Letter to the Editor from John C

My Dear Editor
The letters about 'global warming' (Rodney Times 9/11!) from  Claire Porter ('Slanted') and Dr James Renwick ('Climate Change') are  typical of those who are convinced that a barely measurable amount of human-produced CO2 is going have a profound effect on the climate.  I don't think it has or will.  If that makes me a sceptic - so be it.  I call myself a realist.
In the case of the first letter we are warned not to listen to someone like Dr Edmeades -  lest we get 'corrupted' I guess.  As the Editor notes,  Dr Edmeades is described by a judge as a scientist of 'great experience and leader in his field'.   Therein lies a communication problem.   Ardent AGW  'believers' only want to hear from people who support their view,  and either conduct ad hominem pokes at those who don't or write them off as 'sceptics' - or both!    Claire Porter is obviously a conservationist.   So am I.   But I don't have the same hang up about 'corporates' that seems to afflict some people.  A lot of corporates do a lot of good.   Some keep NZ ticking over.     We need to open up our minds a bit and not be 'slanted'.   Free speech and freedom of association is allowed in NZ.  Alternative or opposing views are good for the debate.   Just think what might have happened if a few folk had opposed Hitler!
Dr Renwick's letter follows the same theme - 'I'm right you are wrong'.  Why should it be like that?  The answer may well be somewhere in between.   Dr Renwick may be right about some things ; Dr Edmeade's right about others.  Both may be utterly wrong!    Dr Renwick cherry picks a month that was hotter than normal.  I could pick a month that was cooler than normal - and so on.  That happens.  It's called climate.  It changes all the time.  It is 'chaotic'.  That's why it's hard to predict - as we often find out!
I don't believe that 30ppm  (which in lay terms is almost zero) of human-produced CO2 will cause Tuvalu to sink beneath the waves.   Well it hasn't so far.   However, it seems that the Norfolk Broads are sinking - or the sea is rising.  If that is so the sea should be rising everywhere   But it isn't.  So maybe there are local effects in Tuvalu and the Broads ... and elsewhere.  
It's possible!
Yours sincerely
(Which is the same width as it was 50 years ago!)


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