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Global warming? Complete Rubbish

by Michael Cox

Waikato Times

Those who witter on (to chatter or babble on pointlessly or at unnecessary length) about emissions of green-house gasses, usually come from the left side of the political spectrum. They make me mad.

Daily more scientific information shows that gases produced by us, humans and animals, are so infinitesimal in the scale of things, that to penalise ourselves is like cutting off our noses to spite our faces.

For goodness sake, we are all environmentalists, it is just that some people underpin their environmentalism with political and romantic idealism.

Over the next few weeks of the election campaign many earnest souls will berate us for ruining our world; frankly it is based on absolute unadulterated rubbish. Unfortunately we're mentally trapped into agreements made decades ago by tired politicians at eco conferences in places like Brazil.


Wind Power must give way to Gas

By Matt Ridley

Here's an article I wrote for this week's Spectator about UK energy policy. Wind must give way to gas before it ruins us all, and our landscapes.

Which would you rather have in the view from your house? A thing about the size of a domestic garage, or eight towers twice the height of Nelson’s column with blades noisily thrumming the air. The energy they can produce over ten years is similar: eight wind turbines of 2.5-megawatts (working at roughly 25% capacity) roughly equal the output of an average Pennsylvania shale gas well (converted to electricity at 50% efficiency) in its first ten years.


Green Energy Costing Consumers Billions and Returning Nothing

by Tony Elliott

Wind farms and solar power plants are costing consumers billions each year, while producing even less electricity "if that is at all possible". Power companies who supply us with electricity are constantly raising rates, primarily because wind and solar generated electricity costs so much more than power from coal. Americans from coast to coast are faced with outrageous electricity bills each month, because of the high costs and government taxes associated with green energy endeavors. Yet with all the extra costs, we are getting nothing in return.

NZ Election 2011- Party Climate Change Policies

The National Party's introduction of an Emissions Trading Scheme aroused the ire of a considerable number of New Zealanders who know that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fallacy.

Many people who have loyally supported the National Party for years have declared their intention of never voting for National again.


EU Carbon Trading Rocked By Mass Killings

The reported killing of 23 Honduran farmers in a dispute with the owners of UN-accredited palm oil plantations in Honduras is forcing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) executive board to reconsider its stakeholder consultation processes.

In Brussels, the reported killings have triggered European policymakers into action, with Green MEP Bas Eickhout calling the alleged human rights abuses "a disgrace".

The Dutch member of the European Parliament told EurActiv he would be pushing the European Commission to bar carbon credits from the plantations from being used under the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Several members of the CDM board have been "personally distressed" by the events in Bajo Aguán, northern Honduras, according to the board's chairman, Martin Hession, who said they had "caused us great difficulties."


NZ paying price for going it alone on ETS

NZ Climate Science Coalition media release, 15 September 2011

“New Zealand’s carbon market is paying the price for relying on the world’s sole national  emissions trading scheme (ETS),” said Hon Barry Brill, chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. “All of the world’s sub-prime carbon credits are flooding in, and the value of carbon dioxide has already slumped to $13 per tonne.


ETS: Just Scrap It – ACT

ACT New Zealand Parliamentary Leader John Boscawen today called on the Government to drop the pretence and scrap the Emissions Trading Scheme altogether after the ETS Review Panel report recommended delaying the introduction of the energy, transport, industrial and agricultural sectors into the scheme.

Everything you've heard about fossil fuels may be wrong

The future of energy is not what you think it is

Are we living at the beginning of the Age of Fossil Fuels, not its final decades? The very thought goes against everything that politicians and the educated public have been taught to believe in the past generation. According to the conventional wisdom, the U.S. and other industrial nations must undertake a rapid and expensive transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy for three reasons: The imminent depletion of fossil fuels, national security and the danger of global warming.

What if the conventional wisdom about the energy future of America and the world has been completely wrong?



No doubt you've seen 'Investigate's' response to the 'Listener' article on James Hansen's visit... and 'rising sea levels'.  
The Listener is the magazine that, on its front cover in September 2007,  stated:   'YOUR NEXT VEHICLE - SERIOUSLY' - with  a picture of a rickshaw.     This covered an article by Dennis Welch and Matt Nippert saying:  'The global oil crisis will hit home in just five years.  How will NZ cope?'.    Welch and Nippert should know better.  But for the 'Listener' to swallow this sort of stuff and then sensationalize it hits the rock bottom of responsible journalism.  Just as its beat up about rising sea levels does.  
Those of us who live by the sea (in our case 20 metres 'by') are very conscious of seal levels.   In the 20 years we've  been here the sea level has not risen by any measurable amount.    

Celebrity carbon ad spreads more lies

Cate Blanchett's ad about the proposed carbon tax is misleading, argues Andrew Bolt. Source: Herald Sun

IF THE science on global warming is so good, why are we told such lies?

That is the true disgrace of those behind the ad that features Cate Blanchett telling us to "say yes" to the Gillard Government's carbon dioxide tax.

It's not that it stars a multi-millionaire actor blithely instructing the little people to pay a tax that she wouldn't even feel herself.

It's not that it stars a hypocrite telling us to cut our emissions while she herself jets off to Cannes, New York and LA, and helps to flog luxury Audi cars.

No, it's the lies that should shame Blanchett and the ad's other star, Michael Caton, of Packed to the Rafters, who are not responsible for them, but speak the lines put in their mouths.


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