Members' Contributions

Matthew Hooton: The ETS turns 33: comedy or farce?

11 February 2011

It’s 2041.

Dominating the bureaucracy is the National Bookkeeping Office (NBO), established when the first Key government decided Treasury’s forecasting ability was so poor and its policy advice so unnecessary it should be cut back to its only valuable function.

The choice of “bookkeeping” instead of “accounting” was one of then-finance minister Steven Joyce’s little jokes, made at the last minute around the Cabinet table.

The NBO’s largest department is the debt management division (DMD), led by that ultimate mandarin, Sara Goff, and charged with trying to pay off the billions borrowed by the first Key government in the 2010s.

ETS Widening Gap With Australia

Extracts from Hon John Boscawen's  response to Prime Minister's Statement; Parliament; Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mr Speaker,

It is a pleasure to rise on behalf of the ACT Party to respond to the Prime Minister's speech, and I take this opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate the Government on much of what it has done during its first term.

I say "much", but not all.........................


Letter to the Editor from Colin M


Dear Sir,

Please print the following letter. Thank you.


Further to my comments under the article “ Meat sector review ‘on the right track‘”,(Straight Furrow Feb 2nd ) I mentioned in my concerns to the meeting the effect the Governments Emissions Trading Scheme could have on many facets of life including the farming industry.

Professor Karoly, your flood of comments is harming real people

From: Malcolm Roberts

Date: 25 January 2011 1:25:54 PM AEST

To: David Karoly

Subject: Professor Karoly, your flood of comments is harming real people


Copied to: 

Universityof Melbourne

 Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

Their action will reveal standards to which they aspire for science and for their university.

Was 2010 the Hottest Year Ever?

by Brian Sussman     1 January 2011

According to the world’s best-known climate change mouthpiece, 2010 was the hottest year on record. 

Wrong.  It’s yet another example of a political activist with a Ph.D. donning a magician’s cape to try pull one over on the audience.

Last week NASA’s chief temperature trickster, James Hansen, issued a press release claiming, “Global surface temperatures in 2010 tied 2005 as the warmest on record.” 

Don’t mean to sound like the kid in the front row that informs the cheap magician of a playing card protruding from beneath his shirtsleeve but, “I see the ace up your sleeve, Hansen.”

Himalayan glaciers growing

In The Herald, Friday January 28th page A15 an article stated that the Himalayan glaciers were growing not retreating as the UN’s Intergovernmental panel on climate change had predicted that they would.

 The scientists, Dr Bodo Bookman and his team,  released their findings after studying 286 glaciers between Hindu Kush on the Afghan-Pakistan boarder to Bhutan, taking in six areas.

 The UN panel had predicted that all the glaciers would be gone by 2035.

Christchurch earthquake- some thoughts by Benny

Just thought you might like my thoughts re: Christchurch earthquakes...and your comments most welcome.
I believe the quakes have been deliberately created by psychopathic scientists playing with scalar electromagnetic wavelength technology…let me explain…
First of all, it wasn’t that long ago when commoners around the globe (like Benny) mentioned ‘New World Order’, the global media empire branded me a conspiracy theorist! Yet now, many politicians are using the exact same term in everyday speech…and they have been doing so since back in August 1990 when then US President George Bush (senior) condemned the Iraq invasion of Kuwait by solemnly declaring on international TV…”This invasion threatens the New World Order” …Now a New World Order is not the same as a New Country Order, so referring to a New Order that extends past the boundaries of one’s own country, surely means Global Order!

'Mass suicide now the only option left' say Cancun scientists

The Telegraph   29 November 2010   by James Delingpole

As the latest round of UN-sponsored climate talks opened in Cancun today, ’scientists’ had a stark message on the threat posed by Man Made Global Warming. It is now so severe that only by exterminating ourselves like the vile parasite we are can we hope to leave a planet fit for habitation by generations as yet unborn, ’scientists’ say.

The radical measures being proposed by ’scientists’ include:

1. Compulsory consumption of ground-up tiger’s whiskers.

2. Jonestown-style “eco parties” where kids can join in the fun by drinking poisoned Kool-Aid (or similar locally popular beverage: eg Irn Bru in Scotland; Badoit or San Pellegrino in Notting Hill, etc).

3. Natural death safaris in Africa, North America, Australia and even Antarctica where you can re-enter the ecosystem through the bowels of your killer predator of choice: Lion; Grizzly; Great White or Leopard Seal.

Motes, beams and the University of East Anglia

The Telegraph 26 November 2010, by James Delingpole

An email reaches me from the office of Sir Edward Acton, Vice Chancellor of the University of East Anglia. Apparently in my blogs I have expressed “inaccurate and vituperative views” about certain members of his hugely distinguished and globally admired seat of learning, and unless I apologise and retract he will report me to the Press Complaints Commission.

As you can imagine I am keen as mustard to soothe the wounded feelings of Sir Edward and his world-renowned staff, but not if it means retracting statements which are patently true. For example, Sir Edward takes exception to my description of Prof Phil Jones, the head of his Climatic Research Unit, as “disgraced, FOI-breaching, email-deleting, scientific-method-abusing.” Clearly poor Sir Edward has not been kept in the loop by his minions, so I’d better break the sad news about something really quite embarrassing that happened to his university last year. It was a story called Climategate and involved numerous leaked emails, many of which showed the aforementioned Prof Jones in a not-altogether flattering light.

On the anniversary of Climategate the Watermelons show their true colours

The Telegraph- November 19 2010

by James Delingpole

Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside. This is the theme of my forthcoming book on the controlling,  poisonously misanthropic and aggressively socialistic instincts of the modern environmental movement. So how very generous that two of that movement’s leading lights should have chosen the anniversary of Climategate to prove my point entirely.

The first comes courtesy of German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer who has openly admitted what some of us have been saying for some time: that “Climate Change” has nothing to do with man’s modest and thoroughly unthreatening contribution to global mean temperatures, nor even with the plight of baby polar bears so sweet you could almost hug them if you didn’t know they’d take your arm off in a trice. All it is, really, is a Marxist exercise in minority grievance-mongering and wealth redistribution on a global scale.


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