Global warming? Complete Rubbish

by Michael Cox

Waikato Times

Those who witter on (to chatter or babble on pointlessly or at unnecessary length) about emissions of green-house gasses, usually come from the left side of the political spectrum. They make me mad.

Daily more scientific information shows that gases produced by us, humans and animals, are so infinitesimal in the scale of things, that to penalise ourselves is like cutting off our noses to spite our faces.

For goodness sake, we are all environmentalists, it is just that some people underpin their environmentalism with political and romantic idealism.

Over the next few weeks of the election campaign many earnest souls will berate us for ruining our world; frankly it is based on absolute unadulterated rubbish. Unfortunately we're mentally trapped into agreements made decades ago by tired politicians at eco conferences in places like Brazil.

These were then set into concrete by people like former US vice President Al Gore with his movie An Inconvenient Truth. Recently he has called those sceptical of his ideas similar to Holocaust deniers and low-lifers; nice, he must be panicking.

In a place like the Waikato, where scientists abound in greater than normal numbers, you'll always find one holding forth in favour of "saving the planet" and wanting even greater punishments for those polluting the Earth. Mind you, the biggest polluters of the Earth are those who are constantly increasing our population; but that is a debate for another day.

One listens to these qualified professional people who have brought their well-trained minds to bear on this complex subject and take their comments seriously; that was until the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) dropped the ball.

In 1990, they gathered about 2500 climatologists, meteorologists, environmentalists and political activists who collectively produced several voluminous publications on climate change. Very few of these so called experts had any relevant scientific qualifications. Indeed, one of the key writers was an expert on the effectiveness of cycle helmets. Another author was an environmentalist activist whose expertise was in the effects of mercury poisoning from land mines; another on the health effects of cell phones, all worthy causes but not a lot of expertise on climate warming. With all these pseudo experts at hand the IPCC wrote a Summary for Policymakers.

This was submitted as some sort of Holy Grail. It was thankfully grabbed by governments, many whom were struggling with these new concepts of so called "world threatening events". This "summary" categorically stated that "climate change is likely to have wide ranging and mostly adverse effects on human life with significant loss of life". Boy, did that put the frighteners up the politicians' jumpers! Later these writers were emboldened to state, "the balance of evidence suggests that there is discernible human influence on global climate".

The media went into a frenzy and governments came under huge pressure to "do something about this terrible consequence of our own greedy actions". To cut a long story short it was found that the main editor of these IPCC Summaries introduced many of his own extremely biased views into the texts. Eventually it became clear that the IPCC, which so many governments relied upon, was clearly underpinned by fraud and an unscientific political organisation in which environmental activists like Al Gore were setting the agenda.

This agenda resulted in the encouragement of protectionism and the adding of costs to those risking their capital.

Today's rational authors make it absolutely clear that the Sun, Earth, ice and air are the main contributors to changes in our climate. The earth is dynamic and is always evolving; climate has always changed. In fact, the biggest driver on our climate is the receipt of land redistribution of solar energy, without which there would be no life on Earth.

This glaringly obvious fact has been brushed aside and the argument somehow replaced the power of the Sun with the trace gas CO2.

The gas is in the atmosphere and exists in tiny amounts [0.001%], with the remainder of it embedded in the oceans, rocks, soil and living beings.

Professor Ian Plimer is a well-known Australian geologist and is also Emeritus Professor of Earth Science at the University of Melbourne.

I have referenced his book entitled Heaven and Earth for some of my research for this article. I recommend it to you.

I will let him have the final word:

"If we humans, in a fit of ego, think we can change normal planetary processes that control our climate, then we need stronger medication."

Michael Cox OBE is a former Waipa district councillor and former MP for Manawatu.

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