Members' Contributions

ETS could be funny comedy theatre play if it wasn’t so serious!

The Prime Minister has now finally acknowledged that households will bear more than their fair share of increased energy costs when the next phase of the Emissions Trading Scheme takes effect on Thursday this week.

Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock said it makes no sense to impose additional costs on every household at a time when so many are still struggling to recover from the recession.

“By now stating the ETS imposes a 'disproportionate burden' on every family in NZ the PM is finally admitting that the ETS is in fact taxing household budgets heavily so he can make a pretence of addressing climate change on the world stage.



Key has faith in IPCC

John Ansell- 29 June 2010

A prime minister needs to be a jack of all trades. So it’s not really fair to expect him to be master of many.

But we do expect him to be a good judge of which masters to place his faith in.

On global warming, as you can read here, our prime minister places his total faith in the much-maligned IPCC.

With his idiotic climate tax due to start hitting you in the pocket the day after tomorrow, read this and weep. 

4 FEBRUARY, 2010


I’ve never had so many questions for a prime minister before.

NZ ETS: Huge Expense For No Gain

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand

Speech to Hamilton Grey Power, Celebrating Age Centre, 30 Victoria Street, Hamilton, Monday, June 28 2010

Academic and SFF put views on Meat Industry future

Bruce Wills suggests that Federated Farmers were treated to strikingly divergent views as idealism faced hard commercial reality.  Silver Fern Farms Chief Executive, Keith Cooper put up a differing vision for the industry's future to that proposed by Lincoln University's, Professor Caroline Saunders.

On one hand, Professor Saunders implored farmers to get with the clean-green programme and embrace premium markets.  She also pushed the need to embrace sustainability in order to retain market access, saying NZ needed to trumpet its Emissions Trading Scheme  to market just how good we were at low carbon farming. 

But Keith Cooper  put forward some hard commercial realities to us, stating that the buyers had‘never heard of ETS' and didn't really care.  These buyers will not pay a premium for carbon neutral food. They'll welcome it as a tick-box item but won't pay more for our meat protein and that's the rub for farmers. 

Spreading The Word

Spreading The Word

Speech by Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers, to the 54th annual conference of the New Zealand Groundspread Fertilisers Association, 28 June 2010 in Invercargill

I am delighted to be with you here today in Southland and my home town of Invercargill.

I’d like to acknowledge your President, Peter Callander, executive members and distinguished guests.

Agriculture has been a force behind Southland’s economic renaissance.

With a certain log of wood in hand and a booming economy, you get the feeling Southland could almost become the Farmers Republic of Southland.

The FR.S for short.

Climate Change- a belief system

Following up some clues and doing a bit of research on one Mike Hulme, I have uncovered the reality of what we are actually up against in this 'Climate Change' 'dispute'. It is actually a truly Machiavellian attempt at changing the entire way we view ourselves, but forced on us by a new elite who have in mind only the grasping of power, by whatever means are needed to do so. This explains why arguments about the science have proved so ineffective in slowing the power-thrust of this movement, why they pursue their policies with such disregard to any scientists who disagree with their social agendas and why, despite the revelations of corruption with the Climategate disclosures the whole juggernaut seems to keep on without the slightest slowdown.

Have a read of this article and see if it does not change how you see this entire process!

Protesters Right - NZ Has The World's Most Comprehensive ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release 
Tuesday, June 22 2010.

ETS Protest Heads To Parliament

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Media Advisory
Tuesday, June 22 2010.

Letter to the Editor from Neville W 18 June 2010


Why the Emissions scheme is not justified!
 From a farmer’s perspective
Dear Sir
I must put the farming community’s perspective forward in reply to Chester Borrows article in the “South Taranaki Star” Thursday 17 June.
The present Government doesn’t value farming to the extent when one compares new money going into Cycle ways, Rugby World Cup, Ring roads around Auckland and Tourism, The investments in farming is peanuts. Chester speaks of massive amounts of money going into research technology but zilch into agriculture. I hear of research into clover production/ manipulation that will not be commercially available to farming until 2020. That is far too far into the future. I have heard speakers from Ag-research talking of the various strategies of reducing farming emissions. To date none have been viable and the outlook looks like there are no alternatives; watch this space!
Trade responsibility is spoken of as the reason why we are going to have an ETS; but Chester, if you want us to believe this, you had better come up with some meaningful long term contracts to provide indisputable evidence that this is the case. In other words put your money where your mouth is!
All farmers want from the Government is the animal emissions removed from the offending legislation. Horses and the horse racing industry are not included in animal emissions, or is this because there are many politicians involved in the racing industry?

Farmers Flock to Oppose ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release
Thursday, June 17 2010.


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