Protesters Right - NZ Has The World's Most Comprehensive ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release 
Tuesday, June 22 2010.

The Minister for Climate Change Issues Hon Dr Nick Smith today affirmed that when New Zealand extends it ETS on July 1 this year to cover transport, industrial and energy emissions, it will be the most comprehensive ETS in the world, ACT Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

Dr Smith originally made that claim during the first reading of the Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Bill on September 24 last year, when he said 'this emissions trading scheme will be the first of any country outside Europe, and on July 1 2010 will be the most comprehensive by including transport, industrial, and energy emissions.'

"During question time today I asked Dr Smith if he stood by his statement from September 24 2009, and what it was about the New Zealand scheme that made it more comprehensive than the EU scheme that applies in respect of the 29 countries that Dr Smith is so fond of quoting," Mr Boscawen said.

"Dr Smith referred to transport.  The EU scheme doesn't include transport, albeit a few countries in Europe do have separate carbon taxes on transport.

"By including transport in the way that it does, our ETS is FAR more comprehensive than the EU ETS.  It does as Dr Smith said on September 24 - makes our ETS the most comprehensive in the world.

"Our ETS also includes gases such as methane that the EU ETS does not.  This is a major contributor to the massive increases in coal prices that Solid Energy is currently advising its customers will come into effect from July 1.

"The protesters who marched to Parliament today in opposition to the ETS have every reason to be concerned about New Zealand taking this world leading position," Mr Boscawen said.


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