Climate non-issue in a cold,spring election

Financial Post:  by Terence Corcoran  21 April 2011

Science a shambles, politicians mostly dodge global warming scare

Health care, coalitions, corporate taxes. Where’s the looming climate disaster, the threat of the centuries, the end of life as we know it, the meltdown of all meltdowns? It is nowhere in this Canadian election, a non-issue — and for good reason.

That good reason is not the fact that the election is taking place during a cold spring — although if it were a hot spring it’s almost certain somebody would be waving the climate flag and calling for action.

Climate issues and carbon controls are non-issues because the science is a shambles and voters do not see global warming as an imminent threat to their welfare or even the welfare of next generations. They want jobs, they want good government, they want health care policy that will make them healthy rather than schemes that get politicians re-elected.

As for climate change, it is hard to get worked up when faced with a steady drip, drip of scientific evidence that undermines the claims of the official UN climate machine. Rising sea levels? Not happening. Millions of refugees fleeing afflicted areas? Not happening. Rising temperatures? Hard to nail down and incite alarm over when local conditions seem cooler rather than hotter.

The list of such reversals and backtracks is getting longer, as are the noses of assorted climate modellers and scientists who have been spreading climate alarm for decades.

A new book from Washington’s Cato Institute documents the rise of global warming alarmism from the United Nations and its spread throughout the world. Climate Coup: Global Warming’s Invasion of Our Government and Our Lives portrays the climate change movement as an adjunct of the great statist New Deal progressive era and the rise of the “executive state.” The legal entrenchment of interventionist government as a higher purpose than individual rights forms the foundation for the imposition of massive government climate change initiatives.

Aimed at American readers, Climate Coup argues that the result is a government controlled by “unelected, largely unaccountable bureaucratic experts making decisions.” Similar powers are being extended to bureaucrats in Canada. One chapter in the book by Guelph University’s Ross McKitrick describes his experience with the UN science establishment that spread the global warming gospel.

As the Wall Street Journal editorialized: “The more pertinent question is whether the climateers have ever taken the public’s intelligence seriously.” Maybe the lack of focus on climate during this election is political realization that it would be wise not to insult the intelligence of Canadians too much before they go to the polls. 

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