Farmers Flock to Oppose ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Press Release
Thursday, June 17 2010.


Agriculture Minister David Carter today implied that farmers aren’t that upset about the ETS, which shows just how out of touch with reality the National Government really is, ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

"The reality is farmers are enraged that the Government is insisting on pushing ahead with the scheme, with hundreds of farmers signing a petition against the ETS in one day alone.  It is to be presented to Parliament next Tuesday," Mr Boscawen said.

"So, contrary to Mr Carter’s claims, the sheer number of farmers flocking to sign the petition shows they are very upset indeed.  In fact, when I was at Fieldays yesterday, I was besieged by farmers voicing their concerns about the ETS.

"In his speech at Fieldays yesterday Mr Key acknowledged that farmers were upset and stated that he doesn’t ‘think that New Zealand should be doing more than the rest of the world.’  If he really believes this, why is the National Government still insisting on forcing costs onto New Zealand farmers that no other farmers in the world will face?

"I invite Prime Minister John Key and Mr Carter to come back to the Fieldays and join us at the ACT stand to hear what farmers really think about the ETS," Mr Boscawen said.

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