NZ Climate Truth newsletter no 257- The End Justifies the Means

by Dr Vincent Gray

If you believe passionately in any cause, there is an increasing tendency to argue that the cause is so important that laws can be disregarded, that fraud and fabrication of evidence are jusrified, and that human rights do not matter

There are many examples.
If you believe that that terrorism must be defeated, then torture, murder of civilians with drone aircraft, the fabrication of evidence about weapons of mass destruction and the indefinite imprisonment of suspects are all necessary.
If you believe that whaling must be stopped, then it is justified to board foreign ships, snd spray the sailors with an unpleasnt substance
If you believe that our Government should not be involved with Afghanistan then it is OK to destroy Government property.
If you believe abortion is wrong, you can kill any doctor involved.
If you think genetic engineering is wrong then you can attack and uproot scientific experiments
If you insist on blockade of the legitinmate government of Palestine then you can kill people who attempt to break it.
If you believe in THE ENVIRONMENT , protecting it is SAVING THE PLANET so all means can be used. There is a "Precautionary Principle"  where any "threat" to the environment must lead to action even if there is no supporting evidence. Better still, evidence must be fabricated .
The news bulletrins of the world must be scrutinised to find any item which can be claimed to "threaten" the environment and any items that do not, must be suppressed. A panel of "environmentalists" are recruited to support their beliefs on every news outlook, after making sure that nobody will be permitted to disagree.
The "resources" of the world must be shown to be "depleted" by manipulation of official statistics.
All the creatures in the world must be shown to be in "danger" of extinction. Actual numbers of recent extinctions can only be supplied by promotion of subspecies and varieties and by mass designation of "endangered species".
Every "chemical" is "toxic" and can be shown to be dangerous by manipulation of statistics. The fact that there are safe threshold levels of all chemicals, and of radiation must be suppressed.
Nuclear power must be opposed and disposal of "nuclear waste" prevented
The major effort has gone into the distortion, spin and fabrication of evidence to support the environmentalist belief that combustion of fossil fuels is damaging the climate. NZClimate Truth Newsletters have now campaigned to expose this gigantic fraud for 20 years. I have gone into detail on every aspect. Most previous isuues are available on request and my many publicstions on the subject are available on the Internet by putting "Vincent Gray Climate Fraud" into your seach engine. Currently "Google" gives more than 17,700 hits. 
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