosses.......Ken

Global Warming Hysteria Is Over

This is asinine

NZ is an underdeveloped country, whose population is destined to grow significantly... why isn't NZ treated like other 'developing' countries ??
NZ has a greater proportion of  renewable energy that any other nation - already.
NZ government and UN formulas for NZ's carbon budget do not take into account the vast carbon
sequestration of NZ's National Parks and DOC estates (a larger % of the nation than in any other country)

A Cool Look at Global Warming

This is a good presentation and evaluates climate change and carbon

 A Cool Look at Global Warming- powerpoint by Philip R Wood

(Presentataion to the Chatswood Rotary Club)

Click here to download.

Why the NZ Government is talking up mining

1. The National Government regards mining as a vital contributor towards making New Zealand as wealthy as Australia.
2. The United Nations has just added 1.6 million square kilometres (six times NZ’s land area) to our exclusive economic zone.
3. NZ’s marine territories extend almost to Tonga and are the fourth largest in the world.
4. Many of NZ’s rich marine deposits lie on the sea floor and require no great excavation.
5. The World Bank ranks New Zealand as second only to Saudi Arabia in natural mineral wealth per capita. Australia is 16th.

New study affirms climate change is natural 

It's nice when people validate your work. Fred Singer and I-co-authors of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years-are currently basking in the glow of a new paper that affirms the earth's long, moderate, natural climate cycle. The study is by Dr. U.R. Rao, former chair of India's Space Research Organization. He says solar variations and cosmic rays account for 40 percent of the world's recent global warming.

Dr. Rao says the data between 1960 and 2005 show lots fewer cosmic rays hitting the earth, due to a periodic expansion of the sun's magnetic field. The bigger solar magnetic field blocked many of the cosmic rays that would otherwise have hit earth. Fewer cosmic rays hitting the earth meant fewer water droplets shattering in our atmosphere, and thus fewer of the low, wet clouds that deflect solar heat back into space. So the earth warmed.

Fred and I tried to tell the world in 2007 that the moderate 1500-year Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle was the cause of the warming since 1850, based on historic and paleoclimatic evidence. The cosmic ray linkage was put forth in 2008 by Henrik Svensmark of Denmark. The UN's panel on climate change dismissed that whole approach, claiming the variations in the sun's irradiance were far too small to account for the rapid warming from 1976-98.


Can't sell global warming? Call it clean energy 

By Dennis Avery

President Obama didn't mention carbon constraints in his State of the Union message. Such carbon constraints would force the nation to give up most of the energy that currently keeps us warm and productive. Instead, the President proposed a new "clean energy" program-which would force the nation to give up most of the energy that currently keeps us warm and productive. A study by the Beacon Hill Institute in Boston estimates the President's "clean energy" proposal might well cost the economy $4 trillion over 20 years, and force huge numbers of U.S. jobs overseas.

Mr. Obama's "new" proposal is obviously being offered as Plan B, since his cap-and-trade proposal failed in the Congress. He obviously hopes to lure some befuddled House Republican votes to pass it. The President is not "moving to the middle." Instead he is playing bait-and-switch. Either cap-and-trade or "clean energy" would cause chaos in the American economy. Remember his desperate efforts to pass Obama-care, complete with the payoffs to key Senators?  He is rigidly persistent!



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