Members' Contributions

John Boscawen- ETS newsletter

16 June 2010

To those who have recently subscribed to my ETS Campaign newsletter - Welcome!

I have just completed another series of Public Meetings around New Zealand, and this brings the number of meetings I have held to 37. That is 37 groups of New Zealanders from Whangarei to Invercargill, from all walks of life, united in their opposition to this punishing new tax. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Every day myself and my staff receive numerous phone calls and emails of support for ACT's campaign.  Public Meetings are very successful in raising awareness of the ETS and concerns have been heightened by the recent announcements of price increases by Mercury Energy and Contact Energy.

In less than one month, the Government is going to usher in the most comprehensive emissions trading scheme in the world. We’re going to expose our famers and exporters to costs that none of our major trading partners incur. We’re going to lead the world on climate change, we will lead the world with our Emissions Trading Scheme, despite the fact that the National Party promised that we wouldn’t be world leaders, but fast followers.

Appropriations (2010/11) Estimates Bill

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Speech to Parliament as part of Budget Debate, Tuesday, June 15 2010.


Key Points

Letter to Waikato Times from Ben W 15 June 2010

Prince Charles' opinions of science and the environment (WT 15/06/10) demonstrate clearly why high profile people such as himself need to stick to their roles and stay out of matters which they know little about.
It seems that sixty odd years of having a silver spoon in his mouth have left him so far out of touch with reality that his comments are little more than comical. Were it not for Galileo and pioneering scientists like him, we would all still be living in caves.

Letter to the Timaru Herald from Malcolm R 15 June 2010

The Editor,
  At last .  The proof I have been looking for over all those months has been found . Gluckman has been lying to government , and our politicians have been sucked into the vast conspiracy which has already produced many fortune hunters who  have made  billions of dollars.  Did our prime minister know  ?  Was Nick Smith trading carbon credits . This scandalous affair will become more apparent over the next few weeks as the media begin to realise the enormity of their silence .
Ben  Santer , a climate researcher and lead I.P.C.C. author of chapter  8  of the 1995 I.P.C.C.  working group  1  report , admitted on Jesse  Ventura's Conspiracy Theory national TV  show that he  had  deleted sections of the I.P.C.C.  chapter which stated that humans  were not responsible  for  climate  change .Accusing  Santer of altering opinions in the I.P.C.C.  report that disagreed with the man-made  thesis behind climate change ,  Lord  Monckton told the program , "

Letter to Dominion Post from Graham G

 I have voted National for over 50 years, not for the benefit I could get out of voting that way, but because their policies were the best for small business at the time, and small business is the backbone of this country. Labour was always unuion orintated which appealed to the people who were have always considered what is in it for me, not the country. This ETS scheme is worse than the best of Nordmiers black budget. On October I would have been about 0.83c. per week better off now I will be $5/10.00 a week worse off. under this senario how can National policy be better for the country.

Graham G

International aviation fuel 100% purely exempt from ETS

Federated Farmers Media Release  8 June 2010

As the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) from 1 July, looks set to strip at least $1.527 billion from taxpayers, those Kiwis emigrating from New Zealand will be spared the ETS’ cost on the fuel their plane consumes.

“International aviation fuel into and from New Zealand is totally exempt from New Zealand’s ETS and that goes right back to the Kyoto Protocol itself,” says Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.
“Given international avgas is 100% purely exempt from the ETS, it’s farcical to suggest ‘reputation risk’ and a ‘trade backlash’ if we don’t embrace an all-encompassing ETS. 

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Gluckman

Barry Brill's Open Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
Prime Minister’s Chief Science Adviser

Dear Sir Peter

In your address at NIWA on 22 April, you worried that controversies in the field of climate change may be changing the way the public perceives science and scientists.

You were critical of those in the profession who “do not get beyond their biases, or are careless or fraudulent”, and identified the solution as greater transparency – “the scientific enterprise is built on publication, repetition, peer review and the inherent scepticism and questioning of scientists.”

Few could disagree. It is the absence of these normal building-blocks of science that has tended to bring climate science into disrepute.

Open Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman

Open Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, Prime Minister’s Chief Science Adviser

Dear Professor Gluckman

I have been reading your letter to Dr. Doug Edmeades commenting on his presentation regarding climate science and I wonder whether you would be prepared to read my comments on your comments.

I should begin by introducing myself.

I would claim a distinguished and eventful scientific career.

I was a Major scholar at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, the holder of a First Class Honours Degree in Chemistry, an MA, and a PhD in Chemistry, all rather long ago.

TV3 on atoll facts

Ahhhh, even TV3 is starting to cover "the facts".......

TV3 News, Auckland --  04 Jun 2010 10:32a.m.  -- Ray Lilley  --  Some South Pacific coral atolls have held their own or even grown in size over the past 60 years despite rising sea levels, research has shown.


Some scientists worry that many of the tiny, low-lying islands throughout the South Pacific will eventually disappear under rising sea levels.
But two researchers who measured 27 islands where local sea levels have risen 120mm - an average of 2mm a year - over the past 60 years, found just four had diminished in size.
The reason: Coral islands respond to changes in weather patterns and climate, with coral debris eroded from encircling reefs pushed up onto the islands' coasts by winds and waves.
Professor Paul Kench of Auckland University's environment school and coastal process expert Arthur Webb of the Fiji-based South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission, used historical aerial photographs and high-resolution satellite images to study changes in the land area of the islands.
While four had gotten smaller, the other 23 had either stayed the same or grown bigger, according to the research published in the scientific journal Global and Planetary Change.

From Mike J to Nick Smith 3 June 2010

The following is a reply to a letter from Nick Smith. To read this letter, click here.


Dr. Smith
Thank you for your letter of 3rd inst. in response to my calls to delay the ETS.
Your second paragraph cites statistics indicated a warming earth and a warming New Zealand.  The accuracy of measurements and the storage of raw data have been called into question by a large number of climate scientists. The obvious manipulation of raw temperature data in New Zealand by NIWA is well documented and is the reason why they are now reconstructing the temperature record for New Zealand.  So, I would contend that the assertion that the earth and New Zealand are warming is debateable.  That said, there is no consensus among scientists that the 0.03 percent of the atmosphere which is anthropogenic CO2 has any significant affect on the greenhouse effect. The science is in its infancy and much more research is needed into other climatic influences such as Pacific Decadal Oscillations, El Nino & La Nina patterns, sunspot activity, cloud cover and aerosol impacts, negative feedbacks and much more. 


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