Members' Contributions

NZClimate Truth Newsletter No 249- Vincent Gray

JULY 8th 2010


The "Independent" enquiry into the Climategate Enmails has now been published. There is a link to the report at

Pessimists ...............


This is not directly in response to Climate Change – but could apply equally as well
Alan Nicholson
Friday, 02 July 2010 08:57 Matt Ridley
When I was a student, in the 1970s, the world was coming to an end. The adults told me so. They said the population explosion was unstoppable, mass famine was imminent, a cancer epidemic caused by chemicals in the environment was beginning, the Sahara desert was advancing by a mile a year, the ice age was retuning, oil was running out, air pollution was choking us and nuclear winter would finish us off. There did not seem to be much point in planning for the future. I remember a fantasy I had - that I would make my way to the Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland, and live off the land so I could survive these holocausts at least till the cancer got me.

To the Dominion Post editor from Neil Harrap

Dear Editor,

If the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is such a great idea then why is National giving Maori interests $25 million in credits to vote it into law?


Neil Harrap

New Zealand’s Emissions trading gamble

CIS Digest 9 July 2010

by Luke Malpass

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has indicated her desire for Australia to price carbon by 2012. Lucky for her she now has a policy guinea pig, as New Zealand enacted an emissions trading scheme on 1 July.

Not that New Zealand needed to stress too much – accounting for only 0.2% of total global emissions. Even New Zealand’s Environment Minister Nick Smith conceded that an ETS would do nothing at all to help combat climate change, but he argued that it was necessary to enhance the country’s clean, green reputation.  Was this really a good enough reason certain economic pain for little environmental gain?

Nick Smith Tells Voters to Go Elsewhere on ETS

- special report by Tony Orman
        Nick Smith has told Marlborough people to not vote National in next year's election, if they are opposed to the National-led government's Emissions Trading Scheme.
        After an address he was answering questions from the gathering of 150 when he made the statement three or four times. It probably did not dawn on the Climate Change Minister that Colin King, the National MP for Kaikoura,  which takes in Marlborough was there chairing the meeting.
        The meeting was one of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) road show meetings.
        Smith told the audience if any voters are opposed to the Emissions Trading Scheme, then don't vote National  next year."
        Several from the audience challenged the lack of democracy in government charging ahead with the ETS.  

Study destroys Nick Smith's spurious claims

Pastural Farming Climate Research newsletter- Robin Grieve

 I don’t want to pick on John Armstrong but the flaws in his argument keep getting bigger and bigger.

In justifying National’s ETS he said

It firmly believes something had to be done to safeguard the country’s export trade - or New Zealand would otherwise face mounting consumer resistance to goods transported from afar.

Farmers - amazingly - have seemed to be blinkered to this danger to their livelihoods.

Do you fancy re-election? 98% of NZers do not want the ETS.

"Last week's G8 and G20 meetings in Toronto and its environs confirmed that the world's leaders accept the demise of global-warming alarmism.

One year ago, the G8 talked tough about cutting global temperatures by two degrees. In Toronto, they neutered that tough talk, replacing it with a nebulous commitment to do their best on climate change.

Not trying to outdo each other, the global-warming commitments of the G20, which now carries more clout than the G8, went from nebulous to

Climate Depot Editorial

Laugh Riot: 190-year climate 'tipping point' issued -- Despite fact that UN began 10-Year 'Climate Tipping Point' in 1989!  

Climate Depot Factsheet on Inconvenient History of Global Warming 'Tipping Points' -- Hours, Days, Months, Years, Millennium -- Earth 'Serially Doomed'

Tuesday, June 29, 2010  By Marc Morano  –  Climate Depot


Once again, the world is being warned of a climate “tipping point.” The latest bout of stern warnings comes from a survey of 14 climate "experts."
Get ready, we only have 190 years! Scientists 'expect climate tipping point' by 2200 - UK Independent - June 28, 2010 - Excerpt: "13 of the 14 experts said that the probability of reaching a tipping point (by 2200) was greater than 50 per cent, and 10 said that the chances were 75 per cent or more."
Such silliness. It's difficult to keep up whether it is hours, days, months or 1000 years. Here are few recent examples of others predicting climate "tipping points" of various durations.

NZCPR- Muriel Newman

Newsletter from Friday 18 June 2010

You are receiving this message because you are one of the thousands of people who signed the New Zealand Centre for Political Research petition requesting that the Prime Minister suspend National’s emissions trading scheme (ETS). You can read the letter that we sent him here>>>.
If the Prime Minister goes ahead with the next stage of the ETS on July 1st, when the transport, energy and industrial sectors are all scheduled to enter the scheme, the 5 percent increase in the price of power and 4 cents a litre rise in petrol and diesel prices will impact on the whole economy. This will force New Zealanders to pay more for food, heating, and all other goods and services. In addition, interest rates and the kiwi dollar will be driven up making it much more difficult for householders and exporters alike. To add insult to injury, National’s October 1st GST increase will be applied to ETS-inflated prices!

The Dairy Exporter Climate Change Great Farming Guide : Not worth the Paper it is Written On

Jock Allison  July 2010

The recent “Climate Change Great Farming Guide” included with the June issue of the Dairy Exporter is disappointing for a number of reasons.

Firstly the foreword by Dr Rick Pridmore states “It sets out the agreed science, which was discussed at Copenhagen in December 2009, and also discusses what the science indicates for New Zealand so you (the farmer) can consider the potential implications for your region and your farming operation”. With regard to climate change there is no such thing as “agreed science”.
There is considerable scientific debate as to the magnitude of the warming, and clearly urban heat island (UHI, or intensive population centre effects) effects from records within increasingly urban areas skew the data. Numerous peer-reviewed papers show observed longer term warming is 30 to 50% from UHI and land use change effects unrelated to actual temperature see ...


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