Members' Contributions

Letter to the Editor from John C

My Dear Editor
The letters about 'global warming' (Rodney Times 9/11!) from  Claire Porter ('Slanted') and Dr James Renwick ('Climate Change') are  typical of those who are convinced that a barely measurable amount of human-produced CO2 is going have a profound effect on the climate.  I don't think it has or will.  If that makes me a sceptic - so be it.  I call myself a realist.
In the case of the first letter we are warned not to listen to someone like Dr Edmeades -  lest we get 'corrupted' I guess.  As the Editor notes,  Dr Edmeades is described by a judge as a scientist of 'great experience and leader in his field'.   Therein lies a communication problem.   Ardent AGW  'believers' only want to hear from people who support their view,  and either conduct ad hominem pokes at those who don't or write them off as 'sceptics' - or both!    Claire Porter is obviously a conservationist.   So am I.   But I don't have the same hang up about 'corporates' that seems to afflict some people.  A lot of corporates do a lot of good.   Some keep NZ ticking over.     We need to open up our minds a bit and not be 'slanted'.   Free speech and freedom of association is allowed in NZ.  Alternative or opposing views are good for the debate.   Just think what might have happened if a few folk had opposed Hitler!

NZ Climate Truth newsletter no 257- The End Justifies the Means

by Dr Vincent Gray

If you believe passionately in any cause, there is an increasing tendency to argue that the cause is so important that laws can be disregarded, that fraud and fabrication of evidence are jusrified, and that human rights do not matter

There are many examples.
If you believe that that terrorism must be defeated, then torture, murder of civilians with drone aircraft, the fabrication of evidence about weapons of mass destruction and the indefinite imprisonment of suspects are all necessary.
If you believe that whaling must be stopped, then it is justified to board foreign ships, snd spray the sailors with an unpleasnt substance
If you believe that our Government should not be involved with Afghanistan then it is OK to destroy Government property.
If you believe abortion is wrong, you can kill any doctor involved.
If you think genetic engineering is wrong then you can attack and uproot scientific experiments
If you insist on blockade of the legitinmate government of Palestine then you can kill people who attempt to break it.
If you believe in THE ENVIRONMENT , protecting it is SAVING THE PLANET so all means can be used. There is a "Precautionary Principle"  where any "threat" to the environment must lead to action even if there is no supporting evidence. Better still, evidence must be fabricated .

Obama's new climate

Federated Farmers Press Release: Tuesday 9 November 2010

With the United States becoming the latest country to abandon emissions trading, Federated Farmers is asking the Government to focus on the efforts of other countries, in the terms of reference for the 2011 review of climate change policies.
"Given the Obama Administration has abandoned plans for a 'cap and trade' system akin to our Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), ours being the most severe in the world, do we really wish to be in a club of one?" asks Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.
"We've had plenty of commitments from the Government that agriculture will not be in the ETS, if our trading partners don't follow suit.  With President Obama's decision today, when will our legislation be amended to give that commitment effect?
"The thing is that there seems to be a bureaucratic reality and a trading reality.  In the bureaucratic world, our ETS 'adds immeasurable value to all exports', but in the trading world, into which our exporters sell, we're told it doesn't.
"That's not to say we don't think anything should be done. But the bureaucrats advising Government need to get over themselves.  They need face up to the reality that the world has moved on.  Reality is expressed in the number of countries following New Zealand's example.

ETS Chickens Coming Home To Roost

Act Party press release- Monday 8 November 2010

President Obama’s decision to abandon his planned Emissions Trading Scheme is further proof that New Zealand is now completely isolated from its major trading partners; the National Government’s ETS chickens are predictably coming home to roost – to the detriment of all New Zealanders, ACT Deputy Leader and Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

“National originally claimed that New Zealand would be a fast follower on climate change: we would wait to see what our major trading partners – the US, China, Japan and Australia – would do before we implemented an ETS,” Mr Boscawen said.

“But, like Helen Clark before him, Climate Change Minister Dr Nick Smith became blinded by the desire to be a world-beater; to make New Zealand the first country to implement a comprehensive ETS – no matter the cost to the nation.

“Common sense gave way to economic recklessness.  The Government discarded the responsible ‘wait and see’ approach and became hellbent on implementing the ETS on July 1 – even after Australia’s April announcement that it would delay its own ETS until 2013.

Australia & New Zealand recommit to working together on climate change

Joint press release-

Hon Greg Combet  -Minister For Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Hon Dr Nick Smith-Minister for Climate Change Issues

The Australian and New Zealand Governments have reaffirmed their commitment to working closely together on climate change.

Australia’s Minister for Climate Change Greg Combet and New Zealand’s Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith met yesterday in Sydney.

“Climate change is a hugely challenging global issue that requires international cooperation,” the Ministers said.

“We agreed that both countries benefit by sharing of knowledge and experience on the complex issue of finding least cost ways of reducing emissions.

Four Foolish Food Policies

Statement by Viv Forbes, Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition


The Carbon Sense Coalition today accused western politicians of creating a food crisis with foolish food policies.

 The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that climate alarmism and green extremism was being used to destroy farming and deny land to food production.

 “It is no surprise that the world is facing a looming shortage of food and edible oils.

 “Every market has two sides – demand and supply.

 “On the demand side, increasing population and prosperity, especially in China, Brazil and India, must boost the demand for food.

Thoughts on the ETS- Alan Nicholl

The ETS has been in force for several months now and already it has shut down several businesses, because of the increased cost of energy. Most appear to have been food producers. Many others are struggling, because of the cost increases and the effects of the recession. Consumers have less buying power, because of the increased cost of basic needs, the ETS has forced upon them. What purpose does it achieve, except to increase the profit margins of energy suppliers? There is no effect on the climate nor will there ever be. It will make no difference to climate change as any increase in CO2 does not cause a corresponding increase in temperatures, as is shown buy the current cooling trend. Over the last 10 years 20 parts per million of CO2 have been added, but the temperature is falling.

The next phase is now under way with the removal of property rights from those who own forestry, especially pre 1990. At least those who own post 1990 forestry have the choice to tie their land up in trees and saddle it with a liability far in excess of the land value. In other words the land becomes worthless and no one will ever want to buy it.

Obama's new climate

With the United States becoming the latest country to abandon emissions trading, Federated Farmers is asking the Government to focus on the efforts of other countries, in the terms of reference for the 2011 review of climate change policies.
"Given the Obama Administration has abandoned plans for a 'cap and trade' system akin to our Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), ours being the most severe in the world, do we really wish to be in a club of one?" asks Don Nicolson, Federated Farmers President.
"We've had plenty of commitments from the Government that agriculture will not be in the ETS, if our trading partners don't follow suit.  With President Obama's decision today, when will our legislation be amended to give that commitment effect?
"The thing is that there seems to be a bureaucratic reality and a trading reality.  In the bureaucratic world, our ETS 'adds immeasurable value to all exports', but in the trading world, into which our exporters sell, we're told it doesn't.

Train the Trainer- faulty logic, as discussed by Neil Henderson

Recently a series of three hour meetings entitled “Train the Trainer” was held around the country. They were funded by MAF and led by DairyNZ, with Beef and Lamb providing a senior staff member to assist with the presentation. The purpose of the meetings was to provide farm consultants and rural professionals with information on climate change issues and the ETS so they can in turn advise their clients on mitigation and adaptation options.

The presentation is based around a grossly inaccurate representation of the carbon cycle. A series of four slides shows how an initial 20 tonnes of carbon, in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, flows through plants, plant litter, animals and animal products and back to the atmosphere as 20 tonnes of carbon. The cycle stops with 19.84 tonnes carbon in carbon dioxide, and 160 kg of carbon in methane. It fails to show the last step. In that step the 160 kg of carbon in the methane reverts to 160 kg of carbon in carbon dioxide, thus giving 20 tonnes of carbon, all in carbon dioxide which is exactly what we started with. Sure, it takes time. According to a reply to a written question to Climate Change Issues Minister, Dr. Nick Smith, the half life of methane is seven years. This means that after 21 years only one eighth of the methane our livestock produce this year will be left in the atmosphere. A constant number of livestock will produce a constant quantity of methane each year, and a constant amount of methane will break down each year. The two amounts will be equal. This means there is absolutely no global warming as a result of animal emissions.

ETS Chickens Coming Home To Roost

President Obama’s decision to abandon his planned Emissions Trading Scheme is further proof that New Zealand is now completely isolated from its major trading partners; the National Government’s ETS chickens are predictably coming home to roost – to the detriment of all New Zealanders, ACT Deputy Leader and Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

“National originally claimed that New Zealand would be a fast follower on climate change: we would wait to see what our major trading partners – the US, China, Japan and Australia – would do before we implemented an ETS,” Mr Boscawen said.

“But, like Helen Clark before him, Climate Change Minister Dr Nick Smith became blinded by the desire to be a world-beater; to make New Zealand the first country to implement a comprehensive ETS – no matter the cost to the nation.


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